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if (submenuElement.length > 0) { var submenuOffsetWidth = submenuElement.offset().left + submenuElement.width(); if (submenuOffsetWidth > windowWidth) { if (submenuElement.parent().parent().hasClass("sf-menu")) { //main menu submenuElement.css("left", "-" + (submenuOffsetWidth - windowWidth) + "px"); } else { //submenu submenuElement.addClass("reversed").css("left", "-" + (submenuElement.width() + 0) + "px"); } } } }, /** * calculate mouse direction * @param x1 - old x position * @param y1 - old y position * @param x2 - current x position * @param y2 - current y position * @returns {number} * @private */ _getMouseAngleDirection: function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { var dx = x2 - x1, dy = y2 - y1; return Math.atan2(dx, dy) / Math.PI * 180; }, /** * set menu functionality for desktop and touch devices * @param menuLinks - submenu links (anchors) * @param mainMenu - main menu * @private */ _setHover: function(menuLinks, mainMenu) { /* TOUCH DEVICES */ if (tdDetect.isTouchDevice) { //close menu when you tap outside of it jQuery(document).on('touchstart', 'body', function(e) { var menuItems = menuLinks.parent(), pageBody = jQuery('body'); //check if a menu is open and if the target is outside the menu if (pageBody.hasClass(tdMenu._openMenuBodyClass) && !menuItems.is(e.target) && menuItems.has(e.target).length === 0) { menuItems.removeClass(tdMenu._openMenuClass); menuItems.children('ul').hide(); //remove open menu class from pageBody.removeClass(tdMenu._openMenuBodyClass); } }); //open-close the menu on touch menuLinks.on('touchstart', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var currentMenuLink = jQuery(this), currentMenu = currentMenuLink.parent(), pageBody = jQuery('body'); //menu is open if (currentMenu.hasClass(tdMenu._openMenuClass)) { //has a link, open it if (currentMenuLink.attr('href') !== null && currentMenuLink.attr('href') !== '#') { window.location.href = currentMenuLink.attr('href'); //no link - close it } else { //if it's a main menu remove the body class if (currentMenu.parent().hasClass('sf-menu') || currentMenu.parent().hasClass('top-header-menu')) { pageBody.removeClass(tdMenu._openMenuBodyClass); } currentMenu.removeClass(tdMenu._openMenuClass); //close submenus currentMenu.find('ul').hide(); currentMenu.find('li').removeClass(tdMenu._openMenuClass); } //menu is not open } else { //a sibling may be open and we have to close it if (currentMenu.parent().hasClass('sf-menu') || currentMenu.parent().hasClass('top-header-menu')) { //main menu - close all menus menuLinks.parent().removeClass(tdMenu._openMenuClass); menuLinks.parent().children('ul').hide(); } else { //submenu - close all siblings-submenus and open the current one var currentMenuSiblings = currentMenu.siblings(); currentMenuSiblings.removeClass(tdMenu._openMenuClass); //close siblings currentMenuSiblings.find('ul').hide(); currentMenuSiblings.find('li').removeClass(tdMenu._openMenuClass); } //open current currentMenu.addClass(tdMenu._openMenuClass); currentMenu.children('ul').show(); //adjust menu position tdMenu._getSubmenuPosition(currentMenu); //add body class pageBody.addClass(tdMenu._openMenuBodyClass); } } ); /* DESKTOP */ } else { var lastMenuOpen = {}, newMenuTimeout, timeoutCleared = true; mainMenu.on('mouseleave', function() { //close all menus menuLinks.parent().removeClass(tdMenu._openMenuClass); menuLinks.parent().children('ul').hide(); //reset last menu lastMenuOpen = {}; }); //apply hover only to main menu (top menu uses css) mainMenu.find('.menu-item').hover( function(){ //open the new menu element var currentMenu = jQuery(this), currentMenuSiblings = '', sensitivity = 5, //measure direction after x pixels pixelCount, oldX, oldY, mouseDirection; //menu has submenus if (currentMenu.hasClass('menu-item-has-children') || currentMenu.hasClass('td-mega-menu')) { //main menu if (currentMenu.parent().hasClass('sf-menu')) { //no menu is open - instantly open the current one if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(lastMenuOpen)) { currentMenu.addClass(tdMenu._openMenuClass); currentMenu.children('ul').show(); //set the last open menu lastMenuOpen = currentMenu; //menu is open } else { //execute only if it's a new menu if (currentMenu[0] !== lastMenuOpen[0]) { //initialize variables used for calculating mouse direction pixelCount = 0; oldX = 0; oldY = 0; mouseDirection = null; //add timeout - when you enter a new menu if (timeoutCleared === true) { timeoutCleared = false; newMenuTimeout = setTimeout(function() { //close previous menus menuLinks.parent().removeClass(tdMenu._openMenuClass); menuLinks.parent().children('ul').hide(); //open current menu currentMenu.addClass(tdMenu._openMenuClass); currentMenu.children('ul').show(); //set the last open menu lastMenuOpen = currentMenu; }, 400); } currentMenu.on('mousemove', function(e) { //reset pixeCount, calculate direction and define old x and y if (pixelCount >= sensitivity) { pixelCount = 0; mouseDirection = tdMenu._getMouseAngleDirection(oldX, oldY, e.pageX, e.pageY); oldX = e.pageX; oldY = e.pageY; } else { pixelCount++; //set the first x and y if (oldX === 0 && oldY === 0) { oldX = e.pageX; oldY = e.pageY; } } //debug mouse direction //console.log(mouseDirection); //current menu is different than the last one if (mouseDirection !== null && (mouseDirection > 85 || mouseDirection < -85)) { //close previous menus menuLinks.parent().removeClass(tdMenu._openMenuClass); menuLinks.parent().children('ul').hide(); //open current menu currentMenu.addClass(tdMenu._openMenuClass); currentMenu.children('ul').show(); //unbind mousemove event - menu is open, there's no need for it currentMenu.off('mousemove'); //clear timeout - menu is open clearTimeout(newMenuTimeout); timeoutCleared = true; //set the last open menu lastMenuOpen = currentMenu; } }); } } //submenu } else { //submenu - close all siblings-submenus currentMenuSiblings = currentMenu.siblings(); currentMenuSiblings.removeClass(tdMenu._openMenuClass); //close submenus currentMenuSiblings.find('ul').hide(); currentMenuSiblings.find('li').removeClass(tdMenu._openMenuClass); //open current menu currentMenu.addClass(tdMenu._openMenuClass); currentMenu.children('ul').show(); //adjust menu position tdMenu._getSubmenuPosition(currentMenu); } //menu item doesn't have submenu } else { //main menu if (currentMenu.parent().hasClass('sf-menu') || currentMenu.parent().hasClass('top-header-menu')) { //execute only if another menu is open if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(lastMenuOpen)) { //initialize variables used for calculating mouse direction pixelCount = 0; oldX = 0; oldY = 0; mouseDirection = null; //add timeout - when you enter a new menu if (timeoutCleared === true) { timeoutCleared = false; newMenuTimeout = setTimeout(function() { //close previous menus menuLinks.parent().removeClass(tdMenu._openMenuClass); menuLinks.parent().children('ul').hide(); lastMenuOpen = {}; }, 400); } currentMenu.on('mousemove', function(e) { //reset pixeCount, calculate direction and define old x and y if (pixelCount >= sensitivity) { pixelCount = 0; mouseDirection = tdMenu._getMouseAngleDirection(oldX, oldY, e.pageX, e.pageY); oldX = e.pageX; oldY = e.pageY; } else { pixelCount++; //set the first x and y if (oldX === 0 && oldY === 0) { oldX = e.pageX; oldY = e.pageY; } } //current menu is different than the last one if (mouseDirection !== null && (mouseDirection > 85 || mouseDirection < -85)) { //close previous menus menuLinks.parent().removeClass(tdMenu._openMenuClass); menuLinks.parent().children('ul').hide(); //unbind mousemove event - menu is open, there's no need for it currentMenu.off('mousemove'); //clear timeout - menu is open clearTimeout(newMenuTimeout); timeoutCleared = true; //set the last open menu lastMenuOpen = {}; } }); } //submenu } else { //close all siblings-submenus lastMenuOpen = currentMenu.parent(); currentMenuSiblings = currentMenu.siblings(); currentMenuSiblings.removeClass(tdMenu._openMenuClass); //close siblings submenus currentMenuSiblings.find('ul').hide(); currentMenuSiblings.find('li').removeClass(tdMenu._openMenuClass); } } }, //mouseleave function(){ var currentMenu = jQuery(this); //clear menu timeout if (timeoutCleared === false) { clearTimeout(newMenuTimeout); timeoutCleared = true; } //unbind mousemove event currentMenu.off('mousemove'); } ); } }, /** * unbind menu events */ unsetHover: function() { if (tdMenu._itemsWithSubmenu !== null) { tdMenu._itemsWithSubmenu.off(); } //unbind outside click area events if (tdMenu._outsideClickArea !== null) { tdMenu._outsideClickArea.off(); } } }; })(); //initialize menu tdMenu.init(); /* td_util.js v2.0 */ /* global jQuery:false */ /* global tdDetect:false */ /* global td`ScrollingAnimation:false */ /* jshint -W020 */ var tdUtil = {}; ( function() { "use strict"; tdUtil = { //patern to check emails email_pattern : /^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{0,}[a-zA-Z0-9]@[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{0,}[a-z0-9][\.][a-z0-9]{2,4}$/, /** * stop propagation of an event - we should check this if we can remove window.event.cancelBubble - possible * a windows mobile issue * @param event */ stopBubble: function( event ) { if ( event && event.stopPropagation ) { event.stopPropagation(); } else { window.event.cancelBubble=true; } }, /** * checks if a form input field value is a valid email address * @param val * @returns {boolean} */ isEmail: function( val ) { return tdUtil.email_pattern.test(val); }, /** * utility function, used by td_post_images.js * @param classSelector */ imageMoveClassToFigure: function ( classSelector ) { jQuery('figure .' + classSelector).each( function() { jQuery(this).parents('figure:first').addClass(classSelector); jQuery(this).removeClass(classSelector); }); }, /** * safe function to read variables passed by the theme via the js buffer. If by some kind of error the variable is missing from the global scope, this function will return false * @param variableName * @returns {*} */ getBackendVar: function ( variableName ) { if ( typeof window[variableName] === 'undefined' ) { return ''; } return window[variableName]; }, /** * is a given variable undefined? - this is the underscore method of checking this * @param obj * @returns {boolean} */ isUndefined : function ( obj ) { return obj === void 0; }, /** * scrolls to a dom element * @param domElement */ scrollToElement: function( domElement, duration ) { tdIsScrollingAnimation = true; jQuery("html, body").stop(); var dest; //calculate destination place if ( domElement.offset().top > jQuery(document).height() - jQuery(window).height() ) { dest = jQuery(document).height() - jQuery(window).height(); } else { dest = domElement.offset().top; } //go to destination jQuery("html, body").animate( { scrollTop: dest }, { duration: duration, easing:'easeInOutQuart', complete: function(){ tdIsScrollingAnimation = false; } } ); }, /** * scrolls to a dom element - the element will be close to the center of the screen * !!! compensates for long distances !!! */ scrollIntoView: function ( domElement ) { tdIsScrollingAnimation = true; if ( tdDetect.isMobileDevice === true ) { return; //do not run on any mobile device } jQuery("html, body").stop(); var destination = domElement.offset().top; destination = destination - 150; var distance = Math.abs( jQuery(window).scrollTop() - destination ); var computed_time = distance / 5; //console.log(distance + ' -> ' + computed_time + ' -> ' + (1100+computed_time)); //go to destination jQuery("html, body").animate( { scrollTop: destination }, { duration: 1100 + computed_time, easing:'easeInOutQuart', complete: function(){ tdIsScrollingAnimation = false; } } ); }, /** * scrolls to a position * @param pxFromTop - pixels from top */ scrollToPosition: function( pxFromTop, duration ) { tdIsScrollingAnimation = true; jQuery("html, body").stop(); //go to destination jQuery("html, body").animate( { scrollTop: pxFromTop }, { duration: duration, easing:'easeInOutQuart', complete: function(){ tdIsScrollingAnimation = false; } } ); }, tdMoveY: function ( elm, value ) { var translate = 'translate3d(0px,' + value + 'px, 0px)'; elm.style['-webkit-transform'] = translate; elm.style['-moz-transform'] = translate; elm.style['-ms-transform'] = translate; elm.style['-o-transform'] = translate; elm.style.transform = translate; }, isValidUrl: function ( str ) { var pattern = new RegExp('^(https?:\\/\\/)?'+ // protocol '((([a-z\\d]([a-z\\d-]*[a-z\\d])*)\\.)+[a-z]{2,}|'+ // domain name '((\\d{1,3}\\.){3}\\d{1,3}))'+ // OR ip (v4) address '(\\:\\d+)?(\\/[-a-z\\d%_.~+]*)*'+ // port and path '(\\?[;&a-z\\d%_.~+=-]*)?'+ // query string '(\\#[-a-z\\d_]*)?$','i'); // fragment locator if( !pattern.test(str) ) { return false; } else { return true; } }, round: function ( value, precision, mode ) { var m, f, isHalf, sgn; // helper variables // making sure precision is integer precision |= 0; m = Math.pow(10, precision); value *= m; // sign of the number sgn = (value > 0) | -(value < 0); isHalf = value % 1 === 0.5 * sgn; f = Math.floor(value); if (isHalf) { switch (mode) { case 'PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN': // rounds .5 toward zero value = f + (sgn < 0); break; case 'PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN': // rouds .5 towards the next even integer value = f + (f % 2 * sgn); break; case 'PHP_ROUND_HALF_ODD': // rounds .5 towards the next odd integer value = f + !(f % 2); break; default: // rounds .5 away from zero value = f + (sgn > 0); } } return (isHalf ? value : Math.round(value)) / m; } }; })(); /** * Created by ra on 6/27/14. * copyright tagDiv 2014 * V 1.1 - better iOS 8 support */ /* global jQuery:{} */ /* global tdDetect:{} */ /* global tdUtil:{} */ var tdAffix = {}; (function(){ 'use strict'; tdAffix = { // flag used to stop scrolling allow_scroll: true, //settings, obtained from ext menu_selector: '', //the affix menu (this element will get the td-affix) menu_wrap_selector: '', //the menu wrapper / placeholder tds_snap_menu: '', //the panel setting tds_snap_menu_logo: '', //the panel setting is_menu_affix_height_computed: false, // flag used to compute menu_affix_height only once, when the menu is affix is_menu_affix_height_on_mobile_computed: false, // flag used to compute menu_affix_height_on_mobile only once, when the menu is affix menu_affix_height: 0, // the menu affix height [the height when it's really affix] menu_affix_height_on_mobile: 0, // the menu affix height on mobile [the height when it's really affix] main_menu_height: 0, // main menu height top_offset: 0, //how much the menu is moved from the original position when it's affixed menu_offset: 0, //used to hide the menu on scroll is_requestAnimationFrame_running: false, //prevent multiple calls to requestAnimationFrame is_menu_affix: false, //the current state of the menu, true if the menu is affix is_top_menu: false, //true when the menu is at the top of the screen (0px topScroll) //menu offset boundaries - so we do not fire the animation event when the boundary is hit menu_offset_max_hit: false, menu_offset_min_hit: true, scroll_window_scrollTop_last: 0, //last scrollTop position, used to calculate the scroll direction /** * run the affix, we use the menu wrap selector to compute the menu position from top * { menu_selector: '.td-header-main-menu', menu_wrap_selector: '.td-header-menu-wrap', tds_snap_menu: tdUtil.getBackendVar('tds_snap_menu') } */ init : function ( atts ) { //read the settings tdAffix.menu_selector = atts.menu_selector; tdAffix.menu_wrap_selector = atts.menu_wrap_selector; tdAffix.tds_snap_menu = atts.tds_snap_menu; tdAffix.tds_snap_menu_logo = atts.tds_snap_menu_logo; tdAffix.menu_affix_height = atts.menu_affix_height; tdAffix.menu_affix_height_on_mobile = atts.menu_affix_height_on_mobile; //the snap menu is disabled from the panel if ( ! tdAffix.tds_snap_menu ) { return; } // a computation before jquery.ready is necessary for firefox, where tdEvents.scroll comes before if ( tdDetect.isFirefox ) { tdAffix.compute_wrapper(); tdAffix.compute_top(); } jQuery().ready(function() { //compute on semi dom ready tdAffix.compute_wrapper(); tdAffix.compute_top(); }); //recompute when all the page + logos are loaded jQuery( window ).load(function() { tdAffix.compute_wrapper(); tdAffix.compute_top(); //recompute after 1 sec for retarded phones setTimeout(function(){ tdAffix.compute_top(); }, 1000 ); }); }, /** * - get the real affix height. * The real affix height is computed only once, when the menu is affix. Till then, the function * return the values set at init. * * These values are important because they are used in the tdSmartSidebar.js for the * td_affix_menu_computed_height variable, which then is used to determine the sidebar position. * * For 'Newspaper', the sidebar needs a custom padding top (see @tdSmartSidebar.js), otherwise * the sidebar is sticked to the affix menu. * * * @returns {number} affix height * @private */ _get_menu_affix_height: function() { //if (tdDetect.isPhoneScreen === true) { // return tdAffix.menu_affix_height_on_mobile; //} //return tdAffix.menu_affix_height; if ( true === tdDetect.isPhoneScreen ) { if ( ! tdAffix.is_menu_affix_height_on_mobile_computed && tdAffix.is_menu_affix ) { tdAffix.is_menu_affix_height_on_mobile_computed = true; // overwrite the tdAffix.menu_affix_height_on_mobile variable with the real affix height tdAffix.menu_affix_height_on_mobile = jQuery(tdAffix.menu_selector).height(); } return tdAffix.menu_affix_height_on_mobile; } if ( ! tdAffix.is_menu_affix_height_computed && tdAffix.is_menu_affix ) { tdAffix.is_menu_affix_height_computed = true; // overwrite the tdAffix.menu_affix_height variable with the real affix height tdAffix.menu_affix_height = jQuery(tdAffix.menu_selector).height(); } return tdAffix.menu_affix_height; }, /** * called by tdEvents.js on scroll */ td_events_scroll: function( scrollTop ) { if ( ! tdAffix.allow_scroll ) { return; } //do not run if we don't have a snap menu if ( ! tdAffix.tds_snap_menu ) { return; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- scroll direction + delta (used by affix for now) to run thios code: - tdAffix.tds_snap_menu != '' (from above) - tdAffix.tds_snap_menu != 'snap' */ var scroll_direction = ''; if ( 'snap' !== tdAffix.tds_snap_menu ) { //do not run on snap if ( ( 'smart_snap_mobile' !== tdAffix.tds_snap_menu || true === tdDetect.isPhoneScreen ) ) { // different from smart_snap_mobile or tdDetect.isPhoneScreen === true var scrollDelta = 0; //check the direction if ( scrollTop !== tdAffix.scroll_window_scrollTop_last ) { //compute direction only if we have different last scroll top // compute the direction of the scroll if ( scrollTop > tdAffix.scroll_window_scrollTop_last ) { scroll_direction = 'down'; } else { scroll_direction = 'up'; } //calculate the scroll delta scrollDelta = Math.abs( scrollTop - tdAffix.scroll_window_scrollTop_last ); } tdAffix.scroll_window_scrollTop_last = scrollTop; } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // show the logo on sticky menu if ( '' !== tdAffix.tds_snap_menu && '' !== tdAffix.tds_snap_menu_logo ) { jQuery( '.td-main-menu-logo' ).addClass( 'td-logo-sticky' ); } //if the menu is in the affix state // the next check is to keep the text from the menu at the same position, when the menu comes from affix off to affix off if ( ( scrollTop > tdAffix.top_offset + ( tdAffix.main_menu_height / 2 - tdAffix._get_menu_affix_height() / 2 ) ) || // - the affix is OFF when the next condition is not accomplished, which means that the affix is ON // and the scroll to the top is LOWER than the initial tdAffix.top_offset reduced by the affix real height // - this condition makes the transition from the small affix menu to the larger menu of the page ( ( tdAffix.is_menu_affix === true ) && ( 'smart_snap_always' === tdAffix.tds_snap_menu) && scrollTop > ( tdAffix.top_offset - tdAffix._get_menu_affix_height() ) ) || tdAffix.is_top_menu === true ) { //get the menu element var td_affix_menu_element = jQuery( tdAffix.menu_selector ); //turn affix on for it tdAffix._affix_on( td_affix_menu_element ); //if the menu is only with snap or we are on smart_snap_mobile + mobile, our job here in this function is done, return if ( 'snap' === tdAffix.tds_snap_menu || ( 'smart_snap_mobile' === tdAffix.tds_snap_menu && false === tdDetect.isPhoneScreen ) ) { return; } /* --- end simple snap --- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- check scroll directions (we may also have scroll_direction = '', that's why we have to check for the specific state (up or down)) */ // boundary check - to not run the position on each scroll event if ( ( false === tdAffix.menu_offset_max_hit && 'down' === scroll_direction ) || ( false === tdAffix.menu_offset_min_hit && 'up' === scroll_direction ) ) { //request animation frame //if (tdAffix.is_requestAnimationFrame_running === false) { window.requestAnimationFrame(function(){ //console.log(tdAffix.menu_offset); //console.log(scrollDelta); var offset = 0; if ( scrollTop > 0 ) { // ios returns negative scrollTop values if ( 'down' === scroll_direction ) { //compute the offset offset = tdAffix.menu_offset - scrollDelta; // the offset is a value in the [-tdAffix.menu_affix_height, 0] and // not into the interval [-tdAffix.main_menu_height, 0] if ( offset < -tdAffix._get_menu_affix_height() ) { offset = -tdAffix._get_menu_affix_height(); } } else if ( 'up' === scroll_direction ) { //compute the offset offset = tdAffix.menu_offset + scrollDelta; if ( offset > 0 ) { offset = 0; } } } //td_debug.log_live(scroll_direction + ' | scrollTop: ' + scrollTop + ' | offset: ' + offset); //tdAffix.is_requestAnimationFrame_running = true; //console.log(offset); //move the menu tdUtil.tdMoveY( td_affix_menu_element[0], offset ); //td_affix_menu_element.css({top: (offset) + 'px'}); //legacy menu move code //check boundaries if ( 0 === offset ) { tdAffix.menu_offset_min_hit = true; } else { tdAffix.menu_offset_min_hit = false; } if ( offset === -tdAffix._get_menu_affix_height() ) { tdAffix.menu_offset_max_hit = true; //also hide the menu when it's 100% out of view on ios - the safari header is transparent and we can see the menu if ( ( true === tdDetect.isIos ) || tdDetect.isSafari ) { // safari also td_affix_menu_element.hide(); } //show the logo on smart sticky menu if ( '' !== tdAffix.tds_snap_menu_logo ) { jQuery( '.td-main-menu-logo' ).addClass( 'td-logo-sticky' ); } } else { tdAffix.menu_offset_max_hit = false; if ( ( true === tdDetect.isIos ) || tdDetect.isSafari ) { //ios safari fix td_affix_menu_element.show(); } } //tdAffix.is_requestAnimationFrame_running = false; tdAffix.menu_offset = offset; //update the current offset of the menu }, td_affix_menu_element[0] ); //} //console.log(offset + ' ' + scroll_direction); } //end boundary check } else { tdAffix._affix_off( jQuery( tdAffix.menu_selector ) ); } }, /** * calculates the affix point (the distance from the top when affix should be enabled) * @see tdAffix.init() * @see tdEvents */ compute_top: function() { // to compute from the bottom of the menu, the top offset is incremented by the menu wrap height tdAffix.top_offset = jQuery( tdAffix.menu_wrap_selector ).offset().top;// + jQuery(tdAffix.menu_wrap_selector).height(); // The top_offset is incremented with the menu_affix_height only on 'smart_snap_always', because of the sidebar // which use the menu_offset (and menu_offset depends on this top_offset) // // Consider that the smart sidebar, increment the td_affix_menu_computed_height with the menu_offset value // when the menu is on 'smart_snap_always' if ( 'smart_snap_always' === tdAffix.tds_snap_menu ) { tdAffix.top_offset += tdAffix.menu_affix_height; } //check to see if the menu is at the top of the screen if ( 1 === tdAffix.top_offset ) { //switch to affix - because the menu is at the top of the page //tdAffix._affix_on(jQuery(tdAffix.menu_selector)); tdAffix.is_top_menu = true; } else { //check to see the current top offset tdAffix.is_top_menu = false; } tdAffix.td_events_scroll( jQuery(window).scrollTop() ); //alert(tdAffix.top_offset); //console.log('computed: ' + tdAffix.top_offset); }, /** * recalculate the wrapper height. To support different menu heights */ compute_wrapper: function() { // td-affix class is removed to compute a real height when the compute_wrapper is done on a scrolled page if ( jQuery( tdAffix.menu_selector ).hasClass( 'td-affix' ) ) { jQuery( tdAffix.menu_selector ).removeClass( 'td-affix' ); //read the height of the menu tdAffix.main_menu_height = jQuery( tdAffix.menu_selector ).height(); jQuery( tdAffix.menu_selector ).addClass( 'td-affix' ); } else { //read the height of the menu tdAffix.main_menu_height = jQuery( tdAffix.menu_selector ).height(); } // put the menu height to the wrapper. The wrapper remains in the place when the menu is affixed jQuery( tdAffix.menu_wrap_selector ).css( 'height', tdAffix.main_menu_height ); }, /** * turns affix on for the menu element * @param td_affix_menu_element * @private */ _affix_on: function( td_affix_menu_element ) { if ( false === tdAffix.is_menu_affix ) { // Bug.Fix - affix menu flickering // - the td_affix_menu_element is hidden because he is outside of the viewport // - without it, there's a flicker effect of applying css style (classes) over it if ( ( 'smart_snap_always' === tdAffix.tds_snap_menu ) && ( tdDetect.isPhoneScreen !== true ) ) { td_affix_menu_element.css( 'visibility', 'hidden' ); } tdAffix.menu_offset = -tdAffix.top_offset; //make the menu fixed td_affix_menu_element.addClass( 'td-affix' ); //add body-td-affix class on body for header style 8 -> when scrolling down the window jumps 76px up when the menu is changing from header style 8 default to header style 8 affix jQuery( 'body' ).addClass( 'body-td-affix' ); tdAffix.is_menu_affix = true; } else { // the td_affix_menu element is kept visible if ( true !== tdDetect.isPhoneScreen ) { td_affix_menu_element.css( 'visibility', '' ); } } }, /** * Turns affix off for the menu element * @param td_affix_menu_element * @private */ _affix_off: function( td_affix_menu_element ) { if ( true === tdAffix.is_menu_affix ) { //make the menu normal jQuery( tdAffix.menu_selector ).removeClass( 'td-affix' ); //console.log(tdAffix.tds_snap_menu_logo); //hide the logo from sticky menu when the menu is not affix if( '' === tdAffix.tds_snap_menu_logo ) { jQuery( '.td-main-menu-logo' ).removeClass( 'td-logo-sticky' ); } //remove body-td-affix class on body for header style 8 -> when scrolling down the window jumps 76px up when the menu is changing from header style 8 default to header style 8 affix jQuery( 'body' ).removeClass( 'body-td-affix' ); tdAffix.is_menu_affix = false; //move the menu to 0 (ios seems to skip animation frames) tdUtil.tdMoveY( td_affix_menu_element[0], 0 ); if ( ( true === tdDetect.isIos ) || tdDetect.isSafari ) { td_affix_menu_element.show(); } } } }; })(); /* tagDiv - 2014 Our portfolio: http://themeforest.net/user/tagDiv/portfolio Thanks for using our theme! :) */ /* global jQuery:false */ /* global tdUtil:false */ /* global tdModalImageLastEl:{} */ /* global tdEvents:{} */ "use strict"; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- On load */ jQuery().ready(function jQuery_ready() { //retina images td_retina(); // the mobile pull left menu (off canvas) //td_mobile_menu(); //handles the toogle efect on mobile menu td_mobile_menu_toogle(); //resize all the videos if we have them td_resize_videos(); //fake placeholder for ie jQuery('input, textarea').placeholder(); //more stories box td_more_articles_box.init(); //used for smart lists td_smart_lists_magnific_popup(); //smart list drop down pagination td_smart_list_dropdown(); // the top menu date if (typeof tdsDateFormat !== 'undefined') { // php time() equivalent - js deals in milliseconds and php in seconds var tdsDateTimestamp = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000); // replace the date var tdNewDateI18n = td_date_i18n(tdsDateFormat, tdsDateTimestamp); jQuery('.td_data_time').text(tdNewDateI18n); } setMenuMinHeight(); // prevents comments form submission without filing the required form fields td_comments_form_validation(); }); //end on load /** * smart lists drop down pagination redirect */ function td_smart_list_dropdown() { jQuery('.td-smart-list-dropdown').on('change', function() { window.location = this.value; }); } /** * More stories box */ var td_more_articles_box = { is_box_visible:false, cookie:'', distance_from_top:400, init: function init() { //read the cookie td_more_articles_box.cookie = td_read_site_cookie('td-cookie-more-articles'); //setting distance from the top if(!isNaN(parseInt(tds_more_articles_on_post_pages_distance_from_top)) && isFinite(tds_more_articles_on_post_pages_distance_from_top) && parseInt(tds_more_articles_on_post_pages_distance_from_top) > 0){ td_more_articles_box.distance_from_top = parseInt(tds_more_articles_on_post_pages_distance_from_top); } else { td_more_articles_box.distance_from_top = 400; } //adding event to hide the box jQuery('.td-close-more-articles-box').click(function(){ //hiding the box jQuery('.td-more-articles-box').removeClass('td-front-end-display-block'); jQuery('.td-more-articles-box').hide(); //cookie life if(!isNaN(parseInt(tds_more_articles_on_post_time_to_wait)) && isFinite(tds_more_articles_on_post_time_to_wait)){ //setting cookie td_set_cookies_life(['td-cookie-more-articles', 'hide-more-articles-box', parseInt(tds_more_articles_on_post_time_to_wait)*86400000]);//86400000 is the number of milliseconds in a day } }); }, /** * called by tdEvents.js on scroll */ td_events_scroll: function td_events_scroll(scrollTop) { if(tdIsScrollingAnimation) { //do not fire the event on animations return; } //check to see if it's enable form panel and also from cookie if(tdUtil.getBackendVar('tds_more_articles_on_post_enable') == "show" && td_more_articles_box.cookie != 'hide-more-articles-box') { if (scrollTop > td_more_articles_box.distance_from_top ) { if (td_more_articles_box.is_box_visible === false) { jQuery('.td-more-articles-box').addClass('td-front-end-display-block'); td_more_articles_box.is_box_visible = true; } } else { if (td_more_articles_box.is_box_visible === true) { jQuery('.td-more-articles-box').removeClass('td-front-end-display-block'); td_more_articles_box.is_box_visible = false; } } } } }; var td_resize_timer_id; jQuery(window).resize(function() { clearTimeout(td_resize_timer_id); td_resize_timer_id = setTimeout(function() { td_done_resizing(); }, 200); }); function td_done_resizing(){ td_resize_videos(); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resize the videos */ function td_resize_videos() { //youtube in content jQuery(document).find('iframe[src*="youtube.com"]').each(function() { var videoMainContainer = jQuery(this).parent().parent().parent(), videoInPlaylist = jQuery(this).parent().hasClass("td_wrapper_playlist_player_vimeo"), video43AspectRatio = videoMainContainer.hasClass("vc_video-aspect-ratio-43"), //the video is set to 4:3 aspect ratio video235AspectRatio = videoMainContainer.hasClass("vc_video-aspect-ratio-235"); //the video is set to 2.35:1 aspect ratio if(videoInPlaylist || video43AspectRatio || video235AspectRatio) { //do nothing for playlist player youtube or aspect ratios 4:3 and 2.35:1 //the video aspect ratio can be set on Visual Composer - Video Player widget settings } else { var td_video = jQuery(this); td_video.attr('width', '100%'); var td_video_width = td_video.width(); td_video.css('height', td_video_width * 0.5625, 'important'); } }); //vimeo in content jQuery(document).find('iframe[src*="vimeo.com"]').each(function() { var videoMainContainer = jQuery(this).parent().parent().parent(), videoInPlaylist = jQuery(this).parent().hasClass("td_wrapper_playlist_player_vimeo"), video43AspectRatio = videoMainContainer.hasClass("vc_video-aspect-ratio-43"), //the video is set to 4:3 aspect ratio video235AspectRatio = videoMainContainer.hasClass("vc_video-aspect-ratio-235"); //the video is set to 2.35:1 aspect ratio if(videoInPlaylist || video43AspectRatio || video235AspectRatio) { //do nothing for playlist player vimeo or aspect ratios 4:3 and 2.35:1 //the video aspect ratio can be set on Visual Composer - Video Player widget settings } else { var td_video = jQuery(this); td_video.attr('width', '100%'); var td_video_width = td_video.width(); td_video.css('height', td_video_width * 0.5625, 'important'); } }); //daily motion in content jQuery(document).find('iframe[src*="dailymotion.com"]').each(function() { var videoMainContainer = jQuery(this).parent().parent().parent(), video43AspectRatio = videoMainContainer.hasClass("vc_video-aspect-ratio-43"), //video aspect ratio 4:3 video235AspectRatio = videoMainContainer.hasClass("vc_video-aspect-ratio-235"); //video aspect ratio 2.35:1 if (video43AspectRatio || video235AspectRatio) { //do nothing for video aspect ratios 4:3 and 2.35:1 //the video aspect ratio can be set on Visual Composer - Video Player widget settings } else { var td_video = jQuery(this); td_video.attr('width', '100%'); var td_video_width = td_video.width(); td_video.css('height', td_video_width * 0.6, 'important'); } }); //facebook in content jQuery(document).find('iframe[src*="facebook.com/plugins/video.php"]').each(function() { var td_video = jQuery(this); if ( td_video.parent().hasClass('wpb_video_wrapper') ) { td_video.attr('width', '100%'); var td_video_width = td_video.width(); td_video.css('height', td_video_width * 0.5625, 'important'); } else { td_video.css('max-width', '100%'); } }); //wordpress embedded jQuery(document).find(".wp-video-shortcode").each(function() { var td_video = jQuery(this); var td_video_width = td_video.width() + 3; jQuery(this).parent().css('height', td_video_width * 0.56, 'important'); //td_video.css('height', td_video_width * 0.6, 'important') td_video.css('width', '100%', 'important'); td_video.css('height', '100%', 'important'); }) } //handles mobile menu function td_mobile_menu() { //jQuery('#td-top-mobile-toggle a, .td-mobile-close a').click(function(){ // if(jQuery('body').hasClass('td-menu-mob-open-menu')) { // jQuery('body').removeClass('td-menu-mob-open-menu'); // } else { // if (tdDetect.isMobileDevice) { // // on mobile devices scroll to top instantly and wait a bit and open the menu // window.scrollTo(0, 0); // setTimeout(function(){ // jQuery('body').addClass('td-menu-mob-open-menu'); // }, 100); // } else { // // on desktop open it with full animations // jQuery('body').addClass('td-menu-mob-open-menu'); // setTimeout(function(){ // tdUtil.scrollToPosition(0, 1200); // }, 200); // } // } //}); } //handles open/close mobile menu function td_mobile_menu_toogle() { //jQuery('#td-mobile-nav .menu-item-has-children ul').hide(); // ////move thru all the menu and find the item with sub-menues to atach a custom class to them //jQuery(document).find('#td-mobile-nav .menu-item-has-children').each(function(i) { // // var class_name = 'td_mobile_elem_with_submenu_' + i; // jQuery(this).addClass(class_name); // // //add an element to click on // //jQuery(this).children("a").append('
'); // jQuery(this).children("a").append(''); // // // //click on link elements with # // jQuery(this).children("a").addClass("td-link-element-after").attr("data-parent-class", class_name); //}); // //jQuery(".td-element-after, .td-link-element-after").click(function(event) { // // if(jQuery(this).hasClass("td-element-after") || jQuery(this).attr("href") == "#" ){ // event.preventDefault(); // event.stopPropagation(); // } // // // //take the li parent class // var parent_class = jQuery(this).data('parent-class'); // // //target the sub-menu to open // var target_to_open = '#td-mobile-nav .' + parent_class + ' > a + ul'; // if(jQuery(target_to_open).css('display') == 'none') { // jQuery(target_to_open).show(); // } else { // jQuery(target_to_open).hide(); // } // // //}); jQuery( '#td-top-mobile-toggle a, .td-mobile-close a' ).click(function(){ if ( jQuery( 'body' ).hasClass( 'td-menu-mob-open-menu' ) ) { jQuery( 'body' ).removeClass( 'td-menu-mob-open-menu' ); } else { jQuery( 'body' ).addClass( 'td-menu-mob-open-menu' ); } }); //handles open/close mobile menu //move thru all the menu and find the item with sub-menues to atach a custom class to them jQuery( document ).find( '#td-mobile-nav .menu-item-has-children' ).each(function( i ) { var class_name = 'td_mobile_elem_with_submenu_' + i; jQuery(this).addClass( class_name ); //click on link elements with # jQuery(this).children('a').addClass( 'td-link-element-after' ); jQuery(this).click(function( event ) { /** * currentTarget - the li element * target - the element clicked inside of the currentTarget */ var jQueryTarget = jQuery( event.target ); // html i element if ( jQueryTarget.length && ( ( jQueryTarget.hasClass( 'td-element-after') || jQueryTarget.hasClass( 'td-link-element-after') ) && ( '#' === jQueryTarget.attr( 'href' ) || undefined === jQueryTarget.attr( 'href' ) ) ) ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); jQuery( this ).toggleClass( 'td-sub-menu-open' ); } }); }); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add retina support */ function td_retina() { if (window.devicePixelRatio > 1) { jQuery('.td-retina').each(function(i) { var lowres = jQuery(this).attr('src'); var highres = lowres.replace(".png", "@2x.png"); highres = highres.replace(".jpg", "@2x.jpg"); jQuery(this).attr('src', highres); }); //custom logo support jQuery('.td-retina-data').each(function(i) { jQuery(this).attr('src', jQuery(this).data('retina')); //fix logo aligment on retina devices jQuery(this).addClass('td-retina-version'); }); } } /* jQuery('body').click(function(e){ if(! jQuery(e.target).hasClass('custom-background')){ alert('clicked on something that has not the class theDIV'); } });*/ //click only on BACKGROUND, for devices that don't have touch (ex: phone, tablets) if(!tdDetect.isTouchDevice && tdUtil.getBackendVar('td_ad_background_click_link') != '') { //var ev = ev || window.event; //var target = ev.target || ev.srcElement; jQuery('body').click(function(event) { //getting the target element that the user clicks - for W3C and MSIE var target = (event.target) ? event.target : event.srcElement; //only click on background var target_jquery_obj = jQuery(target); // td-outer-container for NEWSMAG and td-boxex-layout for NEWSPAPER if (target_jquery_obj.hasClass('td-outer-container') || target_jquery_obj.hasClass('td-boxed-layout')) { //open the link ad page if(td_ad_background_click_target == '_blank') { //open in a new window window.open(td_ad_background_click_link); } else { //open in the same window location.href = td_ad_background_click_link; } } //e.stopPropagation(); //stopBubble(event); }); } /** * reading cookies * @param name * @returns {*} */ function td_read_site_cookie(name) { var nameEQ = escape(name) + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return unescape(c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length)); } return null; } /** * * @param td_time_cookie_array * * @param[0]: name of the cookie * @param[1]: value of the cookie * @param[2]: expiration time */ function td_set_cookies_life(td_time_cookie_array) { var expiry = new Date(); expiry.setTime(expiry.getTime() + td_time_cookie_array[2]); // Date()'s toGMTSting() method will format the date correctly for a cookie document.cookie = td_time_cookie_array[0] + "=" + td_time_cookie_array[1] + "; expires=" + expiry.toGMTString() + "; path=/"; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scroll to top + animation stop */ var tdIsScrollingAnimation = false; var td_mouse_wheel_or_touch_moved = false; //we want to know if the user stopped the animation via touch or mouse move //stop the animation on mouse wheel jQuery(document).bind('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll MozMousePixelScroll', function(e){ if (tdIsScrollingAnimation === false) { return; } else { tdIsScrollingAnimation = false; td_mouse_wheel_or_touch_moved = true; jQuery("html, body").stop(); } }); //stop the animation on touch if (document.addEventListener){ document.addEventListener('touchmove', function(e) { if (tdIsScrollingAnimation === false) { return; } else { tdIsScrollingAnimation = false; td_mouse_wheel_or_touch_moved = true; jQuery("html, body").stop(); } }, false); } /** * called by tdEvents.js on scroll - back to top */ var td_scroll_to_top_is_visible = false; function td_events_scroll_scroll_to_top(scrollTop) { if(tdIsScrollingAnimation) { //do not fire the event on animations return; } if (scrollTop > 400) { if (td_scroll_to_top_is_visible === false) { //only add class if needed td_scroll_to_top_is_visible = true; jQuery('.td-scroll-up').addClass('td-scroll-up-visible'); } } else { if (td_scroll_to_top_is_visible === true) { //only add class if needed td_scroll_to_top_is_visible = false; jQuery('.td-scroll-up').removeClass('td-scroll-up-visible'); } } } jQuery('.td-scroll-up').click(function(){ if(tdIsScrollingAnimation) { //double check - because when we remove the class, the button is still visible for a while return; } //hide the button td_scroll_to_top_is_visible = false; jQuery('.td-scroll-up').removeClass('td-scroll-up-visible'); //hide more articles box td_more_articles_box.is_box_visible = false; jQuery('.td-more-articles-box').removeClass('td-front-end-display-block'); //scroll to top tdUtil.scrollToPosition(0, 1200); return false; }); // small down arrow on template 6 and full width index jQuery('.td-read-down a').click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); tdUtil.scrollToPosition(jQuery('.td-full-screen-header-image-wrap').height(), 1200); //tdUtil.scrollToPosition(jQuery('.td-full-screen-header-image-wrap').height() + jQuery('.td-full-screen-header-image-wrap').offset().top, 1200); }); /** * make td-post-template-6 title move down and blurry * called from single_tempalte_6.php via the js buffer */ function td_post_template_6_title() { //define all the variables - for better performance ? var td_parallax_el = document.getElementById('td_parallax_header_6'); var td_parallax_bg_el = document.getElementById('td-full-screen-header-image'); var scroll_from_top = ''; var distance_from_bottom; //attach the animation tick on scroll jQuery(window).scroll(function(){ // with each scroll event request an animation frame (we have a polyfill for animation frame) // the requestAnimationFrame is called only once and after that we wait td_request_tick(); }); var td_animation_running = false; //if the tick is running, we set this to true function td_request_tick() { if (td_animation_running === false) { window.requestAnimationFrame(td_do_animation); } td_animation_running = true; } /** * the animation loop */ function td_do_animation() { scroll_from_top = jQuery(document).scrollTop(); if (scroll_from_top <= 950) { //stop the animation after scroll from top var blur_value = 1 - (scroll_from_top / 800); // @todo trebuie verificata formula?? if (tdDetect.isIe8 === true) { blur_value = 1; } blur_value = Math.round(blur_value * 100) / 100; //opacity td_parallax_el.style.opacity = blur_value; //move the bg var parallax_move = -Math.round(scroll_from_top / 4); tdUtil.tdMoveY(td_parallax_bg_el,-parallax_move); //move the title + cat distance_from_bottom = -Math.round(scroll_from_top / 8); tdUtil.tdMoveY(td_parallax_el,-distance_from_bottom); //td_parallax_el.style.bottom = distance_from_bottom + "px"; //un accelerated version } td_animation_running = false; } } //used for smart lists function td_smart_lists_magnific_popup() { //magnific popup jQuery(".td-lightbox-enabled").magnificPopup({ delegate: "a", type: "image", tLoading: "Loading image #%curr%...", mainClass: "mfp-img-mobile", gallery: { enabled: true, navigateByImgClick: true, preload: [0,1], tCounter: tdUtil.getBackendVar('td_magnific_popup_translation_tCounter') // Markup for "1 of 7" counter }, image: { tError: "The image #%curr% could not be loaded.", titleSrc: function(item) {//console.log(item.el); //alert(jQuery(item.el).data("caption")); return item.el.attr("data-caption"); } }, zoom: { enabled: true, duration: 300, opener: function(element) { return element.find("img"); } }, callbacks: { change: function(item) { /** * if we have pictures only on 3 from 4 slides then remove, from magnific popup, the one with no image */ //console.log(item); //console.log(item.el[0].id); //console.log(parseInt(nr_slide[1]) + 1); if(item.el[0].id != '') { var nr_slide = item.el[0].id.split("_"); // Will fire when popup is closed //jQuery(".td-iosSlider").iosSlider("goToSlide", this.currItem.index + 1 ); jQuery(".td-iosSlider").iosSlider("goToSlide", parseInt(nr_slide[1]) + 1); } else { tdModalImageLastEl = item.el; setTimeout(function(){ tdUtil.scrollIntoView(item.el); }, 100); } }, beforeClose: function() { if (tdModalImageLastEl != '') { tdUtil.scrollIntoView(tdModalImageLastEl); } } } }); } function td_get_document_width() { var x = 0; if (self.innerHeight) { x = self.innerWidth; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { x = document.documentElement.clientWidth; } else if (document.body) { x = document.body.clientWidth; } return x; } function td_get_document_height() { var y = 0; if (self.innerHeight) { y = self.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { y = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body) { y = document.body.clientHeight; } return y; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set the mobile menu min-height property This is usually used to force vertical scroll bar appearance from the beginning. Without it, on some mobile devices (ex Android), at scroll bar appearance there are some visual issues. */ function setMenuMinHeight() { if ( 'undefined' === typeof tdEvents.previousWindowInnerWidth ) { // Save the previous width tdEvents.previousWindowInnerWidth = tdEvents.window_innerWidth; } else if ( tdEvents.previousWindowInnerWidth === tdEvents.window_innerWidth ) { // Stop if the width has not been modified return; } tdEvents.previousWindowInnerWidth = tdEvents.window_innerWidth; var $tdMobileMenu = jQuery( '#td-mobile-nav' ), cssHeight = tdEvents.window_innerHeight + 1; if ( $tdMobileMenu.length ) { $tdMobileMenu.css( 'min-height' , cssHeight + 'px' ); } // Stop if we are not on mobile if ( ! tdDetect.isMobileDevice ) { return; } var $tdMobileBg = jQuery( '.td-menu-background' ), $tdMobileBgSearch = jQuery( '.td-search-background' ); if ( $tdMobileBg.length ) { $tdMobileBg.css( 'height' , ( cssHeight + 70 ) + 'px' ); } if ( $tdMobileBgSearch.length ) { $tdMobileBgSearch.css( 'height' , ( cssHeight + 70 ) + 'px' ); } } /** * Used on comments form to prevent comments form submission without filing the required fields */ function td_comments_form_validation() { //on form submit jQuery('.comment-form').submit( function(event) { jQuery('form#commentform :input').each( function() { var current_input_field = jQuery(this); var form = jQuery(this).parent().parent(); if (current_input_field.attr('aria-required')){ if (current_input_field.val() == '') { event.preventDefault(); form.addClass('td-comment-form-warnings'); if (current_input_field.attr('id') == 'comment') { form.find('.td-warning-comment').show(200); current_input_field.css('border', '1px solid #ff7a7a'); } else if (current_input_field.attr('id') == 'author') { form.find('.td-warning-author').show(200); current_input_field.css('border', '1px solid #ff7a7a'); } else if (current_input_field.attr('id') == 'email') { form.find('.td-warning-email').show(200); current_input_field.css('border', '1px solid #ff7a7a'); } } else if ( current_input_field.attr('id') == 'email' && tdUtil.isEmail( current_input_field.val() ) === false ) { event.preventDefault(); form.addClass('td-comment-form-warnings'); form.find('.td-warning-email-error').show(200); } } }); }); //on form input fields focus jQuery('form#commentform :input').each( function() { var form = jQuery(this).parent().parent(); var current_input_field = jQuery(this); current_input_field.focus( function(){ if (current_input_field.attr('id') == 'comment') { form.find('.td-warning-comment').hide(200); current_input_field.css('border', '1px solid #e1e1e1'); } else if (current_input_field.attr('id') == 'author') { form.find('.td-warning-author').hide(200); current_input_field.css('border', '1px solid #e1e1e1'); } else if (current_input_field.attr('id') == 'email') { form.find('.td-warning-email').hide(200); form.find('.td-warning-email-error').hide(200); current_input_field.css('border', '1px solid #e1e1e1'); } }); }) } /* global jQuery:false */ /* global tdUtil:false */ var tdLoadingBox = {}; ( function() { "use strict"; tdLoadingBox = { //arrayColors: ['#ffffff', '#fafafa', '#ececec', '#dddddd', '#bfbfbf', '#9a9a9a', '#7e7e7e', '#636363'],//whiter -> darker speed: 40, arrayColorsTemp: [ 'rgba(99, 99, 99, 0)', 'rgba(99, 99, 99, 0.05)', 'rgba(99, 99, 99, 0.08)', 'rgba(99, 99, 99, 0.2)', 'rgba(99, 99, 99, 0.3)', 'rgba(99, 99, 99, 0.5)', 'rgba(99, 99, 99, 0.6)', 'rgba(99, 99, 99, 1)' ],//whiter -> darker arrayColors: [], statusAnimation: 'stop', //stop loading box stop : function stop () { tdLoadingBox.statusAnimation = 'stop'; //jQuery('.td-loader-gif').html(""); }, //init loading box init : function init (color, speed) { // set up the speed if (false === tdUtil.isUndefined(speed)) { tdLoadingBox.speed = speed; } //console.log('test'); var tdColorRegExp = /^#[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,6}$/; if(color && tdColorRegExp.test(color)) { var colRgba = tdLoadingBox.hexToRgb(color); var rgbaString = "rgba(" + colRgba.r + ", " + colRgba.g + ", " + colRgba.b + ", "; tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[7] = rgbaString + " 0.9)"; tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[6] = rgbaString + " 0.7)"; tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[5] = rgbaString + " 0.5)"; tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[4] = rgbaString + " 0.3)"; tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[3] = rgbaString + " 0.15)"; tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[2] = rgbaString + " 0.15)"; tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[1] = rgbaString + " 0.15)"; tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[0] = rgbaString + " 0.15)"; } else { //default array tdLoadingBox.arrayColors = tdLoadingBox.arrayColorsTemp.slice(0); } if(tdLoadingBox.statusAnimation === 'stop') { tdLoadingBox.statusAnimation = 'display'; this.render(); } }, //create the animation render: function render (color) { //call the animationDisplay function tdLoadingBox.animationDisplay( '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' ); //direction right var tempColorArray = [ tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[0], tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[1], tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[2], tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[3], tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[4], tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[5], tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[6], tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[7] ]; tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[0] = tempColorArray[7]; tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[1] = tempColorArray[0]; tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[2] = tempColorArray[1]; tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[3] = tempColorArray[2]; tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[4] = tempColorArray[3]; tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[5] = tempColorArray[4]; tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[6] = tempColorArray[5]; tdLoadingBox.arrayColors[7] = tempColorArray[6]; if(tdLoadingBox.statusAnimation === 'display') { setTimeout(tdLoadingBox.render, tdLoadingBox.speed); } else { tdLoadingBox.animationDisplay(''); } }, //display the animation animationDisplay: function (animation_str) { jQuery('.td-loader-gif').html(animation_str); }, //converts hex to rgba hexToRgb: function (hex) { var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex); return result ? { r: parseInt(result[1], 16), g: parseInt(result[2], 16), b: parseInt(result[3], 16) } : null; } }; //tdLoadingBox.init();//tdLoadingBox.stop(); })(); /* global jQuery:{} */ /* global tdDetect:{} */ /* global tdLocalCache:{} */ /* global td_ajax_url:{} */ var tdAjaxSearch = {}; jQuery().ready(function() { 'use strict'; tdAjaxSearch.init(); }); (function() { 'use strict'; tdAjaxSearch = { // private vars _current_selection_index: 0, _last_request_results_count: 0, _first_down_up: true, _is_search_open: false, /** * init the class */ init: function init() { // hide the drop down if we click outside of it jQuery(document).click(function(e) { if ( 'td-icon-search' !== e.target.className && 'td-header-search' !== e.target.id && 'td-header-search-top' !== e.target.id && true === tdAjaxSearch._is_search_open ) { tdAjaxSearch.hide_search_box(); } }); // show and hide the drop down on the search icon jQuery( '#td-header-search-button' ).click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); if (tdAjaxSearch._is_search_open === true) { tdAjaxSearch.hide_search_box(); } else { tdAjaxSearch.show_search_box(); } }); // show and hide the drop down on the search icon for mobile jQuery( '#td-header-search-button-mob' ).click(function(event){ jQuery( 'body' ).addClass( 'td-search-opened' ); var search_input = jQuery('#td-header-search-mob'); /** * Note: the autofocus does not work for iOS and windows phone devices as it's considered bad user experience */ //autofocus setTimeout(function(){ search_input.focus(); }, 1300); var current_query = search_input.val().trim(); if ( current_query.length > 0 ) { tdAjaxSearch.do_ajax_call_mob(); } }); //close the search jQuery( '.td-search-close a' ).click(function(){ jQuery( 'body' ).removeClass( 'td-search-opened' ); }); // keydown on the text box jQuery( '#td-header-search' ).keydown(function(event) { if ( ( event.which && 39 === event.which ) || ( event.keyCode && 39 === event.keyCode ) || ( event.which && 37 === event.which ) || ( event.keyCode && 37 === event.keyCode ) ) { //do nothing on left and right arrows tdAjaxSearch.td_aj_search_input_focus(); return; } if ( ( event.which && 13 === event.which ) || ( event.keyCode && 13 === event.keyCode ) ) { // on enter var td_aj_cur_element = jQuery('.td-aj-cur-element'); if (td_aj_cur_element.length > 0) { //alert('ra'); var td_go_to_url = td_aj_cur_element.find('.entry-title a').attr('href'); window.location = td_go_to_url; } else { jQuery(this).parent().parent().submit(); } return false; //redirect for search on enter } else if ( ( event.which && 40 === event.which ) || ( event.keyCode && 40 === event.keyCode ) ) { // down tdAjaxSearch.move_prompt_down(); return false; //disable the envent } else if ( ( event.which && 38 === event.which ) || ( event.keyCode && 38 === event.keyCode ) ) { //up tdAjaxSearch.move_prompt_up(); return false; //disable the envent } else { //for backspace we have to check if the search query is empty and if so, clear the list if ( ( event.which && 8 === event.which ) || ( event.keyCode && 8 === event.keyCode ) ) { //if we have just one character left, that means it will be deleted now and we also have to clear the search results list var search_query = jQuery(this).val(); if ( 1 === search_query.length ) { jQuery('#td-aj-search').empty(); } } //various keys tdAjaxSearch.td_aj_search_input_focus(); //jQuery('#td-aj-search').empty(); setTimeout(function(){ tdAjaxSearch.do_ajax_call(); }, 100); } return true; }); // keydown on the text box jQuery('#td-header-search-mob').keydown(function(event) { if ( ( event.which && 13 === event.which ) || ( event.keyCode && 13 === event.keyCode ) ) { // on enter var td_aj_cur_element = jQuery('.td-aj-cur-element'); if (td_aj_cur_element.length > 0) { //alert('ra'); var td_go_to_url = td_aj_cur_element.find( '.entry-title a' ).attr( 'href' ); window.location = td_go_to_url; } else { jQuery(this).parent().parent().submit(); } return false; //redirect for search on enter } else { //for backspace we have to check if the search query is empty and if so, clear the list if ( ( event.which && 8 === event.which ) || ( event.keyCode && 8 === event.keyCode ) ) { //if we have just one character left, that means it will be deleted now and we also have to clear the search results list var search_query = jQuery(this).val(); if ( 1 === search_query.length ) { jQuery('#td-aj-search-mob').empty(); } } setTimeout(function(){ tdAjaxSearch.do_ajax_call_mob(); }, 100); return true; } }); }, show_search_box: function() { jQuery( '.td-drop-down-search' ).addClass( 'td-drop-down-search-open' ); // do not try to autofocus on ios. It's still buggy as of 18 march 2015 if ( true !== tdDetect.isIos ) { setTimeout(function(){ document.getElementById( 'td-header-search' ).focus(); }, 200); } tdAjaxSearch._is_search_open = true; }, hide_search_box: function hide_search_box() { jQuery(".td-drop-down-search").removeClass('td-drop-down-search-open'); tdAjaxSearch._is_search_open = false; }, /** * moves the select up */ td_aj_search_move_prompt_up: function() { if (tdAjaxSearch._first_down_up === true) { tdAjaxSearch._first_down_up = false; if (tdAjaxSearch._current_selection_index === 0) { tdAjaxSearch._current_selection_index = tdAjaxSearch._last_request_results_count - 1; } else { tdAjaxSearch._current_selection_index--; } } else { if (tdAjaxSearch._current_selection_index === 0) { tdAjaxSearch._current_selection_index = tdAjaxSearch._last_request_results_count; } else { tdAjaxSearch._current_selection_index--; } } tdAjaxSearch._repaintCurrentElement(); }, /** * moves the select prompt down */ move_prompt_down: function() { if (tdAjaxSearch._first_down_up === true) { tdAjaxSearch._first_down_up = false; } else { if (tdAjaxSearch._current_selection_index === tdAjaxSearch._last_request_results_count) { tdAjaxSearch._current_selection_index = 0; } else { tdAjaxSearch._current_selection_index++; } } tdAjaxSearch._repaintCurrentElement(); }, /** * Recompute the current element in the search results. * Used by the move_prompt_up and move_prompt_down * @private */ _repaintCurrentElement: function() { jQuery( '.td_module_wrap' ).removeClass( 'td-aj-cur-element' ); if (tdAjaxSearch._current_selection_index > tdAjaxSearch._last_request_results_count - 1 ) { //the input is selected jQuery( '.td-search-form' ).fadeTo( 100, 1 ); } else { tdAjaxSearch.td_aj_search_input_remove_focus(); jQuery( '.td_module_wrap' ).eq( tdAjaxSearch._current_selection_index ).addClass( 'td-aj-cur-element' ); } }, /** * puts the focus on the input box */ td_aj_search_input_focus: function() { tdAjaxSearch._current_selection_index = 0; tdAjaxSearch._first_down_up = true; jQuery( '.td-search-form' ).fadeTo( 100, 1 ); jQuery( '.td_module_wrap' ).removeClass( 'td-aj-cur-element' ); }, /** * removes the focus from the input box */ td_aj_search_input_remove_focus: function() { if ( 0 !== tdAjaxSearch._last_request_results_count ) { jQuery( '.td-search-form' ).css( 'opacity', 0.5 ); } }, /** * AJAX: process the response from the server */ process_ajax_response: function(data) { var current_query = jQuery( '#td-header-search' ).val(); //the search is empty - drop results if ( '' === current_query ) { jQuery( '#td-aj-search' ).empty(); return; } var td_data_object = jQuery.parseJSON(data); //get the data object //drop the result - it's from a old query if ( td_data_object.td_search_query !== current_query ) { return; } //reset the current selection and total posts tdAjaxSearch._current_selection_index = 0; tdAjaxSearch._last_request_results_count = td_data_object.td_total_in_list; tdAjaxSearch._first_down_up = true; //update the query jQuery( '#td-aj-search' ).html( td_data_object.td_data ); /* td_data_object.td_data td_data_object.td_total_results td_data_object.td_total_in_list */ // the .entry-thumb are searched for in the #td-aj-search object, sorted and added into the view port array items if ( ( 'undefined' !== typeof window.tdAnimationStack ) && ( true === window.tdAnimationStack.activated ) ) { window.tdAnimationStack.check_for_new_items( '#td-aj-search .td-animation-stack', window.tdAnimationStack.SORTED_METHOD.sort_left_to_right, true ); window.tdAnimationStack.compute_items(); } }, /** * AJAX: process the response from the server for the responsive version of the theme */ process_ajax_response_mob: function(data) { var current_query = jQuery( '#td-header-search-mob' ).val(); //the search is empty - drop results if ( '' === current_query ) { jQuery('#td-aj-search-mob').empty(); return; } var td_data_object = jQuery.parseJSON( data ); //get the data object //drop the result - it's from a old query if ( td_data_object.td_search_query !== current_query ) { return; } //update the query jQuery( '#td-aj-search-mob' ).html( td_data_object.td_data ); // the .entry-thumb are searched for in the #td-aj-search-mob object, sorted and added into the view port array items if ( ( 'undefined' !== typeof window.tdAnimationStack ) && ( true === window.tdAnimationStack.activated ) ) { window.tdAnimationStack.check_for_new_items( '#td-aj-search-mob .td-animation-stack', window.tdAnimationStack.SORTED_METHOD.sort_left_to_right, true ); window.tdAnimationStack.compute_items(); } }, /** * AJAX: do the ajax request */ do_ajax_call: function() { var search_query = jQuery('#td-header-search').val(); if ( '' === search_query ) { tdAjaxSearch.td_aj_search_input_focus(); return; } //do we have a cache hit if (tdLocalCache.exist(search_query)) { tdAjaxSearch.process_ajax_response(tdLocalCache.get(search_query)); return; //cache HIT } //fk no cache hit - do the real request jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: td_ajax_url, data: { action: 'td_ajax_search', td_string: search_query }, success: function(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest){ tdLocalCache.set(search_query, data); tdAjaxSearch.process_ajax_response(data); }, error: function(MLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){ //console.log(errorThrown); } }); }, /** * AJAX: do the ajax request for the responsive version of the theme */ do_ajax_call_mob: function() { var search_query = jQuery( '#td-header-search-mob' ).val(); if ( '' === search_query) { return; } //do we have a cache hit if ( tdLocalCache.exist( search_query ) ) { tdAjaxSearch.process_ajax_response_mob( tdLocalCache.get( search_query ) ); return; //cache HIT } //fk no cache hit - do the real request jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: td_ajax_url, data: { action: 'td_ajax_search', td_string: search_query }, success: function( data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest ){ tdLocalCache.set( search_query, data ); tdAjaxSearch.process_ajax_response_mob( data ); }, error: function( MLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown ){ //console.log(errorThrown); } }); } }; })(); ;'use strict'; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- tdPostImages.js --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* global jQuery:{} */ /* global tdUtil:{} */ /* global tdAffix:{} */ /* global tdIsScrollingAnimation:boolean */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- On load */ jQuery().ready(function() { //handles the modal images tdModalImage(); //move classes from post images to figure - td-post-image-full etc tdUtil.imageMoveClassToFigure( 'td-post-image-full' ); tdUtil.imageMoveClassToFigure( 'td-post-image-right' ); tdUtil.imageMoveClassToFigure( 'td-post-image-left' ); /** * - add a general td-modal-image class to the all post images */ if ( ( 'undefined' !== typeof window.tds_general_modal_image ) && ( '' !== window.tds_general_modal_image ) ) { jQuery( '.single .td-post-content a > img' ).filter(function( index, element ) { if ( -1 !== element.className.indexOf( 'wp-image' ) ) { jQuery( element ).parent().addClass( 'td-modal-image' ); } }); } }); // used for scrolling to the last element var tdModalImageLastEl = ''; // handles modal images for: Featured images, inline image, inline image with caption, galleries function tdModalImage() { //fix wordpress figure + figcaption (we move the figcaption in the data-caption attribute of the link) jQuery( 'figure.wp-caption' ).each(function() { var caption_text = jQuery( this ).children( 'figcaption' ).html(); jQuery( this ).children( 'a' ).data( 'caption', caption_text ); }); //move td-modal-image class to the parent a from the image. We can only add this class to the image via word press media editor jQuery( '.td-modal-image' ).each(function() { jQuery( this ).parent().addClass( 'td-modal-image' ); jQuery( this ).removeClass( 'td-modal-image' ); }); //popup on modal images in articles jQuery( 'article' ).magnificPopup({ type: 'image', delegate: ".td-modal-image", gallery: { enabled: true, tPrev: tdUtil.getBackendVar( 'td_magnific_popup_translation_tPrev' ), // Alt text on left arrow tNext: tdUtil.getBackendVar( 'td_magnific_popup_translation_tNext' ), // Alt text on right arrow tCounter: tdUtil.getBackendVar( 'td_magnific_popup_translation_tCounter' ) // Markup for "1 of 7" counter }, ajax: { tError: tdUtil.getBackendVar( 'td_magnific_popup_translation_ajax_tError' ) }, image: { tError: tdUtil.getBackendVar( 'td_magnific_popup_translation_image_tError' ), titleSrc: function( item ) {//console.log(item.el); //alert(jQuery(item.el).data("caption")); var td_current_caption = jQuery( item.el ).data( 'caption' ); if ( 'undefined' !== typeof td_current_caption ) { return td_current_caption; } else { return ''; } } }, zoom: { enabled: true, duration: 300, opener: function( element ) { return element.find( 'img' ); } }, callbacks: { change: function( item ) { tdModalImageLastEl = item.el; //setTimeout(function(){ tdUtil.scrollIntoView( item.el ); //}, 100); }, beforeClose: function() { tdAffix.allow_scroll = false; tdUtil.scrollIntoView( tdModalImageLastEl ); var interval_td_affix_scroll = setInterval(function() { if ( ! tdIsScrollingAnimation ) { clearInterval( interval_td_affix_scroll ); setTimeout(function() { tdAffix.allow_scroll = true; //tdAffix.td_events_scroll(td_events.scroll_window_scrollTop); }, 100 ); } }, 100 ); } } }); //gallery popup //detect jetpack carousel and disable the theme popup if ( 'undefined' === typeof jetpackCarouselStrings ) { // copy gallery caption from figcaption to data-caption attribute of the link to the full image, in this way the modal can read the caption jQuery( 'figure.gallery-item' ).each(function() { var caption_text = jQuery( this ).children( 'figcaption' ).html(); jQuery( this ).find( 'a' ).data( 'caption', caption_text ); }); //jquery tiled gallery jQuery( '.tiled-gallery' ).magnificPopup({ type: 'image', delegate: "a", gallery: { enabled: true, tPrev: tdUtil.getBackendVar( 'td_magnific_popup_translation_tPrev' ), // Alt text on left arrow tNext: tdUtil.getBackendVar( 'td_magnific_popup_translation_tNext' ), // Alt text on right arrow tCounter: tdUtil.getBackendVar( 'td_magnific_popup_translation_tCounter' ) // Markup for "1 of 7" counter }, ajax: { tError: tdUtil.getBackendVar( 'td_magnific_popup_translation_ajax_tError' ) }, image: { tError: tdUtil.getBackendVar( 'td_magnific_popup_translation_image_tError' ), titleSrc: function( item ) {//console.log(item.el); var td_current_caption = jQuery( item.el ).parent().find( '.tiled-gallery-caption' ).text(); if ( 'undefined' !== typeof td_current_caption ) { return td_current_caption; } else { return ''; } } }, zoom: { enabled: true, duration: 300, opener: function( element ) { return element.find( 'img' ); } }, callbacks: { change: function( item ) { tdModalImageLastEl = item.el; tdUtil.scrollIntoView( item.el ); }, beforeClose: function() { tdUtil.scrollIntoView( tdModalImageLastEl ); } } }); jQuery( '.gallery' ).magnificPopup({ type: 'image', delegate: '.gallery-icon > a', gallery: { enabled: true, tPrev: tdUtil.getBackendVar( 'td_magnific_popup_translation_tPrev' ), // Alt text on left arrow tNext: tdUtil.getBackendVar( 'td_magnific_popup_translation_tNext' ), // Alt text on right arrow tCounter: tdUtil.getBackendVar( 'td_magnific_popup_translation_tCounter' ) // Markup for "1 of 7" counter }, ajax: { tError: tdUtil.getBackendVar( 'td_magnific_popup_translation_ajax_tError' ) }, image: { tError: tdUtil.getBackendVar( 'td_magnific_popup_translation_image_tError' ), titleSrc: function( item ) {//console.log(item.el); var td_current_caption = jQuery( item.el ).data( 'caption' ); if ( 'undefined' !== typeof td_current_caption ) { return td_current_caption; } else { return ''; } } }, zoom: { enabled: true, duration: 300, opener: function( element ) { return element.find( 'img' ); } }, callbacks: { change: function( item ) { tdModalImageLastEl = item.el; tdUtil.scrollIntoView( item.el ); }, beforeClose: function() { tdUtil.scrollIntoView( tdModalImageLastEl ); } } }); } } //end modal /** * tdBlocks.js * v3.0 5 August 2015 * Converted to WP JS standards + jsHint */ /* global jQuery:false */ /* global td_ajax_url:false */ /* global tds_theme_color_site_wide:false */ /* global tdSmartSidebar:{} */ /* global tdAnimationStack:{} */ /* global tdUtil:false */ //done /* global tdLoadingBox:false */ //done /* global tdInfiniteLoader:false */ //done /* global tdBlocksArray:false */ //done /* global tdDetect:false */ //done /* global tdLocalCache:false */ //done var tdBlocks = {}; ( function() { "use strict"; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- On load */ jQuery().ready( function() { tdOnReadyAjaxBlocks(); }); function tdOnReadyAjaxBlocks() { /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AJAX pagination next */ jQuery(".td-ajax-next-page").click( function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var currentBlockObj = tdBlocks.tdGetBlockObjById(jQuery(this).data('td_block_id')); if ( jQuery(this).hasClass('ajax-page-disabled') || true === currentBlockObj.is_ajax_running ) { return; } currentBlockObj.is_ajax_running = true; // ajax is running and we're wayting for a reply from server currentBlockObj.td_current_page++; tdBlocks.tdAjaxDoBlockRequest(currentBlockObj, 'next'); }); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AJAX pagination prev */ jQuery(".td-ajax-prev-page").click( function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var currentBlockObj = tdBlocks.tdGetBlockObjById(jQuery(this).data('td_block_id')); if ( jQuery(this).hasClass('ajax-page-disabled') || true === currentBlockObj.is_ajax_running ) { return; } currentBlockObj.is_ajax_running = true; // ajax is running and we're wayting for a reply from server currentBlockObj.td_current_page--; tdBlocks.tdAjaxDoBlockRequest(currentBlockObj, 'back'); }); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AJAX pagination load more */ jQuery(".td_ajax_load_more_js").click( function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if ( jQuery(this).hasClass('ajax-page-disabled') ) { return; } jQuery(this).css('visibility', 'hidden'); var currentBlockObj = tdBlocks.tdGetBlockObjById(jQuery(this).data('td_block_id')); currentBlockObj.td_current_page++; tdBlocks.tdAjaxDoBlockRequest(currentBlockObj, 'load_more'); // load_more is hidden if there are no more posts if ( currentBlockObj.max_num_pages <= currentBlockObj.td_current_page ) { jQuery(this).addClass('ajax-page-disabled'); } }); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- pull down open/close //on mobile devices use click event */ if ( tdDetect.isMobileDevice ) { jQuery(".td-pulldown-filter-display-option").click( function () { var currentBlockUid = jQuery(this).data('td_block_id'); jQuery("#td_pulldown_" + currentBlockUid).addClass("td-pulldown-filter-list-open"); //animate the list var tdPullDownList = jQuery("#td_pulldown_" + currentBlockUid + "_list"); tdPullDownList.removeClass('fadeOut'); tdPullDownList.addClass('td_animated td_fadeIn'); //used for opacity animation //tdPullDownList.css('visibility', 'visible'); }); //on desktop devices use hover event } else { /** * (hover) open and close the drop down menu (on blocks on hover) */ jQuery(".td-pulldown-filter-display-option").hover( function () { // hover in var current_block_uid = jQuery(this).data('td_block_id'); jQuery("#td_pulldown_" + current_block_uid).addClass("td-pulldown-filter-list-open"); //animate the list var tdPullDownList = jQuery("#td_pulldown_" + current_block_uid + "_list"); tdPullDownList.removeClass('fadeOut'); tdPullDownList.addClass('td_animated td_fadeIn'); //used for opacity animation tdPullDownList.css('visibility', 'visible'); }, function () { // hover out var currentBlockUid = jQuery(this).data('td_block_id'); jQuery("#td_pulldown_" + currentBlockUid).removeClass("td-pulldown-filter-list-open"); } ); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- click on related posts in single posts */ jQuery('.td-related-title a').click( function(event) { event.preventDefault(); jQuery('.td-related-title').children('a').removeClass('td-cur-simple-item'); jQuery(this).addClass('td-cur-simple-item'); //get the current block id var currentBlockUid = jQuery(this).data('td_block_id'); //get current block var currentBlockObj = tdBlocks.tdGetBlockObjById(currentBlockUid); //change current filter value - the filter type is readed by td_ajax from the atts of the shortcode currentBlockObj.td_filter_value = jQuery(this).data('td_filter_value'); currentBlockObj.td_current_page = 1; //reset the page //do request tdBlocks.tdAjaxDoBlockRequest(currentBlockObj, 'pull_down'); }); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEGA MENU */ // Used to simulate on mobile doubleclick at 300ms @see the function tdAjaxSubCatMegaRun() var tdSubCatMegaRunLink = false; // run the link if this is true, instead of loading via ajax the mega menu content var tdSubCatMegaLastTarget = ''; // last event target - to make sure the double click is on the same element /** * On touch screens check for double click and redirect to the subcategory page if that's the case, * if not double click... do the normal ajax request * @param event * @param jQueryObject */ function tdAjaxSubCatMegaRunOnTouch(event, jQueryObject) { if ( (true === tdSubCatMegaRunLink) && (event.target === tdSubCatMegaLastTarget) ) { window.location = event.target; } else { tdSubCatMegaRunLink = true; tdSubCatMegaLastTarget = event.target; event.preventDefault(); setTimeout( function() { tdSubCatMegaRunLink = false; }, 300); tdAjaxSubCatMegaRun(event, jQueryObject); } } /** * this one makes the ajax request for mega menu filter * hover or click on mega menu subcategories */ function tdAjaxSubCatMegaRun(event, jQueryObject) { /* global this:false */ //get the current block id var currentBlockUid = jQueryObject.data('td_block_id'); var currentBlockObj = tdBlocks.tdGetBlockObjById(currentBlockUid); // on mega menu, we allow parallel ajax request for better UI. We set is_ajax_running so that the preloader cache will work as expected currentBlockObj.is_ajax_running = true; //switch cur cat jQuery('.mega-menu-sub-cat-' + currentBlockUid).removeClass('cur-sub-cat'); jQueryObject.addClass('cur-sub-cat'); //get current block //change current filter value - the filter type is readed by td_ajax from the atts of the shortcode currentBlockObj.td_filter_value = jQueryObject.data('td_filter_value'); currentBlockObj.td_current_page = 1; //reset the page //do request tdBlocks.tdAjaxDoBlockRequest(currentBlockObj, 'mega_menu'); } /** * Mega menu filters */ //on touch devices use click // @todo needs testing to determine why we need .click and touchend? // @todo trebuie refactorizata sa transmita jQuery(this) de aici la functii if ( tdDetect.isTouchDevice ) { jQuery(".block-mega-child-cats a") .click( function(event) { tdAjaxSubCatMegaRunOnTouch(event, jQuery(this)); }, false) .each(function(index, element) { element.addEventListener('touchend', function(event) { tdAjaxSubCatMegaRunOnTouch(event, jQuery(this)); }, false); }); } else { jQuery(".block-mega-child-cats a").hover( function(event) { tdAjaxSubCatMegaRun(event, jQuery(this)); }, function (event) {} ); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subcategories */ /** * Newspaper ONLY * used by the drop down ajax filter on blocks */ jQuery('.td-subcat-item a').click( function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var currentBlockObj = tdBlocks.tdGetBlockObjById(jQuery(this).data('td_block_id')); //if ( jQuery(this).hasClass('ajax-page-disabled') || true === currentBlockObj.is_ajax_running ) { // return; //} // if ( true === currentBlockObj.is_ajax_running ) { return; } currentBlockObj.is_ajax_running = true; // ajax is running and we're waiting for a reply from server jQuery('.' + jQuery(this).data('td_block_id') + '_rand').find('.td-cur-simple-item').removeClass('td-cur-simple-item'); jQuery(this).addClass('td-cur-simple-item'); //change current filter value - the filter type is read by td_ajax from the atts of the shortcode currentBlockObj.td_filter_value = jQuery(this).data('td_filter_value'); //reset the page currentBlockObj.td_current_page = 1; // we ues 'pull_down' just for the 'td_animated_xlong td_fadeInDown' effect tdBlocks.tdAjaxDoBlockRequest(currentBlockObj, 'pull_down'); }); /** * Newsmag ONLY * when a item is from the dropdown menu is clicked (on all the blocks) * @todo asta face ceva cu ios slider-ul in plus fata de aia de pe Newspaper */ jQuery(".td-pulldown-filter-link").click( function(event) { event.preventDefault(); //get the current block id var currentBlockUid = jQuery(this).data('td_block_id'); //destroy any iossliders to avoid bugs jQuery('#' + currentBlockUid).find('.iosSlider').iosSlider('destroy'); //get current block var currentBlockObj = tdBlocks.tdGetBlockObjById(currentBlockUid); if ( true === currentBlockObj.is_ajax_running ) { return; } currentBlockObj.is_ajax_running = true; //change current filter value - the filter type is readed by td_ajax from the atts of the shortcode currentBlockObj.td_filter_value = jQuery(this).data('td_filter_value'); jQuery('.' + jQuery(this).data('td_block_id') + '_rand').find('.td-cur-simple-item').removeClass('td-cur-simple-item'); jQuery(this).addClass('td-cur-simple-item'); currentBlockObj.td_current_page = 1; //put loading... text and hide the dropdown @todo - tranlation pt loading //tdBlocks.tdPullDownFilterChangeValue(currentBlockObj.id, 'Loading... '); tdBlocks.tdPullDownFilterChangeValue(currentBlockUid, '' + jQuery(this).html() + ' '); //hide the dropdown jQuery('#td_pulldown_' + currentBlockUid).removeClass("td-pulldown-filter-list-open"); //do request tdBlocks.tdAjaxDoBlockRequest(currentBlockObj, 'pull_down'); //on mobile devices stop event propagation if ( tdDetect.isMobileDevice ) { tdUtil.stopBubble(event); } }); } // end tdOnReadyAjaxBlocks() tdBlocks = { /** * Newsmag ONLY change the pull down filter value to loading... and to the current category after an ajax reply * is received * @param td_block_uid * @param td_text */ tdPullDownFilterChangeValue: function(td_block_uid, td_text) { jQuery('#td-pulldown-' + td_block_uid + '-val').html(td_text); }, /** * makes a ajax block request * @param current_block_obj * @param td_user_action - load more or infinite loader (used by the animation) * @returns {string} */ tdAjaxDoBlockRequest: function(current_block_obj, td_user_action) { //search the cache var currentBlockObjSignature = JSON.stringify(current_block_obj); if ( tdLocalCache.exist(currentBlockObjSignature) ) { //do the animation with cache hit = true tdBlocks.tdBlockAjaxLoadingStart(current_block_obj, true, td_user_action); tdBlocks.tdAjaxBlockProcessResponse(tdLocalCache.get(currentBlockObjSignature), td_user_action); return 'cache_hit'; //cache HIT } //cache miss - we make a full request! - cache hit - false tdBlocks.tdBlockAjaxLoadingStart(current_block_obj, false, td_user_action); //return; var requestData = { action: 'td_ajax_block', td_atts: current_block_obj.atts, td_block_id:current_block_obj.id, td_column_number:current_block_obj.td_column_number, td_current_page:current_block_obj.td_current_page, block_type:current_block_obj.block_type, td_filter_value:current_block_obj.td_filter_value, td_user_action:current_block_obj.td_user_action }; //console.log('tdAjaxDoBlockRequest:'); //console.log(requestData); jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: td_ajax_url, cache:true, data: requestData, success: function(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) { tdLocalCache.set(currentBlockObjSignature, data); tdBlocks.tdAjaxBlockProcessResponse(data, td_user_action); }, error: function(MLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { //console.log(errorThrown); } }); }, /** * process the response from the ajax query (it also processes the responses stored in the cache) * @param data * @param td_user_action - load more or infinite loader (used by the animation) */ tdAjaxBlockProcessResponse: function(data, td_user_action) { //read the server response var tdReplyObj = jQuery.parseJSON(data); //get the data object //console.log('tdAjaxBlockProcessResponse:'); //console.log(tdReplyObj); /* td_data_object.td_block_id td_data_object.td_data td_data_object.td_cur_cat */ //load the content (in place or append) if ( 'load_more' === td_user_action || 'infinite_load' === td_user_action ) { // fix needed to keep sidebars fixed down when they are bottom of the content and the content grows up for ( var i = 0; i < tdSmartSidebar.items.length; i++ ) { if ( 'case_3_bottom_of_content' === tdSmartSidebar.items[ i ].sidebar_state ) { tdSmartSidebar.items[ i ].sidebar_state = 'case_1_fixed_down'; } } jQuery(tdReplyObj.td_data).appendTo('#' + tdReplyObj.td_block_id); //jQuery(tdReplyObj.td_data).addClass('td_animated_xxlong').appendTo('#' + tdReplyObj.td_block_id).addClass('td_fadeIn'); //jQuery('#' + tdReplyObj.td_block_id).append(tdReplyObj.td_data); //append } else { jQuery('#' + tdReplyObj.td_block_id).html(tdReplyObj.td_data); //in place } //hide or show prev if ( true === tdReplyObj.td_hide_prev ) { jQuery('#prev-page-' + tdReplyObj.td_block_id).addClass('ajax-page-disabled'); } else { jQuery('#prev-page-' + tdReplyObj.td_block_id).removeClass('ajax-page-disabled'); } //hide or show next if ( true === tdReplyObj.td_hide_next ) { jQuery('#next-page-' + tdReplyObj.td_block_id).addClass('ajax-page-disabled'); } else { jQuery('#next-page-' + tdReplyObj.td_block_id).removeClass('ajax-page-disabled'); } var currentBlockObj = tdBlocks.tdGetBlockObjById(tdReplyObj.td_block_id); if ( 'slide' === currentBlockObj.block_type ) { //make the first slide active (to have caption) jQuery('#' + tdReplyObj.td_block_id + ' .slide-wrap-active-first').addClass('slide-wrap-active'); } currentBlockObj.is_ajax_running = false; // finish the loading for this block //loading effects tdBlocks.tdBlockAjaxLoadingEnd(tdReplyObj, currentBlockObj, td_user_action); //td_user_action - load more or infinite loader (used by the animation) }, /** * loading start * @param current_block_obj * @param cache_hit boolean - is true if we have a cache hit * @param td_user_action - the request type / infinite_load ? */ tdBlockAjaxLoadingStart: function(current_block_obj, cache_hit, td_user_action) { //get the element var elCurTdBlockInner = jQuery('#' + current_block_obj.id); //remove any remaining loaders jQuery('.td-loader-gif').remove(); //remove animation classes elCurTdBlockInner.removeClass('td_fadeInRight td_fadeInLeft td_fadeInDown td_fadeInUp td_animated_xlong'); elCurTdBlockInner.addClass('td_block_inner_overflow'); //auto height => fixed height var tdTmpBlockHeight = elCurTdBlockInner.height(); elCurTdBlockInner.css('height', tdTmpBlockHeight); //show the loader only if we have a cache MISS if ( false === cache_hit ) { if ( 'load_more' === td_user_action) { // on load more elCurTdBlockInner.parent().append('
'); tdLoadingBox.init(current_block_obj.header_color ? current_block_obj.header_color : tds_theme_color_site_wide); //init the loading box setTimeout(function () { jQuery('.td-loader-gif') .removeClass('td-loader-animation-start') .addClass('td-loader-animation-mid'); }, 50); } else if ('infinite_load' === td_user_action) { // on infinite load elCurTdBlockInner.parent().append('
'); tdLoadingBox.init(current_block_obj.header_color ? current_block_obj.header_color : tds_theme_color_site_wide); //init the loading box setTimeout(function () { jQuery('.td-loader-gif') .removeClass('td-loader-animation-start') .addClass('td-loader-animation-mid'); }, 50); } else { /** * the default animation if the user action is NOT load_more or infinite_load * infinite load has NO animation ! */ elCurTdBlockInner.parent().append('
'); tdLoadingBox.init(current_block_obj.header_color ? current_block_obj.header_color : tds_theme_color_site_wide); //init the loading box (the parameter is the block title background color or tds_theme_color_site_wide) setTimeout( function(){ jQuery('.td-loader-gif') .removeClass('td-loader-animation-start') .addClass('td-loader-animation-mid'); },50); elCurTdBlockInner.addClass('td_animated_long td_fadeOut_to_1'); } } // end cache_hit if }, /** * we have a reply from the ajax request * @param td_reply_obj - the reply object that we got from the server, it's useful with infinite load * @param current_block_obj * @param td_user_action - load more or infinite loader (used by the animation) */ tdBlockAjaxLoadingEnd: function(td_reply_obj, current_block_obj, td_user_action) { //jQuery('.td-loader-gif').remove(); // remove the loader jQuery('.td-loader-gif') .removeClass('td-loader-animation-mid') .addClass('td-loader-animation-end'); setTimeout( function() { jQuery('.td-loader-gif').remove(); //stop the loading box tdLoadingBox.stop(); },400); //get the current inner var elCurTdBlockInner = jQuery('#' + current_block_obj.id); elCurTdBlockInner.removeClass('td_animated_long td_fadeOut_to_1'); // by default, the sort method used to animate the ajax response is left to the right var tdAnimationStackSortType; if ( true === tdAnimationStack.activated ) { tdAnimationStackSortType = tdAnimationStack.SORTED_METHOD.sort_left_to_right; } switch(td_user_action) { case 'next': elCurTdBlockInner.addClass('td_animated_xlong td_fadeInRight'); // the default sort method is modified to work from right to the left if ( undefined !== tdAnimationStackSortType ) { tdAnimationStackSortType = tdAnimationStack.SORTED_METHOD.sort_right_to_left; } break; case 'back': elCurTdBlockInner.addClass('td_animated_xlong td_fadeInLeft'); break; case 'pull_down': elCurTdBlockInner.addClass('td_animated_xlong td_fadeInDown'); break; case 'mega_menu': elCurTdBlockInner.addClass('td_animated_xlong td_fadeInDown'); break; case 'load_more': //console.log('.' + current_block_obj.id + '_rand .td_ajax_load_more_js'); setTimeout ( function() { jQuery('.' + current_block_obj.id + '_rand .td_ajax_load_more_js').css('visibility', 'visible'); }, 500); break; case 'infinite_load': setTimeout( function() { //refresh waypoints for infinit scroll tdInfiniteLoader tdInfiniteLoader.computeTopDistances(); if ( '' !== td_reply_obj.td_data ) { tdInfiniteLoader.enable_is_visible_callback(current_block_obj.id); } }, 500); setTimeout( function() { tdInfiniteLoader.computeTopDistances(); // load next page only if we have new data coming from the last ajax request }, 1000); setTimeout( function() { tdInfiniteLoader.computeTopDistances(); }, 1500); break; } setTimeout( function() { jQuery('.td_block_inner_overflow').removeClass('td_block_inner_overflow'); elCurTdBlockInner.css('height', 'auto'); tdSmartSidebar.compute(); },200); setTimeout( function () { tdSmartSidebar.compute(); }, 500); // the .entry-thumb are searched for in the current block object, sorted and added into the view port array items if ( undefined !== tdAnimationStackSortType ) { setTimeout( function () { tdAnimationStack.check_for_new_items('#' + current_block_obj.id + ' .td-animation-stack', tdAnimationStackSortType, true); }, 200); } }, /** * search by block _id * @param myID - block id * @returns {number} the index */ tdGetBlockIndex: function(myID) { var cnt = 0; var tmpReturn = 0; jQuery.each(tdBlocksArray, function(index, td_block) { if ( td_block.id === myID ) { tmpReturn = cnt; return false; //brake jquery each } else { cnt++; } }); return tmpReturn; }, /** * gets the block object using a block ID * @param myID * @returns {*} block object */ tdGetBlockObjById: function(myID) { return tdBlocksArray[tdBlocks.tdGetBlockIndex(myID)]; } }; //end tdBlocks })(); /* td_util.js v1.1 */ /* global jQuery:{} */ /* global tdDetect:{} */ /* global td_ajax_url:string */ /* global td_please_wait:string */ /* global td_email_user_pass_incorrect:string */ /* global td_email_user_incorrect:string */ /* global td_email_incorrect:string */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- On load */ jQuery().ready(function() { 'use strict'; /** * Modal window js code */ var modalSettings = { type: 'inline', preloader: false, focus: '#name', removalDelay: 500, // When elemened is focused, some mobile browsers in some cases zoom in // It looks not nice, so we disable it: callbacks: { beforeOpen: function() { this.st.mainClass = this.st.el.attr('data-effect'); //empty all fields tdLogin.clearFields(); //empty error display div tdLogin.showHideMsg(); if( jQuery( window ).width() < 700) { this.st.focus = false; } else { if ( false === tdDetect.isIe ) { //do not focus on ie 10 this.st.focus = '#login_email'; } } }, beforeClose: function() { } }, // The modal login is disabled for widths under less than 750px disableOn: function() { if( jQuery(window).width() < 750 ) { return false; } return true; } }; if ( undefined !== window.tds_login_sing_in_widget ) { // The following settings are only for the modal magnific popup, which is disable when width is less than 750px jQuery( '.comment-reply-login' ).attr({ 'href': '#login-form', 'data-effect': 'mpf-td-login-effect' }); // Set the modal magnific popup settings jQuery( '.comment-reply-login, .td-login-modal-js' ).magnificPopup( modalSettings ); } // - Set the normal link that will apply only for windows widths less than 750px // - Used for log in to leave a comment on post page to open the login section jQuery( '.td-login-modal-js, .comment-reply-login' ).on( 'click', function( event ) { if ( jQuery( window ).width() < 750 && undefined !== window.tds_login_sing_in_widget ) { event.preventDefault(); // open the menu background jQuery( 'body' ).addClass( 'td-menu-mob-open-menu' ); // hide the menu content jQuery( '.td-mobile-container' ).hide(); jQuery( '#td-mobile-nav' ).addClass( 'td-hide-menu-content' ); setTimeout(function(){ jQuery( '.td-mobile-container' ).show(); }, 500); //hides or shows the divs with inputs tdLogin.showHideElementsMobile( [['#td-login-mob', 1], ['#td-register-mob', 0], ['#td-forgot-pass-mob', 0]] ); } }); //login jQuery( '#login-link' ).on( 'click', function() { //hides or shows the divs with inputs tdLogin.showHideElements( [['#td-login-div', 1], ['#td-register-div', 0], ['#td-forgot-pass-div', 0]] ); jQuery( '#login-form' ).addClass( 'td-login-animation' ); if ( jQuery(window).width() > 700 && tdDetect.isIe === false ) { jQuery( '#login_email' ).focus(); } //empty error display div tdLogin.showHideMsg(); }); //register jQuery( '#register-link' ).on( 'click', function() { //hides or shows the divs with inputs tdLogin.showHideElements( [['#td-login-div', 0], ['#td-register-div', 1], ['#td-forgot-pass-div', 0]] ); jQuery( '#login-form' ).addClass( 'td-login-animation' ); if ( jQuery( window ).width() > 700 && false === tdDetect.isIe ) { jQuery( '#register_email' ).focus(); } //empty error display div tdLogin.showHideMsg(); }); //forgot pass jQuery( '#forgot-pass-link' ).on( 'click', function(event) { //prevent scroll to page top event.preventDefault(); //hides or shows the divs with inputs tdLogin.showHideElements( [['#td-login-div', 0], ['#td-register-div', 0], ['#td-forgot-pass-div', 1]] ); jQuery( '#login-form' ).addClass( 'td-login-animation' ); if (jQuery( window ).width() > 700 && false === tdDetect.isIe ) { jQuery( '#forgot_email' ).focus(); } //empty error display div tdLogin.showHideMsg(); }); //login button jQuery( '#login_button' ).on( 'click', function() { tdLogin.handlerLogin(); }); //enter key on #login_pass jQuery( '#login_pass' ).keydown(function(event) { if ( ( event.which && 13 === event.which ) || ( event.keyCode && 13 === event.keyCode ) ) { tdLogin.handlerLogin(); } }); //register button jQuery( '#register_button' ).on( 'click', function() { tdLogin.handlerRegister(); }); //enter key on #register_user jQuery( '#register_user' ).keydown(function(event) { if ( ( event.which && 13 === event.which ) || ( event.keyCode && 13 === event.keyCode ) ) { tdLogin.handlerRegister(); } }); //forgot button jQuery( '#forgot_button' ).on( 'click', function() { tdLogin.handlerForgotPass(); }); //enter key on #forgot_email jQuery( '#forgot_email' ).keydown(function(event) { if ( ( event.which && 13 === event.which ) || ( event.keyCode && 13 === event.keyCode ) ) { tdLogin.handlerForgotPass(); } }); // marius jQuery( '.td-back-button' ).on( 'click', function() { //hides or shows the divs with inputs tdLogin.showHideElements( [['#td-login-div', 1], ['#td-register-div', 0], ['#td-forgot-pass-div', 0]] ); jQuery( '#login-form' ).removeClass( 'td-login-animation' ); // clear the error message when press back jQuery( '.td_display_err' ).hide(); }); });//end jquery ready var tdLogin = {}; (function(){ 'use strict'; tdLogin = { //patern to check emails email_pattern : /^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{0,}[a-zA-Z0-9]@[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{0,}[a-z0-9][\.][a-z0-9]{2,4}$/, /** * handle all request made from login tab */ handlerLogin : function() { var loginEmailEl = jQuery( '#login_email'), loginPassEl = jQuery( '#login_pass' ); if ( loginEmailEl.length && loginPassEl.length ) { var loginEmailVal = loginEmailEl.val().trim(), loginPassVal = loginPassEl.val().trim(); if ( loginEmailVal && loginPassVal ) { tdLogin.addRemoveClass( ['.td_display_err', 1, 'td_display_msg_ok'] ); tdLogin.showHideMsg( td_please_wait ); //call ajax for log in tdLogin.doAction( 'td_mod_login', loginEmailVal, '', loginPassVal ); } else { tdLogin.showHideMsg( td_email_user_pass_incorrect ); } } }, /** * handle all request made from register tab */ handlerRegister : function() { var registerEmailEl = jQuery( '#register_email' ), registerUserEl = jQuery( '#register_user' ); if ( registerEmailEl.length && registerUserEl.length ) { var registerEmailVal = registerEmailEl.val().trim(), registerUserVal = registerUserEl.val().trim(); if ( tdLogin.email_pattern.test( registerEmailVal ) && registerUserVal ) { tdLogin.addRemoveClass( ['.td_display_err', 1, 'td_display_msg_ok'] ); tdLogin.showHideMsg( td_please_wait ); //call ajax tdLogin.doAction( 'td_mod_register', registerEmailVal, registerUserVal, '' ); } else { tdLogin.showHideMsg( td_email_user_incorrect ); } } }, /** * handle all request made from forgot password tab */ handlerForgotPass : function() { var forgotEmailEl = jQuery( '#forgot_email' ); if ( forgotEmailEl.length ) { var forgotEmailVal = forgotEmailEl.val().trim(); if ( tdLogin.email_pattern.test( forgotEmailVal ) ){ tdLogin.addRemoveClass( ['.td_display_err', 1, 'td_display_msg_ok'] ); tdLogin.showHideMsg( td_please_wait ); //call ajax tdLogin.doAction( 'td_mod_remember_pass', forgotEmailVal, '', '' ); } else { tdLogin.showHideMsg( td_email_incorrect ); } } }, /** * swhich the div's acordingly to the user action (Log In, Register, Remember Password) * * ids_array : array of ids that have to be showed or hidden */ showHideElements : function( ids_array ) { if ( ids_array.constructor === Array ) { var length = ids_array.length; for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { if ( ids_array[ i ].constructor === Array && 2 === ids_array[ i ].length ) { var jqElement = jQuery( ids_array[ i ][0] ); if ( jqElement.length ) { if ( 1 === ids_array[ i ][1] ) { jqElement.removeClass( 'td-display-none' ).addClass( 'td-display-block' ); } else { jqElement.removeClass( 'td-display-block' ).addClass( 'td-display-none' ); } } } } } }, showHideElementsMobile : function( ids_array ) { if ( ids_array.constructor === Array ) { var length = ids_array.length; for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { if ( ids_array[ i ].constructor === Array && 2 === ids_array[ i ].length ) { var jqElement = jQuery( ids_array[ i ][0] ); if ( jqElement.length ) { if ( 1 === ids_array[ i ][1] ) { jqElement.removeClass( 'td-login-hide' ).addClass( 'td-login-show' ); } else { jqElement.removeClass( 'td-login-show' ).addClass( 'td-login-hide' ); } } } } } }, showTabs : function( ids_array ) { if ( ids_array.constructor === Array ) { var length = ids_array.length; for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { if ( ids_array[ i ].constructor === Array && 2 === ids_array[ i ].length ) { var jqElement = jQuery( ids_array[ i ][0] ); if ( jqElement.length ) { if ( 1 === ids_array[ i ][1] ) { jqElement.addClass( 'td_login_tab_focus' ); } else { jqElement.removeClass( 'td_login_tab_focus' ); } } } } } }, /** * adds or remove a class from an html object * * param : array with object identifier (id - # or class - .) * ex: ['.class_indetifier', 1, 'class_to_add'] or ['.class_indetifier', 0, 'class_to_remove'] */ addRemoveClass : function( param ) { if ( param.constructor === Array && 3 === param.length ) { var tdElement = jQuery( param[0] ); if ( tdElement.length ) { if ( 1 === param[1] ) { tdElement.addClass( param[2] ); } else { tdElement.removeClass( param[2] ); } } } }, showHideMsg : function( msg ) { var tdDisplayErr = jQuery( '.td_display_err' ); if ( tdDisplayErr.length ) { if ( undefined !== msg && msg.constructor === String && msg.length > 0 ) { tdDisplayErr.show(); tdDisplayErr.html( msg ); } else { tdDisplayErr.hide(); tdDisplayErr.html( '' ); } } }, /** * empty all fields in modal window */ clearFields : function() { //login fields jQuery( '#login_email' ).val( '' ); jQuery( '#login_pass' ).val( '' ); //register fields jQuery( '#register_email' ).val( '' ); jQuery( '#register_user' ).val( '' ); //forgot pass jQuery( '#forgot_email' ).val( '' ); }, /** * call to server from modal window * * @param $action : what action (log in, register, forgot email) * @param $email : the email beening sent * @param $user : the user name beening sent */ doAction : function( sent_action, sent_email, sent_user, sent_pass ) { jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: td_ajax_url, data: { action: sent_action, email: sent_email, user: sent_user, pass: sent_pass }, success: function( data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest ){ var td_data_object = jQuery.parseJSON( data ); //get the data object //check the response from server switch( td_data_object[0] ) { case 'login': if ( 1 === td_data_object[1] ) { location.reload( true ); } else { tdLogin.addRemoveClass( ['.td_display_err', 0, 'td_display_msg_ok'] ); tdLogin.showHideMsg( td_data_object[2] ); } break; case 'register': if ( 1 === td_data_object[1] ) { tdLogin.addRemoveClass( ['.td_display_err', 1, 'td_display_msg_ok'] ); } else { tdLogin.addRemoveClass( ['.td_display_err', 0, 'td_display_msg_ok'] ); } tdLogin.showHideMsg( td_data_object[2] ); break; case 'remember_pass': if ( 1 === td_data_object[1] ) { tdLogin.addRemoveClass( ['.td_display_err', 1, 'td_display_msg_ok'] ); } else { tdLogin.addRemoveClass( ['.td_display_err', 0, 'td_display_msg_ok'] ); } tdLogin.showHideMsg( td_data_object[2] ); break; } }, error: function( MLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown ){ //console.log(errorThrown); } }); } }; })(); /* td_util.js v1.1 */ /* global jQuery:{} */ /* global tdDetect:{} */ /* global td_ajax_url:string */ /* global td_please_wait:string */ /* global td_email_user_pass_incorrect:string */ /* global td_email_user_incorrect:string */ /* global td_email_incorrect:string */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- On load */ jQuery().ready(function() { 'use strict'; //login jQuery( '#login-link-mob' ).on( 'click', function() { //hides or shows the divs with inputs tdLoginMob.showHideElements( [['#td-login-mob', 1], ['#td-register-mob', 0], ['#td-forgot-pass-mob', 0]] ); jQuery( '#td-mobile-nav' ).addClass( 'td-hide-menu-content' ); if ( jQuery(window).width() > 700 && tdDetect.isIe === false ) { jQuery( '#login_email-mob' ).focus(); } //empty error display div tdLoginMob.showHideMsg(); }); //register jQuery( '#register-link-mob' ).on( 'click', function() { //hides or shows the divs with inputs tdLoginMob.showHideElements( [['#td-login-mob', 0], ['#td-register-mob', 1], ['#td-forgot-pass-mob', 0]] ); jQuery( '#td-mobile-nav' ).addClass( 'td-hide-menu-content' ); if ( jQuery( window ).width() > 700 && false === tdDetect.isIe ) { jQuery( '#register_email-mob' ).focus(); } //empty error display div tdLoginMob.showHideMsg(); }); //forgot pass jQuery( '#forgot-pass-link-mob' ).on( 'click', function() { //hides or shows the divs with inputs tdLoginMob.showHideElements( [['#td-login-mob', 0], ['#td-register-mob', 0], ['#td-forgot-pass-mob', 1]] ); if (jQuery( window ).width() > 700 && false === tdDetect.isIe ) { jQuery( '#forgot_email-mob' ).focus(); } //empty error display div tdLoginMob.showHideMsg(); }); //login button jQuery( '#login_button-mob' ).on( 'click', function() { tdLoginMob.handlerLogin(); }); //enter key on #login_pass jQuery( '#login_pass-mob' ).keydown(function(event) { if ( ( event.which && 13 === event.which ) || ( event.keyCode && 13 === event.keyCode ) ) { tdLoginMob.handlerLogin(); } }); //register button jQuery( '#register_button-mob' ).on( 'click', function() { tdLoginMob.handlerRegister(); }); //enter key on #register_user jQuery( '#register_user-mob' ).keydown(function(event) { if ( ( event.which && 13 === event.which ) || ( event.keyCode && 13 === event.keyCode ) ) { tdLoginMob.handlerRegister(); } }); //forgot button jQuery( '#forgot_button-mob' ).on( 'click', function() { tdLoginMob.handlerForgotPass(); }); //enter key on #forgot_email jQuery( '#forgot_email-mob' ).keydown(function(event) { if ( ( event.which && 13 === event.which ) || ( event.keyCode && 13 === event.keyCode ) ) { tdLoginMob.handlerForgotPass(); } }); // marius // ***************************************************************************** // ***************************************************************************** // back login/register button jQuery( '#td-mobile-nav .td-login-close a, #td-mobile-nav .td-register-close a' ).on( 'click', function() { //hides or shows the divs with inputs tdLoginMob.showHideElements( [['#td-login-mob', 0], ['#td-register-mob', 0], ['#td-forgot-pass-mob', 0]] ); jQuery( '#td-mobile-nav' ).removeClass( 'td-hide-menu-content' ); }); // back forgot pass button jQuery( '#td-mobile-nav .td-forgot-pass-close a' ).on( 'click', function() { //hides or shows the divs with inputs tdLoginMob.showHideElements( [['#td-login-mob', 1], ['#td-register-mob', 0], ['#td-forgot-pass-mob', 0]] ); }); });//end jquery ready var tdLoginMob = {}; (function(){ 'use strict'; tdLoginMob = { //patern to check emails email_pattern : /^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{0,}[a-zA-Z0-9]@[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{0,}[a-z0-9][\.][a-z0-9]{2,4}$/, /** * handle all request made from login tab */ handlerLogin : function() { var loginEmailEl = jQuery( '#login_email-mob'), loginPassEl = jQuery( '#login_pass-mob' ); if ( loginEmailEl.length && loginPassEl.length ) { var loginEmailVal = loginEmailEl.val().trim(), loginPassVal = loginPassEl.val().trim(); if ( loginEmailVal && loginPassVal ) { tdLoginMob.addRemoveClass( ['.td_display_err', 1, 'td_display_msg_ok'] ); tdLoginMob.showHideMsg( td_please_wait ); //call ajax for log in tdLoginMob.doAction( 'td_mod_login', loginEmailVal, '', loginPassVal ); } else { tdLoginMob.showHideMsg( td_email_user_pass_incorrect ); } } }, /** * handle all request made from register tab */ handlerRegister : function() { var registerEmailEl = jQuery( '#register_email-mob' ), registerUserEl = jQuery( '#register_user-mob' ); if ( registerEmailEl.length && registerUserEl.length ) { var registerEmailVal = registerEmailEl.val().trim(), registerUserVal = registerUserEl.val().trim(); if ( tdLoginMob.email_pattern.test( registerEmailVal ) && registerUserVal ) { tdLoginMob.addRemoveClass( ['.td_display_err', 1, 'td_display_msg_ok'] ); tdLoginMob.showHideMsg( td_please_wait ); //call ajax tdLoginMob.doAction( 'td_mod_register', registerEmailVal, registerUserVal, '' ); } else { tdLoginMob.showHideMsg( td_email_user_incorrect ); } } }, /** * handle all request made from forgot password tab */ handlerForgotPass : function() { var forgotEmailEl = jQuery( '#forgot_email-mob' ); if ( forgotEmailEl.length ) { var forgotEmailVal = forgotEmailEl.val().trim(); if ( tdLoginMob.email_pattern.test( forgotEmailVal ) ){ tdLoginMob.addRemoveClass( ['.td_display_err', 1, 'td_display_msg_ok'] ); tdLoginMob.showHideMsg( td_please_wait ); //call ajax tdLoginMob.doAction( 'td_mod_remember_pass', forgotEmailVal, '', '' ); } else { tdLoginMob.showHideMsg( td_email_incorrect ); } } }, /** * swhich the div's acordingly to the user action (Log In, Register, Remember Password) * * ids_array : array of ids that have to be showed or hidden */ showHideElements : function( ids_array ) { if ( ids_array.constructor === Array ) { var length = ids_array.length; for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { if ( ids_array[ i ].constructor === Array && 2 === ids_array[ i ].length ) { var jqElement = jQuery( ids_array[ i ][0] ); if ( jqElement.length ) { if ( 1 === ids_array[ i ][1] ) { jqElement.removeClass( 'td-login-hide' ).addClass( 'td-login-show' ); } else { jqElement.removeClass( 'td-login-show' ).addClass( 'td-login-hide' ); } } } } } }, /** * adds or remove a class from an html object * * param : array with object identifier (id - # or class - .) * ex: ['.class_indetifier', 1, 'class_to_add'] or ['.class_indetifier', 0, 'class_to_remove'] */ addRemoveClass : function( param ) { if ( param.constructor === Array && 3 === param.length ) { var jqElement = jQuery( param[0] ); if ( jqElement.length ) { if ( 1 === param[1] ) { jqElement.addClass( param[2] ); } else { jqElement.removeClass( param[2] ); } } } }, showHideMsg : function( msg ) { var tdDisplayErr = jQuery( '.td_display_err' ); if ( tdDisplayErr.length ) { if ( undefined !== msg && msg.constructor === String && msg.length > 0 ) { tdDisplayErr.show(); tdDisplayErr.html( msg ); } else { tdDisplayErr.hide(); tdDisplayErr.html( '' ); } } }, /** * empty all fields in modal window */ clearFields : function() { //login fields jQuery( '#login_email-mob' ).val( '' ); jQuery( '#login_pass-mob' ).val( '' ); //register fields jQuery( '#register_email-mob' ).val( '' ); jQuery( '#register_user-mob' ).val( '' ); //forgot pass jQuery( '#forgot_email-mob' ).val( '' ); }, /** * call to server from modal window * * @param $action : what action (log in, register, forgot email) * @param $email : the email beening sent * @param $user : the user name beening sent */ doAction : function( sent_action, sent_email, sent_user, sent_pass ) { jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: td_ajax_url, data: { action: sent_action, email: sent_email, user: sent_user, pass: sent_pass }, success: function( data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest ){ var td_data_object = jQuery.parseJSON( data ); //get the data object //check the response from server switch( td_data_object[0] ) { case 'login': if ( 1 === td_data_object[1] ) { location.reload( true ); } else { tdLoginMob.addRemoveClass( ['.td_display_err', 0, 'td_display_msg_ok'] ); tdLoginMob.showHideMsg( td_data_object[2] ); } break; case 'register': if ( 1 === td_data_object[1] ) { tdLoginMob.addRemoveClass( ['.td_display_err', 1, 'td_display_msg_ok'] ); } else { tdLoginMob.addRemoveClass( ['.td_display_err', 0, 'td_display_msg_ok'] ); } tdLoginMob.showHideMsg( td_data_object[2] ); break; case 'remember_pass': if ( 1 === td_data_object[1] ) { tdLoginMob.addRemoveClass( ['.td_display_err', 1, 'td_display_msg_ok'] ); } else { tdLoginMob.addRemoveClass( ['.td_display_err', 0, 'td_display_msg_ok'] ); } tdLoginMob.showHideMsg( td_data_object[2] ); break; } }, error: function( MLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown ){ //console.log(errorThrown); } }); } }; })(); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- tagDiv live css compiler ( 2013 ) - this script is used on our demo site to customize the theme live - not used on production sites */ /* global jQuery:{} */ /* global td_read_site_cookie:Function */ /* global td_set_cookies_life:Function */ /* global tdDetect: {} */ var tdDemoMenu; (function(jQuery, undefined) { 'use strict'; tdDemoMenu = { // document - horizontal mouse position mousePosX: 0, // document - vertical mouse position mousePosY: 0, // The timer waiting to start de interval startTimeout: undefined, // The interval that decreases the padding-left css value and increases the left css value of the screen demo (previewer of the demo) startInterval: undefined, // Flag marks that it's possible to move the mouse to the original demo _extendedDemo: false, // The current demo element (for which the counters have been applied) _currentElement: undefined, // The timer waiting to start the interval for extended demo _startExtendedTimeout: undefined, // The interval that decreases the width css value of the extended element _startExtendedInterval: undefined, init: function () { // Get document mouse position jQuery(document).mousemove(function (event) { if (event.pageX || event.pageY) { tdDemoMenu.mousePosX = event.pageX; tdDemoMenu.mousePosY = event.pageY; } else if (event.clientX || event.clientY) { tdDemoMenu.mousePosX = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; tdDemoMenu.mousePosY = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop; } }); // cloase the preview on mouse leave jQuery(document).mouseleave(function (event) { // Any existing timeout is cleard to stop any further css settings if (undefined !== tdDemoMenu.startTimeout) { window.clearTimeout(tdDemoMenu.startTimeout); } // Any existing interval is cleard to stop any further css settings if (undefined !== tdDemoMenu.startInterval) { window.clearInterval(tdDemoMenu.startInterval); } jQuery('.td-screen-demo:first').css('visibility', 'hidden'); jQuery('.td-screen-demo-extend:first').hide(); }); // Show/hide the arrow skin scroll element jQuery('#td-theme-settings').find('.td-skin-wrap:first').scroll(function (event) { //console.log( event ); var theTarget = event.currentTarget, tdSkinScroll = jQuery(this).find('.td-skin-scroll:first'); if (theTarget.clientHeight + theTarget.scrollTop < theTarget.scrollHeight) { tdSkinScroll.css({ bottom: 0 }); } else { tdSkinScroll.css({ bottom: -40 }); } }); jQuery('#td-theme-settings').find('.td-skin-scroll:first').click(function (event) { //console.log( event ); var theTarget = event.currentTarget, tdSkinWrap = jQuery(this).closest('.td-skin-wrap'); tdSkinWrap.animate( {scrollTop: tdSkinWrap.scrollTop() + 200}, { duration: 800, easing: 'easeInOutQuart' }); }).mouseenter(function (event) { // Any existing timeout is cleard to stop any further css settings if (undefined !== tdDemoMenu.startTimeout) { window.clearTimeout(tdDemoMenu.startTimeout); } // Any existing interval is cleard to stop any further css settings if (undefined !== tdDemoMenu.startInterval) { window.clearInterval(tdDemoMenu.startInterval); } //jQuery( '#td-theme-settings' ).find( '.td-screen-demo:first' ).hide(); jQuery('#td-theme-settings').find('.td-screen-demo:first').css('visibility', 'hidden'); }); jQuery('.td-set-theme-style-link').hover( // The mouse enter event handler function (event) { //console.log( 'in MAIN ' + contor++); // Any existing timeout is cleard to stop any further css settings if (undefined !== tdDemoMenu.startTimeout) { window.clearTimeout(tdDemoMenu.startTimeout); } // Any existing interval is cleard to stop any further css settings if (undefined !== tdDemoMenu.startInterval) { window.clearInterval(tdDemoMenu.startInterval); } var // The css class of the container element cssClassContainer = 'td-set-theme-style', // The jquery object of the current element $this = jQuery(this), // The jquery object of the container of the current element $thisContainer = $this.closest('.' + cssClassContainer), // The demo previewer jQueryDisplayEl = jQuery('.td-screen-demo:first'), // The ref top value considers the existing of the wpadminbar element refTopValue = 0, // The top value set to the css top setting topValue = 0, // The left value set to the css left setting rightValue = 0, // The padding value set to the css padding-left setting paddingRightValue = 0, // The extra value added to the css padding-left setting and removed from the css left setting (if we need to start earlier or later - does nothing with 0 value) extraRightValue = 0, // The jquery wpadminbar element jqWPAdminBar = jQuery('#wpadminbar'); // Show the image into the image previewer var imgElement = jQueryDisplayEl.find('img:first'), dataImgUrl = $this.data('img-url'); if (imgElement.length) { imgElement.attr('src', dataImgUrl); } else { jQueryDisplayEl.html(''); } // The first column if ( 0 === jQuery( '.td-set-theme-style-link' ).index( this ) % 2 ) { rightValue = $thisContainer.outerWidth(true) * 2; // The second column } else { var $thisPrevContainer = $thisContainer.prev('.' + cssClassContainer); if ($thisPrevContainer.length) { rightValue = $thisPrevContainer.outerWidth(true) - extraRightValue; paddingRightValue = $thisPrevContainer.outerWidth(true) + extraRightValue; } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } topValue = event.pageY - document.body.scrollTop - ( jQueryDisplayEl.outerHeight( true ) / 2 ); // Do not allow displaying the previewer demo below the bottom of the window screen if (topValue + jQueryDisplayEl.outerHeight(true) > window.innerHeight) { topValue -= (topValue + jQueryDisplayEl.outerHeight(true)) - window.innerHeight; } // Do not allow displaying the previewer demo above the top of the window screen. It also checks if the wpadminbar exists. if (jqWPAdminBar.length) { refTopValue = jqWPAdminBar.outerHeight(true); } else { refTopValue = 0; } if (refTopValue > topValue) { topValue = refTopValue; } // The 'width' css property is used for Chrome and IE browsers which do not display the previewer image with auto width and auto height var cssSettings = { 'top': topValue, 'right': rightValue, 'padding-right': paddingRightValue, 'width': '' }, dataWidthPreview = jQueryDisplayEl.data('width-preview'); // For the first column of demos, the previewer has padding if (paddingRightValue > 0) { cssSettings.width = dataWidthPreview + paddingRightValue; } // Apply the computed css to the element jQueryDisplayEl.css(cssSettings); // The 'right-value' data will be used to set 'right' css value when the computed padding is < 0 jQueryDisplayEl.data('right-value', rightValue + paddingRightValue); //jQueryDisplayEl.show(); jQueryDisplayEl.css('visibility', 'visible'); }, // The mouse exit event handler function (event) { //console.log('out MAIN '); jQuery('.td-screen-demo-extend:first').hide(); var // The jquery object of the previewer demo element jQueryDisplayEl = jQuery('.td-screen-demo:first'), // The css right value existingRightValue = jQueryDisplayEl.css('right'), // The css padding-right value existingExtraRightValue = jQueryDisplayEl.css('padding-right'), // The css width value existingWidthValue = jQueryDisplayEl.css('width'), // The integer css right value newRightValue = parseInt(existingRightValue.replace('px', '')), // The integer css padding-right value newExtraRightValue = parseInt(existingExtraRightValue.replace('px', '')), // The step value used to decrease the padding-left css value and to increase the left css value step = 10, // The waiting time (ms) for the timeout startTimeoutWait = 50, // The time (ms) for the interval //startIntervalWait = 15, startIntervalWait = 15, newWidthValue = parseInt(existingWidthValue.replace('px', '')); var $this = jQuery(this); tdDemoMenu._currentElement = $this; var tdThemeSettingsWidth = parseInt(jQuery('#td-theme-settings').css('width').replace('px', '')); if (newExtraRightValue > 0) { // Clear any timeout if there's one, because a new one will be created if (undefined !== tdDemoMenu.startTimeout) { window.clearTimeout(tdDemoMenu.startTimeout); tdDemoMenu.startTimeout = undefined; } // Clear any interval if there's one, because a new one will be created if (undefined !== tdDemoMenu.startInterval) { window.clearInterval(tdDemoMenu.startInterval); tdDemoMenu.startInterval = undefined; } tdDemoMenu.startTimeout = setTimeout(function () { // Extended demo is eligible to be shown (true) // The flag is set to false when the mouse is found in wrong position (mouse position is reached) // The flag is set to true when the counters (the timer and the interval) finish, there the extended demo element being shown tdDemoMenu._extendedDemo = true; tdDemoMenu.startInterval = setInterval(function () { var dataWidthPreview = jQueryDisplayEl.data('width-preview'); newRightValue += step; newExtraRightValue -= step; newWidthValue -= step; var mousePositionFound = false; if (newExtraRightValue <= 0 || newWidthValue < dataWidthPreview || tdDemoMenu.mousePosX <= jQuery(window).width() - tdThemeSettingsWidth || tdDemoMenu.mousePosX >= jQuery(window).width() - newRightValue) { // Clear any timeout, and we should have one, because we finished if (undefined !== tdDemoMenu.startTimeout) { window.clearTimeout(tdDemoMenu.startTimeout); tdDemoMenu.startTimeout = undefined; } // Clear any interval, and we should have one, because we finished if (undefined !== tdDemoMenu.startInterval) { window.clearInterval(tdDemoMenu.startInterval); tdDemoMenu.startInterval = undefined; } newExtraRightValue = 0; newRightValue = jQueryDisplayEl.data('right-value'); newWidthValue = dataWidthPreview; if (tdDemoMenu.mousePosX >= jQuery(window).width() - newRightValue) { mousePositionFound = true; } } jQueryDisplayEl.css({ 'right': newRightValue, 'padding-right': newExtraRightValue, 'width': newWidthValue }); // The timeout started and the interval are stopped (The mouse was reached or the css computation is done) if (mousePositionFound) { tdDemoMenu._extendedDemo = false; tdDemoMenu._checkMousePosition(); } else if (undefined === tdDemoMenu.startTimeout && undefined === tdDemoMenu.startInterval) { tdDemoMenu._extendedDemo = true; tdDemoMenu._showExtendedScreenDemo(); } }, startIntervalWait ); }, startTimeoutWait); } else { //jQueryDisplayEl.hide(); jQueryDisplayEl.css('visibility', 'hidden'); } } ).mousemove(function(event) { tdDemoMenu._moveScreenDemo( event ); }); jQuery('.td-screen-demo').hover( function (event) { //jQuery(this).show(); jQuery(this).css('visibility', 'visible'); tdDemoMenu._resetTdScreeDemoExtendWidth(); }, function (event) { // We are on mouseleave event, and because of this, if the main counters (the timer and the interval) are not finished, it means we // don't have any extended demo element, so it's okay to set its flag to false and hide the extended demo element and the previewer demo element (this element) // The main counters (the timer and the interval) are cleared immediately, because their final step can make extend demo visible // Clear any timeout, and we should have one, because we finished if (undefined !== tdDemoMenu.startTimeout) { window.clearTimeout(tdDemoMenu.startTimeout); tdDemoMenu.startTimeout = undefined; } // Clear any interval, and we should have one, because we finished if (undefined !== tdDemoMenu.startInterval) { window.clearInterval(tdDemoMenu.startInterval); tdDemoMenu.startInterval = undefined; } //jQuery(this).hide(); jQuery(this).css('visibility', 'hidden'); jQuery('.td-screen-demo-extend:first').hide(); } ).mousemove(function(event) { //tdDemoMenu._moveScreenDemo( event ); }); jQuery('.td-screen-demo-extend').hover( function (event) { if ( tdDemoMenu._extendedDemo ) { // Set the flag to false to not execute this routine twice on mouseenter event tdDemoMenu._extendedDemo = false; var // The jquery current element $this = jQuery(this), // The jquery '.td-screen-demo' element $tdScreenDemo = jQuery('.td-screen-demo:first'), // The css width value //columnWidth = $this.data('width-column'), columnWidth = parseInt(jQuery('#td-theme-settings').css('width').replace('px', '')) / 2, // The step value used to decrease the padding-left css value and to increase the left css value step = 10, // The waiting time (ms) for the timeout startTimeoutWait = 50, // The time (ms) for the interval //startIntervalWait = 15, startIntervalWait = 15, newWidthValue = columnWidth; $this.css({ 'width': columnWidth + 'px', 'top': $tdScreenDemo.css('top') }); $this.show(); //$tdScreenDemo.show(); $tdScreenDemo.css('visibility', 'visible'); tdDemoMenu._startExtendedTimeout = setTimeout(function () { tdDemoMenu._startExtendedInterval = setInterval(function () { newWidthValue -= step; var mousePositionFound = false; if (newWidthValue < 0 || tdDemoMenu.mousePosX <= jQuery(window).width() - columnWidth - newWidthValue) { // Clear any timeout, and we should have one, because we finished if (undefined !== tdDemoMenu._startExtendedTimeout) { window.clearTimeout(tdDemoMenu._startExtendedTimeout); tdDemoMenu._startExtendedTimeout = undefined; } // Clear any interval, and we should have one, because we finished if (undefined !== tdDemoMenu._startExtendedInterval) { window.clearInterval(tdDemoMenu._startExtendedInterval); tdDemoMenu._startExtendedInterval = undefined; } if (tdDemoMenu.mousePosX <= jQuery(window).width() - columnWidth - newWidthValue) { mousePositionFound = true; } newWidthValue = columnWidth; $this.hide(); } $this.css({ 'width': newWidthValue, 'top': $tdScreenDemo.css('top') }); if (mousePositionFound) { tdDemoMenu._checkMousePosition(); } }, startIntervalWait); }, startTimeoutWait); } }, function (event) { /** * 1. clear any extended timer/interval * 2. hide the element * 3. adjust its width to the initial value * 4. hide the previewer element (this will be shown by the a mouseenter event if it's the case) */ // Clear any timeout, and we should have one, because we finished if (undefined !== tdDemoMenu._startExtendedTimeout) { window.clearTimeout(tdDemoMenu._startExtendedTimeout); tdDemoMenu._startExtendedTimeout = undefined; } // Clear any interval, and we should have one, because we finished if (undefined !== tdDemoMenu._startExtendedInterval) { window.clearInterval(tdDemoMenu._startExtendedInterval); tdDemoMenu._startExtendedInterval = undefined; } tdDemoMenu._resetTdScreeDemoExtendWidth(); jQuery(this).hide(); //jQuery( '.td-screen-demo:first').hide(); jQuery('.td-screen-demo:first').css('visibility', 'hidden'); } ).mousemove(function(event) { //tdDemoMenu._moveScreenDemo( event ); }); }, /** * Position the '.td-screen-demo' element according to the mouse position * * @param event - mouse move * @private */ _moveScreenDemo: function( event ) { var // The jquery object of the previewer demo element $screenDemo = jQuery( '.td-screen-demo:first' ), $WPAdminBar = jQuery( '#wpadminbar' ), // new top value newTopValue = event.pageY - document.body.scrollTop - ( $screenDemo.outerHeight( true ) / 2 ), // The reference top value used when #wpadminbar is enabled refTopValue = 0; if ( $WPAdminBar.length ) { refTopValue = $WPAdminBar.outerHeight(true); } else { refTopValue = 0; } if ( refTopValue > newTopValue ) { newTopValue = refTopValue; } if ( newTopValue < 0 ) { newTopValue = 0; } else if ( jQuery( window ).height() - $screenDemo.outerHeight( true ) / 2 < event.pageY - document.body.scrollTop ) { newTopValue = jQuery( window ).height() - $screenDemo.outerHeight( true ); } $screenDemo.css( 'top', newTopValue ); }, /** * Used when the width of the demo menu has changed (the width of the extended screen also changes) * @private */ _resetTdScreeDemoExtendWidth: function () { var widthColumn = parseInt(jQuery('#td-theme-settings').css('width').replace('px', '')) / 2; jQuery('.td-screen-demo-extend:first').css({ 'width': widthColumn + 'px' }); }, _showExtendedScreenDemo: function () { if (tdDemoMenu._extendedDemo) { jQuery('.td-screen-demo-extend:first').css({ top: jQuery('.td-screen-demo:first').css('top') }).show(); } }, _checkMousePosition: function () { var theElement; jQuery('.td-set-theme-style-link').each(function (index, element) { tdDemoMenu._log(index); var $this = jQuery(element), cssClassContainer = 'td-set-theme-style', $thisContainer = $this.closest('.' + cssClassContainer); var verticalPosition = false; var horizontalPosition = false; if (0 === jQuery('.td-set-theme-style-link').index(element) % 2) { if (parseInt($thisContainer.position().top) + parseInt(jQuery(window).scrollTop()) < tdDemoMenu.mousePosY && tdDemoMenu.mousePosY < parseInt($thisContainer.position().top) + parseInt(jQuery(window).scrollTop()) + parseInt($thisContainer.outerHeight())) { verticalPosition = true; if (parseInt(jQuery(window).width()) - 2 * parseInt($thisContainer.outerWidth()) < tdDemoMenu.mousePosX && tdDemoMenu.mousePosX < parseInt(jQuery(window).width()) - parseInt($thisContainer.outerWidth())) { horizontalPosition = true; } } //tdDemoMenu._log( 'caz A : ' + index + ' > vert: ' + verticalPosition + ' > hori: ' + horizontalPosition + ' > posY: ' + tdDemoMenu.mousePosY + ' > posX: ' + tdDemoMenu.mousePosX + // ' > top: ' + (parseInt($thisContainer.position().top) + parseInt(jQuery(window).scrollTop())) + ' > bottom: ' + (parseInt($thisContainer.position().top) + parseInt(jQuery(window).scrollTop()) + parseInt($thisContainer.outerHeight())) + // ' > left: ' + (parseInt(jQuery( window ).width()) - 2 * parseInt($thisContainer.outerWidth())) + ' > right: ' + (parseInt(jQuery( window ).width()) - parseInt($thisContainer.outerWidth())) ); } else { var $thisPrevContainer = $thisContainer.prev('.' + cssClassContainer); if ($thisPrevContainer.length) { if (parseInt($thisPrevContainer.position().top) + parseInt(jQuery(window).scrollTop()) < tdDemoMenu.mousePosY && tdDemoMenu.mousePosY < (parseInt($thisPrevContainer.position().top) + parseInt(jQuery(window).scrollTop()) + parseInt($thisPrevContainer.outerHeight()))) { verticalPosition = true; if (parseInt(jQuery(window).width()) - parseInt($thisContainer.outerWidth()) < tdDemoMenu.mousePosX && tdDemoMenu.mousePosX < parseInt(jQuery(window).width())) { horizontalPosition = true; } } } //tdDemoMenu._log( 'caz B : ' + index + ' > vert: ' + verticalPosition + ' > hori: ' + horizontalPosition + ' > posY: ' + tdDemoMenu.mousePosY + ' > posX: ' + tdDemoMenu.mousePosX + // ' > top: ' + ($thisPrevContainer.position().top + parseInt(jQuery(window).scrollTop())) + ' > bottom: ' + (parseInt($thisPrevContainer.position().top) + parseInt(jQuery(window).scrollTop()) + parseInt($thisPrevContainer.outerHeight())) + // ' > left: ' + (parseInt(jQuery( window ).width()) - parseInt($thisContainer.outerWidth())) + ' > right: ' + parseInt(jQuery( window ).width()) ); } // The element where the mouse is positioned, was found if (verticalPosition && horizontalPosition) { theElement = element; return false; } }); if (undefined === theElement) { //jQuery( '#td-theme-settings').find( '.td-screen-demo:first' ).hide(); jQuery('#td-theme-settings').find('.td-screen-demo:first').css('visibility', 'hidden'); } else { jQuery(theElement).mouseenter(); } }, _log: function (msg) { //window.console.log( msg ); } }; })( jQuery ); /** * show the panel if the cookie is set */ (function() { 'use strict'; var td_current_panel_stat = td_read_site_cookie( 'td_show_panel' ); if ( 'hide' === td_current_panel_stat ) { var jQueryObj = jQuery( '#td-theme-settings' ); if ( jQueryObj.length ) { jQueryObj.removeClass( 'td-theme-settings-small' ); jQuery( '#td-theme-set-hide' ).html( 'DEMOS' ); } } else { jQuery( '#td-theme-set-hide' ).html( 'CLOSE'); } })(); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- On load */ jQuery().ready(function() { 'use strict'; // do not run on iOS if (tdDetect.isIos === false && tdDetect.isAndroid === false) { tdDemoMenu.init(); } // Show/hide the demo menu panel jQuery( '#td-theme-set-hide' ).click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var $this = jQuery(this), jQueryObj = jQuery( '#td-theme-settings' ); if ( jQueryObj.hasClass( 'td-theme-settings-small' ) ) { // close jQueryObj.removeClass( 'td-theme-settings-small' ); jQueryObj.addClass( 'td-theme-settings-closed' ); $this.html( 'DEMOS' ); setTimeout(function(){ jQueryObj.addClass( 'td-ts-closed-no-transition' ); // add the remove transition class after the animation has finished }, 450); td_set_cookies_life( ['td_show_panel', 'hide', 86400000] );//86400000 is the number of milliseconds in a day } else { // open jQueryObj.removeClass( 'td-ts-closed-no-transition' ); // remove the remove transition class :) jQueryObj.addClass( 'td-theme-settings-small' ); jQueryObj.removeClass( 'td-theme-settings-closed' ); $this.html( 'CLOSE' ); td_set_cookies_life( ['td_show_panel', 'show', 86400000] );//86400000 is the number of milliseconds in a day } }); }); //end on load /** * Created by RADU on 6/24/14. */ /* global jQuery: {} */ var tdTrendingNow = {}; (function() { "use strict"; tdTrendingNow = { // - the list of items items: [], // - trending now item item: function item() { //the block Unique id this.blockUid = ''; //autostart this.trendingNowAutostart = 'manual'; //autostart timer this.trendingNowTimer = 0; //slider position this.trendingNowPosition = 0; //posts list this.trendingNowPosts = []; // flag used to mark the initialization item this._is_initialized = false; }, //function used to init tdTrendingNow init: function() { tdTrendingNow.items = []; }, //internal utility function used to initialize an item _initialize_item: function( item ) { // an item must be initialized only once if ( true === item._is_initialized ) { return; } // the item is marked as initialized item._is_initialized = true; }, //add an item addItem: function( item ) { //todo - add some checks on item // check to see if the item is ok if (typeof item.blockUid === 'undefined') { throw 'item.blockUid is not valid'; } if (typeof item.trendingNowPosts === 'undefined' || item.trendingNowPosts.length < 1) { throw 'item.trendingNowPosts is not valid'; } // the item is added in the items list tdTrendingNow.items.push( item ); // the item is initialized only once when it is added tdTrendingNow._initialize_item( item ); //autostart tdTrendingNow.tdTrendingNowAutoStart(item.blockUid); }, //deletes an item base on blockUid deleteItem: function( blockUid ) { for (var cnt = 0; cnt < tdTrendingNow.items.length; cnt++) { if (tdTrendingNow.items[cnt].blockUid === blockUid) { tdTrendingNow.items.splice(cnt, 1); // remove the item from the "array" return true; } } return false; }, //switch to the previous item itemPrev: function( blockUid ) { //current item var i, currentItem; //get current item for (var cnt = 0; cnt < tdTrendingNow.items.length; cnt++) { if (tdTrendingNow.items[cnt].blockUid === blockUid) { currentItem = tdTrendingNow.items[cnt]; } } // if there's just a single post to be shown, there's no need for next/prev/autostart if ((blockUid !== undefined) && (1 >= currentItem.trendingNowPosts.length)) { return; } /** * used when the trending now block is used on auto mod and we click on show prev or show next article title * this will make the auto mode wait another xx seconds before displaying the next article title */ if ('manual' !== currentItem.trendingNowAutostart) { clearInterval(currentItem.trendingNowTimer); currentItem.trendingNowTimer = setInterval(function () { tdTrendingNow.tdTrendingNowChangeText([blockUid, 'left'], true); }, 3000); } //call to change the text tdTrendingNow.tdTrendingNowChangeText([blockUid, 'right'], false); }, //switch to the next item itemNext: function ( blockUid ) { //current item var i, currentItem; //get current item for (var cnt = 0; cnt < tdTrendingNow.items.length; cnt++) { if (tdTrendingNow.items[cnt].blockUid === blockUid) { currentItem = tdTrendingNow.items[cnt]; } } // if there's just a single post to be shown, there's no need for next/prev/autostart if ((blockUid !== undefined) && (1 >= currentItem.trendingNowPosts.length)) { return; } /** * used when the trending now block is used on auto mod and we click on show prev or show next article title * this will make the auto mode wait another xx seconds before displaying the next article title */ if ('manual' !== currentItem.trendingNowAutostart) { clearInterval(currentItem.trendingNowTimer); currentItem.trendingNowTimer = setInterval(function () { tdTrendingNow.tdTrendingNowChangeText([blockUid, 'left'], true); }, 3000); } //call to change the text tdTrendingNow.tdTrendingNowChangeText([blockUid, 'left'], true); }, /* function for changing the posts in `trending now` display area * *array_param[0] : the id of current `trending now wrapper` *array_param[1] : moving direction (left or right) */ tdTrendingNowChangeText: function(array_param, to_right) { //for consistency use the same variables names as thh parent function var blockUid = array_param[0], movingDirection = array_param[1], postsArrayListForThisTrend = [], postsArrayListPosition = 0, itemPosition; for (var cnt = 0; cnt < tdTrendingNow.items.length; cnt++) { if (tdTrendingNow.items[cnt].blockUid === blockUid) { itemPosition = cnt; postsArrayListForThisTrend = tdTrendingNow.items[cnt].trendingNowPosts; postsArrayListPosition = tdTrendingNow.items[cnt].trendingNowPosition; } } if (typeof itemPosition !== 'undefined' && itemPosition !== null) { var previousPostArrayListPosition = postsArrayListPosition, post_count = postsArrayListForThisTrend.length - 1;//count how many post are in the list if ('left' === movingDirection) { postsArrayListPosition += 1; if (postsArrayListPosition > post_count) { postsArrayListPosition = 0; } } else { postsArrayListPosition -= 1; if (postsArrayListPosition < 0) { postsArrayListPosition = post_count; } } //update the new position in the global `tdTrendingNow` tdTrendingNow.items[itemPosition].trendingNowPosition = postsArrayListPosition; postsArrayListForThisTrend[previousPostArrayListPosition].css('opacity', 0); postsArrayListForThisTrend[previousPostArrayListPosition].css('z-index', 0); for (var trending_post in postsArrayListForThisTrend) { if (true === postsArrayListForThisTrend.hasOwnProperty(trending_post)) { postsArrayListForThisTrend[trending_post].removeClass('td_animated_xlong td_fadeInLeft td_fadeInRight td_fadeOutLeft td_fadeOutRight'); } } postsArrayListForThisTrend[postsArrayListPosition].css('opacity', 1); postsArrayListForThisTrend[postsArrayListPosition].css('z-index', 1); if (true === to_right) { postsArrayListForThisTrend[previousPostArrayListPosition].addClass('td_animated_xlong td_fadeOutLeft'); postsArrayListForThisTrend[postsArrayListPosition].addClass('td_animated_xlong td_fadeInRight'); } else { postsArrayListForThisTrend[previousPostArrayListPosition].addClass('td_animated_xlong td_fadeOutRight'); postsArrayListForThisTrend[postsArrayListPosition].addClass('td_animated_xlong td_fadeInLeft'); } } }, //trending now function to auto start tdTrendingNowAutoStart: function(blockUid) { for (var cnt = 0; cnt < tdTrendingNow.items.length; cnt++) { // if there's just a single post to be shown, there's no need for next/prev/autostart if (tdTrendingNow.items[cnt].blockUid === blockUid && tdTrendingNow.items[cnt].trendingNowAutostart !== 'manual') { tdTrendingNow.items[cnt].trendingNowTimer = tdTrendingNow.setTimerChangingText(blockUid); } } }, setTimerChangingText: function( blockUid ) { return setInterval(function () { //console.log(i + "=>" + list[i] + "\n"); tdTrendingNow.tdTrendingNowChangeText([blockUid, 'left'], true); }, 3000); } }; tdTrendingNow.init(); })(); "use strict"; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- history js */ var td_history = { td_history_change_event: false, // static class init init: function() { //hook the popstate event window.addEventListener('popstate', function(event) { td_history.td_history_change_event = true; if (typeof(event.state) != "undefined" && event.state != null) { jQuery("#" + event.state.slide_id).iosSlider("goToSlide", event.state.current_slide); } }); }, /** * generally used on load * @param data */ replace_history_entry: function (data) { if (tdDetect.hasHistory === false) { return; //no history support } history.replaceState(data, null); }, /** * ads an history entry - it also knows if we are using mod rewrite or not * @param data - the history data (state) * @param query_parm_id - 'slide' or other * @param query_parm_value - the value for slide */ add_history_entry: function (data, query_parm_id, query_parm_value) { if (tdDetect.hasHistory === false) { return; //no history support } if (query_parm_value == '') { history.pushState(data, null, null); //add the hash via history api return; } // @todo - detect other types of pages ex: ?page_id var td_query_page_id = td_history.get_query_parameter('p'); if (td_query_page_id != '') { //no mod rewrite, we go with ?p= etc if (query_parm_value == 1) { history.pushState(data, null, '?p=' + td_query_page_id); //remove the parm for the first item } else { history.pushState(data, null, '?p=' + td_query_page_id + '&' + query_parm_id + '=' + query_parm_value); //add the hash via history api } } else { //mod rewrite if (query_parm_value == 1) { history.pushState(data, null, td_history.get_mod_rewrite_base_url()); //add the hash via history api } else { history.pushState(data, null, td_history.get_mod_rewrite_base_url() + query_parm_value + '/'); //add the hash via history api } } }, /** * returns the base url of urls with mod rewrite + pagination * @returns {string} */ get_mod_rewrite_base_url: function () { var full_url = document.URL; //trim the last "/" in the url if (full_url.charAt(full_url.length - 1) == '/') { full_url = full_url.slice(0, - 1); } if (td_history.get_mod_rewrite_pagination(document.URL) === false) { // no pagination present return document.URL; } // we have pagination so we have to parse the url to remove it return full_url.substring(0, full_url.lastIndexOf("/"))+ '/'; }, /** * get the pagination from the urls with mod rewrite on * @returns {*} */ get_mod_rewrite_pagination: function () { var full_url = document.URL; //trim the last "/" in the url if (full_url.charAt(full_url.length - 1) == '/') { full_url = full_url.slice(0, - 1); } var last_url_parameter = full_url.substring(full_url.lastIndexOf("/")+1, full_url.length); // return the page if it's indeed an integer if (td_history.isInt(last_url_parameter)) { return last_url_parameter; } //return false if we don't have a page return false; }, /** * used by the iosslider @startAtSlide, it return 1 if there is no pagination or returns the pagination * @param query_parm_id * @returns {*} */ get_current_page: function (query_parm_id) { var td_query_page_id = td_history.get_query_parameter('p'); if (td_query_page_id != '') { //no mod rewrite, we go with ?p= etc var cur_page = td_history.get_query_parameter(query_parm_id); if (cur_page != '') { return cur_page; } else { return 1; } } else { //mod rewrite var cur_page = td_history.get_mod_rewrite_pagination(); if (cur_page !== false) { return cur_page; } else { return 1; } } }, /** * used to check if a number is an integer * @param n * @returns {boolean} */ isInt: function (n) { return n % 1 === 0; }, /** * returns a query parameter from the current url - we use it for ?p= * @param name * @returns {string} */ get_query_parameter: function (name) { name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]"); var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"), results = regex.exec(location.search); return results == null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")); }, /** * callback for slides with history * @param args */ slide_changed_callback: function(args) { //do not add another history entry if the slide moved due to the history change event if (td_history.td_history_change_event === true) { td_history.td_history_change_event = false; return; } var current_slide = args.currentSlideNumber; var slide_id = args.sliderContainerObject.attr('id'); td_history.add_history_entry({current_slide:current_slide, slide_id:slide_id}, 'slide', current_slide); } }; /** * ie8 does not have pushState and history */ if (window.history && window.history.pushState) { td_history.init(); } /** * @depends on: * td_util * td_events * tdAffix */ /* global jQuery:{} */ /* global tdUtil:{} */ /* global tdViewport:{} */ /* global tdAffix:{} */ var tdSmartSidebar = {}; (function(){ 'use strict'; tdSmartSidebar = { hasItems: false, // this class will only work when this flag is true. If we don't have any items, all the calculations on scroll will be disabled by this flag items: [], //the array that has all the items scroll_window_scrollTop_last: 0, //last scrollTop position, used to calculate the scroll direction tds_snap_menu: tdUtil.getBackendVar( 'tds_snap_menu' ), //read the snap menu setting from theme panel /** * @see tdSmartSidebar.td_events_resize */ is_enabled: true, //if the smart sidebar is not needed (ex on mobile) put this flag to true is_enabled_state_run_once: false, // make sure that we dun enable and disable only once is_disabled_state_run_once: false, is_tablet_grid: false, //we detect if the current grid is the tablet portrait one _view_port_current_interval_index: tdViewport.getCurrentIntervalIndex(), item: function() { this.content_jquery_obj = ''; this.sidebar_jquery_obj = ''; // the position variables this.sidebar_top = 0; this.sidebar_bottom = 0; this.sidebar_height = 0; this.content_top = 0; this.content_bottom = 0; // the sidebar state this.sidebar_state = ''; this.case_1_run_once = false; this.case_2_run_once = false; this.case_3_run_once = false; this.case_3_last_sidebar_height = 0; // case 3 has to be recalculated if the sidebar height changes this.case_3_last_content_height = 0; // recalculate case 3 if content height has changed this.case_4_run_once = false; this.case_4_last_menu_offset = 0; this.case_5_run_once = false; this.case_6_run_once = false; }, //add item to the array add_item: function( item ) { tdSmartSidebar.hasItems = true; //put the flag that we have items /** * add clear fix to the content and sidebar. * we need the clear fix to clear the margin of the first and last element */ item.sidebar_jquery_obj .prepend( '
' ) .append( '
' ); item.content_jquery_obj .prepend( '
' ) .append( '
' ); tdSmartSidebar.items.push( item ); }, td_events_scroll: function( scrollTop ) { // we don't have any smart sidebars, return if ( false === tdSmartSidebar.hasItems ) { return; } // check if the smart sidebar is enabled ( the sidebar can be enabled / disabled on runtime ) if ( false === tdSmartSidebar.is_enabled ) { if ( false === tdSmartSidebar.is_disabled_state_run_once ) { // this call runs only ONCE / state change - we don't want any code to run on mobile tdSmartSidebar.is_disabled_state_run_once = true; for ( var item_index = 0; item_index < tdSmartSidebar.items.length; item_index++ ) { tdSmartSidebar.items[ item_index ].sidebar_jquery_obj.css({ width: 'auto', position: 'static', top: 'auto', bottom: 'auto' }); } tdSmartSidebar.log( 'smart_sidebar_disabled' ); } return; } // all is done in an animation frame window.requestAnimationFrame(function() { /** * this is the height of the menu, computed live. We * @type {number} */ var td_affix_menu_computed_height = 0; if ( '' !== tdSmartSidebar.tds_snap_menu ) { // if the menu is not snapping in any way - do not calculate this // The main_menu_height was replaced with the _get_menu_affix_height(), because we need the size of the // affix menu. In the 'Newspaper' the menu has different sizes when it is affix 'on' and 'off'. td_affix_menu_computed_height = tdAffix._get_menu_affix_height(); // Menu offset value is added when we are on 'smart_snap_always' case if ('smart_snap_always' === tdAffix.tds_snap_menu) { td_affix_menu_computed_height += tdAffix.menu_offset; } } // The following height is added just for Newspaper theme. // In the Newsmag theme, the sidebar elements have already a 'padding-top' of 20px if ( ( 'undefined' !== typeof window.tdThemeName ) && ( 'Newspaper' === window.tdThemeName ) ) { td_affix_menu_computed_height += 20; } // compute the scrolling direction var scroll_direction = ''; //check the direction if ( scrollTop !== tdSmartSidebar.scroll_window_scrollTop_last ) { // compute direction only if we have different last scroll top // compute the direction of the scroll if ( scrollTop > tdSmartSidebar.scroll_window_scrollTop_last ) { scroll_direction = 'down'; } else { scroll_direction = 'up'; } } tdSmartSidebar.scroll_window_scrollTop_last = scrollTop; /** * scrollTop - is the distance that is scrolled from the top of the document PLUS the height of the menu */ var view_port_height = jQuery( window ).height(); // ~ we can get this only once + on resize var view_port_bottom = scrollTop + view_port_height; scrollTop = scrollTop + td_affix_menu_computed_height; // go in all the sidebar items for ( var item_index = 0; item_index < tdSmartSidebar.items.length; item_index++ ) { var cur_item_ref = tdSmartSidebar.items[ item_index ]; cur_item_ref.content_top = cur_item_ref.content_jquery_obj.offset().top; cur_item_ref.content_height = cur_item_ref.content_jquery_obj.height(); cur_item_ref.content_bottom = cur_item_ref.content_top + cur_item_ref.content_height; cur_item_ref.sidebar_top = cur_item_ref.sidebar_jquery_obj.offset().top; cur_item_ref.sidebar_height = cur_item_ref.sidebar_jquery_obj.height(); cur_item_ref.sidebar_bottom = cur_item_ref.sidebar_top + cur_item_ref.sidebar_height; /** * Is the sidebar smaller than the content ? */ if ( cur_item_ref.content_height <= cur_item_ref.sidebar_height ) { cur_item_ref.sidebar_state = 'case_6_content_too_small'; /** * the sidebar is smaller than the view port? that means that we have to switch to a more simpler sidebar AKA affix */ } else if ( cur_item_ref.sidebar_height < view_port_height ) { // ref value used to compare the scroll top var ref_value = cur_item_ref.content_top; // For 'Newsmag' the ref value is incremented with td_affix_menu_computed_height // It solves a case when the affix menu leaves the 'case_2_top_of_content' phase to 'case_4_fixed_up' too early // It's because of how the grid, and smart sidebar, are built on Newspaper vs Newsmag if ( ! tdAffix.is_menu_affix && ( 'undefined' !== typeof window.tdThemeName ) && ( 'Newsmag' === window.tdThemeName ) && ( 'smart_snap_always' === tdAffix.tds_snap_menu ) ) { ref_value += td_affix_menu_computed_height; } //if (tdSmartSidebar._is_smaller_or_equal(scrollTop, cur_item_ref.content_top)) { if ( tdSmartSidebar._is_smaller_or_equal( scrollTop, ref_value ) ) { // not affix - we did not scroll to reach the sidebar cur_item_ref.sidebar_state = 'case_2_top_of_content'; } // [1] if the sidebar is visible and we have enough space in the sidebar, place it at the top affix top // [2] if the sidebar is above the view port and nothing is visible, place the sidebar at the bottom of the column else if ( true === tdSmartSidebar._is_smaller( cur_item_ref.sidebar_bottom, scrollTop ) ) { if ( tdSmartSidebar._is_smaller( scrollTop, cur_item_ref.content_bottom - cur_item_ref.sidebar_height ) ) { //this is a special case where on the initial load, the bottom of the content is visible and we have a lot of space to show the widget at the top affixed. cur_item_ref.sidebar_state = 'case_4_fixed_up'; // [1]87 } else { cur_item_ref.sidebar_state = 'case_3_bottom_of_content'; // [2] } } else { // affix if ( tdSmartSidebar._is_smaller_or_equal( cur_item_ref.content_bottom, cur_item_ref.sidebar_bottom ) ) { // check to see if we reached the bottom of the content / row if ( 'up' === scroll_direction && tdSmartSidebar._is_smaller_or_equal( scrollTop, cur_item_ref.sidebar_top ) ) { cur_item_ref.sidebar_state = 'case_4_fixed_up'; // get out of the case_3_bottom_of_content state } else { cur_item_ref.sidebar_state = 'case_3_bottom_of_content'; } } else { if ( cur_item_ref.content_bottom - scrollTop >= cur_item_ref.sidebar_height ) { // Make sure that we have space for the sidebar to affix it to the top cur_item_ref.sidebar_state = 'case_4_fixed_up'; // we are not at the bottom of the content } else { // this case isn't reached. It's accomplish by the tdSmartSidebar._is_smaller_or_equal(cur_item_ref.content_bottom, cur_item_ref.sidebar_bottom) case cur_item_ref.sidebar_state = 'case_3_bottom_of_content'; } //console.log(cur_item_ref.content_bottom + ' >= ' + cur_item_ref.sidebar_bottom); //@todo fix this case pe ? @20may2016 era un url aici dar l-am sters din motive de securitate } } /** * the sidebar is larger than the view port and the content is bigger */ } else { //// if the sidebar is above the view port and nothing is visible, place the sidebar at the bottom of the column //if (tdSmartSidebar._is_smaller(cur_item_ref.sidebar_bottom, scrollTop) === true) { // cur_item_ref.sidebar_state = 'case_3_bottom_of_content'; // tdSmartSidebar.log(cur_item_ref.sidebar_bottom + ' ~ ' + scrollTop); //} // if the sidebar is above the view port and nothing is visible, place the sidebar fixed up if it's smaller than the viewport, // fixed down, meaning that a possible previous operation could be 'scroll down' // if none of the above operations meets the conditions, the sidebar is placed at the bottom of the content if ( true === tdSmartSidebar._is_smaller( cur_item_ref.sidebar_bottom, scrollTop ) ) { if ( true === tdSmartSidebar._is_smaller_or_equal(scrollTop, cur_item_ref.sidebar_top ) && true === tdSmartSidebar._is_smaller_or_equal( cur_item_ref.content_top, scrollTop ) //we are scrolling up ... make sure that we don't overshoot the sidebar by going over content_top. This happens when the sidebar is offseted by x number of pixels vs content ) { //console.log('sidebar_top' + cur_item_ref.sidebar_top + ' content top:' + cur_item_ref.content_top); cur_item_ref.sidebar_state = 'case_4_fixed_up'; } else if ( true === tdSmartSidebar._is_smaller( cur_item_ref.sidebar_bottom, view_port_bottom ) && true === tdSmartSidebar._is_smaller( cur_item_ref.sidebar_bottom, cur_item_ref.content_bottom ) && cur_item_ref.content_bottom >= view_port_bottom ) { cur_item_ref.sidebar_state = 'case_1_fixed_down'; } else { cur_item_ref.sidebar_state = 'case_3_bottom_of_content'; } } // position:fixed; bottom:0 else if ( true === tdSmartSidebar._is_smaller( cur_item_ref.sidebar_bottom, view_port_bottom ) && true === tdSmartSidebar._is_smaller( cur_item_ref.sidebar_bottom, cur_item_ref.content_bottom ) && 'down' === scroll_direction && cur_item_ref.content_bottom >= view_port_bottom ) { //console.log(cur_item_ref.sidebar_bottom + ' < ' + cur_item_ref.content_bottom); cur_item_ref.sidebar_state = 'case_1_fixed_down'; } // the sidebar is at the top of the content ( position:static ) else if ( true === tdSmartSidebar._is_smaller_or_equal( cur_item_ref.sidebar_top, cur_item_ref.content_top ) && 'up' === scroll_direction && cur_item_ref.content_bottom >= view_port_bottom ) { cur_item_ref.sidebar_state = 'case_2_top_of_content'; } // the sidebar reached the bottom of the content else if ( ( true === tdSmartSidebar._is_smaller_or_equal(cur_item_ref.content_bottom, cur_item_ref.sidebar_bottom) && 'down' === scroll_direction ) || cur_item_ref.content_bottom < view_port_bottom ) { cur_item_ref.sidebar_state = 'case_3_bottom_of_content'; } // scrolling up, the sidebar is fixed up ( position:fixed; top:0 ) else if ( true === tdSmartSidebar._is_smaller_or_equal( scrollTop, cur_item_ref.sidebar_top ) && 'up' === scroll_direction && true === tdSmartSidebar._is_smaller_or_equal( cur_item_ref.content_top, scrollTop ) //we are scrolling up ... make sure that we don't overshoot the sidebar by going over content_top. This happens when the sidebar is offseted by x number of pixels vs content ) { //console.log('sidebar_top' + cur_item_ref.sidebar_top + ' content top:' + cur_item_ref.content_top); cur_item_ref.sidebar_state = 'case_4_fixed_up'; } /** * This is the case when the scroll direction is 'up', but the sidebar is above the viewport (it could be left behind by a fast operation like typing HOME key) */ else if ('up' === scroll_direction && true === tdSmartSidebar._is_smaller_or_equal( view_port_bottom, cur_item_ref.sidebar_top )) { cur_item_ref.sidebar_state = 'case_2_top_of_content'; } // when to put absolute? if ( ( 'case_1_fixed_down' === cur_item_ref.sidebar_state && 'up' === scroll_direction ) || ( 'case_4_fixed_up' === cur_item_ref.sidebar_state && 'down' === scroll_direction ) ) { cur_item_ref.sidebar_state = 'case_5_absolute'; //absolute while going up? } } // end sidebar length check cur_item_ref.sidebar_height < view_port_height /** * after we have the state, we enter this switch that makes sure that we only have one state change */ // we have to set the content width via JS //var column_content_width = 339; //if (tdSmartSidebar.is_tablet_grid) { // column_content_width = 251; //} var column_content_width = 0; var view_port_current_item = tdViewport.getCurrentIntervalItem(); if ( null !== view_port_current_item ) { column_content_width = view_port_current_item.sidebarWidth; //tdSmartSidebar.log("column sidebar width : " + column_content_width); } switch ( cur_item_ref.sidebar_state ) { case 'case_1_fixed_down': if ( true === cur_item_ref.case_1_run_once ) { break; } tdSmartSidebar.log( 'sidebar_id: ' + item_index + ' ' + cur_item_ref.sidebar_state ); cur_item_ref.case_1_run_once = true; cur_item_ref.case_2_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_3_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_4_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_5_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_6_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.sidebar_jquery_obj.css({ width: column_content_width, position: 'fixed', top: 'auto', bottom: '0', 'z-index': '1' }); break; case 'case_2_top_of_content': if ( true === cur_item_ref.case_2_run_once ) { break; } tdSmartSidebar.log( 'sidebar_id: ' + item_index + ' ' + cur_item_ref.sidebar_state ); cur_item_ref.case_1_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_2_run_once = true; cur_item_ref.case_3_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_4_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_5_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_6_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.sidebar_jquery_obj.css({ width: 'auto', position: 'static', top: 'auto', bottom: 'auto' }); break; case 'case_3_bottom_of_content': // case 3 has to be recalculated if the sidebar height changes if ( true === cur_item_ref.case_3_run_once && cur_item_ref.case_3_last_sidebar_height === cur_item_ref.sidebar_height && cur_item_ref.case_3_last_content_height === cur_item_ref.content_height ) { //if the case already runned AND the sidebar height did not change break; } tdSmartSidebar.log( 'sidebar_id: ' + item_index + ' ' + cur_item_ref.sidebar_state ); cur_item_ref.case_1_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_2_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_3_run_once = true; cur_item_ref.case_3_last_sidebar_height = cur_item_ref.sidebar_height; cur_item_ref.case_3_last_content_height = cur_item_ref.content_height; cur_item_ref.case_4_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_5_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_6_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.sidebar_jquery_obj.css({ width: column_content_width, position: 'absolute', top: cur_item_ref.content_bottom - cur_item_ref.sidebar_height - cur_item_ref.content_top, bottom: 'auto' }); break; case 'case_4_fixed_up': if ( true === cur_item_ref.case_4_run_once && cur_item_ref.case_4_last_menu_offset === td_affix_menu_computed_height ) { //if the case already runned AND the menu height did not changed break; } tdSmartSidebar.log( 'sidebar_id: ' + item_index + ' ' + cur_item_ref.sidebar_state ); cur_item_ref.case_1_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_2_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_3_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_4_run_once = true; cur_item_ref.case_4_last_menu_offset = td_affix_menu_computed_height; cur_item_ref.case_5_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_6_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.sidebar_jquery_obj.css({ width: column_content_width, position: 'fixed', top: td_affix_menu_computed_height, bottom: 'auto' }); break; case 'case_5_absolute': if ( true === cur_item_ref.case_5_run_once ) { break; } tdSmartSidebar.log( 'sidebar_id: ' + item_index + ' ' + cur_item_ref.sidebar_state ); cur_item_ref.case_1_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_2_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_3_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_4_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_5_run_once = true; cur_item_ref.case_6_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.sidebar_jquery_obj.css({ width: column_content_width, position: 'absolute', top: cur_item_ref.sidebar_top - cur_item_ref.content_top, bottom: 'auto' }); break; case 'case_6_content_too_small': if ( true === cur_item_ref.case_6_run_once ) { break; } tdSmartSidebar.log( 'sidebar_id: ' + item_index + ' ' + cur_item_ref.sidebar_state ); cur_item_ref.case_1_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_2_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_3_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_4_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_5_run_once = false; cur_item_ref.case_6_run_once = true; cur_item_ref.sidebar_jquery_obj.css({ width: 'auto', position: 'static', top: 'auto', bottom: 'auto' }); break; } } // end for loop }); // end request animation frame }, // end td_events_scroll compute: function() { tdSmartSidebar.td_events_scroll( jQuery( window ).scrollTop() ); }, // resets the run once flags. It may fail sometimes due to case_3_last_sidebar_height & case_4_last_menu_offset reset_run_once_flags: function () { for ( var item_index = 0; item_index < tdSmartSidebar.items.length; item_index++ ) { tdSmartSidebar.items[ item_index ].case_1_run_once = false; tdSmartSidebar.items[ item_index ].case_2_run_once = false; tdSmartSidebar.items[ item_index ].case_3_run_once = false; tdSmartSidebar.items[ item_index ].case_3_last_sidebar_height = 0; tdSmartSidebar.items[ item_index ].case_3_last_content_height = 0; tdSmartSidebar.items[ item_index ].case_4_run_once = false; tdSmartSidebar.items[ item_index ].case_4_last_menu_offset = 0; tdSmartSidebar.items[ item_index ].case_5_run_once = false; tdSmartSidebar.items[ item_index ].case_6_run_once = false; } }, td_events_resize: function() { // enable and disable the smart sidebar tdSmartSidebar._view_port_current_interval_index = tdViewport.getCurrentIntervalIndex(); switch ( tdSmartSidebar._view_port_current_interval_index ) { case 0 : tdSmartSidebar.is_enabled = false; // flag marked false to be made true only once, when the view port has not the first interval index [0] tdSmartSidebar.is_enabled_state_run_once = false; break; case 1 : if ( false === tdSmartSidebar.is_tablet_grid ) { // we switched tdSmartSidebar.reset_run_once_flags(); tdSmartSidebar.is_tablet_grid = true; tdSmartSidebar.is_desktop_grid = false; tdSmartSidebar.log( 'view port tablet' ); } tdSmartSidebar.is_enabled = true; tdSmartSidebar.is_disabled_state_run_once = false; if ( false === tdSmartSidebar.is_enabled_state_run_once ) { tdSmartSidebar.is_enabled_state_run_once = true; tdSmartSidebar.log( 'smart_sidebar_enabled' ); } break; case 2 : case 3 : if ( true === tdSmartSidebar.is_tablet_grid ) { // we switched tdSmartSidebar.reset_run_once_flags(); tdSmartSidebar.is_tablet_grid = false; tdSmartSidebar.is_desktop_grid = true; tdSmartSidebar.log( 'view port desktop' ); } tdSmartSidebar.is_enabled = true; tdSmartSidebar.is_disabled_state_run_once = false; if ( false === tdSmartSidebar.is_enabled_state_run_once ) { tdSmartSidebar.is_enabled_state_run_once = true; tdSmartSidebar.log( 'smart_sidebar_enabled' ); } break; } // @todo we may be able to delay the compute a bit (aka run it on the 500ms timer) tdSmartSidebar.compute(); }, log: function( msg ) { //console.log(msg); }, /** * check if the two numbers are approximately equal OR the number1 is smaller. * This function is used to compensate for differences in the offset top reported by IE, FF but not chrome * IE and FF have an error for offset top of +- 0.5 * @param number1 - this has to be smaller or approximately equal with number2 to return true * @param number2 * @returns {boolean} * @private */ _is_smaller_or_equal: function( number1, number2 ) { // check if the two numbers are approximately equal // - first we check if the difference between the numbers is bigger than 1 unit // - second we check if the first number is bigger than the second one // if the two conditions are met, we return false if ( Math.abs( number1 - number2 ) >= 1) { // we have a difference that is bigger than 1 unit (px), check if the numbers are smaller or bigger if ( number1 < number2 ) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { // the difference between the two numbers is smaller than one unit (1 px), this means that the two numbers are the same return true; } }, /** * Checks to see if number1 < number2 by at least one unit! * @param number1 * @param number2 * @returns {boolean} * @private */ _is_smaller: function( number1, number2 ) { if ( Math.abs( number1 - number2 ) >= 1) { if ( number1 < number2 ) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { // the difference between the two numbers is smaller than one unit (1 px), this means that the two numbers are the same return false; } } }; //console.log(tdSmartSidebar.items); })(); /** * Infinite loader v1.0 by Radu O. / tagDiv * USES: * - tdEvents.js * - for blocks: * - td_block::get_block_pagination - custom load more * - in td_js_generator.php - main block object has ajax_pagination_infinite_stop - to stop the infinite scroll after x number of pages and show the load more button after that * */ /* global jQuery:false */ /* global tdBlocks:false */ /** * Global infinite loader object */ var tdInfiniteLoader = {}; (function () { "use strict"; /** * - register and keep track of dom elements * - calculate position from the top of each element * - monitor on scroll event * - if one or more of the dom elements is visible * - fire the callback for that dom element! only ONCE */ tdInfiniteLoader = { hasItems: false, // this class will only work when this flag is true. If we don't have any items, all the calculations on scroll will be disabled by this flag items: [], //the array that has all the items // one item object (instantiable) item: function() { this.uid=''; // - an unique id of the item, usually is the block id! - it is used to enable the callback on a per item basis this.jqueryObj = ''; //find the item easily for animation ?? this.bottomTop = 0; //distance from the bottom of the dom element to top - computed in - @see tdInfiniteLoader.compute_top_distances(); this.isVisibleCallbackEnabled = true; //the callback will fire only when this flag is true. We set it to true after the blocks ajax run @see tdBlocks.tdBlockAjaxLoadingEnd this.isVisibleCallback = function () { //callback when the item's bottom is visible :) }; }, addItem: function(item) { tdInfiniteLoader.hasItems = true; //put the flag that we have items tdInfiniteLoader.items.push(item); }, /** * foreach element from items, compute the distances from the top * - this is done only on load or when the page is resized */ computeTopDistances: function() { //check the flag to see if we have any items if ( tdInfiniteLoader.hasItems === false ) { return; } jQuery.each(tdInfiniteLoader.items, function(index, v_event) { var topTop = tdInfiniteLoader.items[index].jqueryObj.offset().top; //top of document to bottom of element tdInfiniteLoader.items[index].bottomTop = topTop + tdInfiniteLoader.items[index].jqueryObj.height(); }); //also calculate the events tdInfiniteLoader.computeEvents(); }, /** * calculate if we have to fire an event like isVisibleCallback() * - this is done on scroll and on resize! */ computeEvents: function() { //check the flag to see if we have any items if ( tdInfiniteLoader.hasItems === false ) { return; } var topToViewportBottom = jQuery(window).height() + jQuery(window).scrollTop(); jQuery.each(tdInfiniteLoader.items, function(index, item) { if ( tdInfiniteLoader.items[index].bottomTop < topToViewportBottom + 700 ) { //check to see if we can call the callback again if ( tdInfiniteLoader.items[index].isVisibleCallbackEnabled === true ) { tdInfiniteLoader.items[index].isVisibleCallbackEnabled = false; //the call tdInfiniteLoader.items[index].isVisibleCallback(); } } }); }, /** * enables the isVisibleCallback - it is called by td_blocks.js only when a block receives an infinite loading ajax reply * @param $item_uid - an unique id of the item, usually is the block id! * @see tdBlocks.tdBlockAjaxLoadingEnd */ enable_is_visible_callback: function($item_uid) { jQuery.each(tdInfiniteLoader.items, function(index, item) { if ( item.uid === $item_uid ) { tdInfiniteLoader.items[index].isVisibleCallbackEnabled = true; return false; //brake jquery each } }); } }; /** * we are using td_ajax_infinite to know when to trigger a block loading */ jQuery('.td_ajax_infinite').each( function() { // create a new infinite loader item var tdInfiniteLoaderItem = new tdInfiniteLoader.item(); tdInfiniteLoaderItem.jqueryObj = jQuery(this); tdInfiniteLoaderItem.uid = jQuery(this).data('td_block_id'); /** * the callback when the bottom of the element is visible on screen and we need to do something - like load another page * - the callback does not fire again until tdInfiniteLoader.enable_is_visible_callback is called @see tdInfiniteLoader.js:95 */ tdInfiniteLoaderItem.isVisibleCallback = function () { // the is_visible callback is called when we have to pull new content up because the element is visible // get the current block object var currentBlockObj = tdBlocks.tdGetBlockObjById(tdInfiniteLoaderItem.jqueryObj.data('td_block_id')); // if we don't have a infinite stop limit or if we have one we dint' hit it yet if ( currentBlockObj.ajax_pagination_infinite_stop === '' || currentBlockObj.td_current_page < (parseInt(currentBlockObj.ajax_pagination_infinite_stop) + 1) ) { // get the block data and increment the pagination currentBlockObj.td_current_page++; tdBlocks.tdAjaxDoBlockRequest(currentBlockObj, 'infinite_load'); } else { /** * show the load more button. The button is already there, hidden - do not know if it's the best solution :) * @see td_block::get_block_pagination in td_block.php */ if ( currentBlockObj.td_current_page < currentBlockObj.max_num_pages ) { setTimeout( function(){ jQuery('#infinite-lm-' + currentBlockObj.id) .css('display', 'block') .css('visibility', 'visible') ; }, 400); } } }; tdInfiniteLoader.addItem(tdInfiniteLoaderItem); }); //compute to jQuery(window).load( function() { tdInfiniteLoader.computeTopDistances(); }); jQuery().ready( function() { tdInfiniteLoader.computeTopDistances(); }); })(); /* * used by vimeo in td_video shortcode * */ "use strict"; var Froogaloop=function(){function e(a){return new e.fn.init(a)}function h(a,c,b){if(!b.contentWindow.postMessage)return!1;var f=b.getAttribute("src").split("?")[0],a=JSON.stringify({method:a,value:c});"//"===f.substr(0,2)&&(f=window.location.protocol+f);b.contentWindow.postMessage(a,f)}function j(a){var c,b;try{c=JSON.parse(a.data),b=c.event||c.method}catch(f){}"ready"==b&&!i&&(i=!0);if(a.origin!=k)return!1;var a=c.value,e=c.data,g=""===g?null:c.player_id;c=g?d[g][b]:d[b];b=[];if(!c)return!1;void 0!== a&&b.push(a);e&&b.push(e);g&&b.push(g);return 0b)c+=a[b];else break;2>b&&(c+="/")}k=c;return this},api:function(a,c){if(!this.element|| !a)return!1;var b=this.element,f=""!==b.id?b.id:null,d=!c||!c.constructor||!c.call||!c.apply?c:null,e=c&&c.constructor&&c.call&&c.apply?c:null;e&&l(a,e,f);h(a,d,b);return this},addEvent:function(a,c){if(!this.element)return!1;var b=this.element,d=""!==b.id?b.id:null;l(a,c,d);"ready"!=a?h("addEventListener",a,b):"ready"==a&&i&&c.call(null,d);return this},removeEvent:function(a){if(!this.element)return!1;var c=this.element,b;a:{if((b=""!==c.id?c.id:null)&&d[b]){if(!d[b][a]){b=!1;break a}d[b][a]=null}else{if(!d[a]){b= !1;break a}d[a]=null}b=!0}"ready"!=a&&b&&h("removeEventListener",a,c)}};e.fn.init.prototype=e.fn;window.addEventListener?window.addEventListener("message",j,!1):window.attachEvent("onmessage",j);return window.Froogaloop=window.$f=e}(); /* tdCustomEvents.js - handles the booster td_events that require throttling * v 2.0 - wp_010 */ /* global tdAnimationScroll:{} */ /* global tdAnimationStack:{} */ /* global tdPullDown:{} */ /* global tdBackstr:{} */ /* global td_backstretch_items:Array */ /* global td_compute_backstretch_item:Function */ var tdCustomEvents = {}; (function() { 'use strict'; tdCustomEvents = { /** * - callback real scroll called from td_events * @private */ _callback_scroll: function() { tdAnimationScroll.compute_all_items(); }, /** * - callback real resize called from td_events * @private */ _callback_resize: function() { }, /** * - callback lazy scroll called from td_events at 100ms * @private */ _lazy_callback_scroll_100: function() { if ( true === tdAnimationStack.activated ) { tdAnimationStack.td_events_scroll(); } }, /** * - callback lazy scroll called from td_events at 500ms * @private */ _lazy_callback_scroll_500: function() { }, /** * - callback lazy resize called from td_events at 100ms * @private */ _lazy_callback_resize_100: function() { tdPullDown.td_events_resize(); tdBackstr.td_events_resize(); tdAnimationScroll.td_events_resize(); }, /** * - callback lazy resize called from td_events at 500ms * @private */ _lazy_callback_resize_500: function() { if ( true === tdAnimationStack.activated ) { tdAnimationStack.td_events_resize(); } // - every tdAnimationScroll.item item of the td_backstretch_items array must be reinitialized and repositioned for parallax effect for ( var i = 0; i < td_backstretch_items.length; i++ ) { tdAnimationScroll.reinitialize_item( td_backstretch_items[ i ], true ); td_compute_backstretch_item( td_backstretch_items[ i ] ); // compute_all_items is used instead, for requestAnimationFrame //tdAnimationScroll.compute_item(td_backstretch_items[i]); } // for better performance it's used tdAnimationScroll.compute_all_items, because it uses requestAnimationFrame tdAnimationScroll.compute_all_items(); // @todo It will be refactorized when td_site will be setMenuMinHeight(); } }; })(); /* tdEvents.js - handles the events that require throttling * v 2.0 - wp_010 * * moved in theme from wp_booster */ /* global jQuery:{} */ /* global tdAffix:{} */ /* global tdSmartSidebar:{} */ /* global tdViewport:{} */ /* global tdInfiniteLoader:{} */ /* global td_more_articles_box:{} */ /* global tdDetect:{} */ /* global tdCustomEvents:{} */ /* global td_events_scroll_scroll_to_top:Function */ var tdEvents = {}; (function(){ 'use strict'; tdEvents = { //the events - we have timers that look at the variables and fire the event if the flag is true scroll_event_slow_run: false, scroll_event_medium_run: false, resize_event_slow_run: false, //when true, fire up the resize event resize_event_medium_run: false, scroll_window_scrollTop: 0, //used to store the scrollTop window_pageYOffset: window.pageYOffset, // @todo see if it can replace scroll_window_scrollTop [used by others] window_innerHeight: window.innerHeight, // used to store the window height window_innerWidth: window.innerWidth, // used to store the window width init: function() { jQuery( window ).scroll(function() { tdEvents.scroll_event_slow_run = true; tdEvents.scroll_event_medium_run = true; //read the scroll top tdEvents.scroll_window_scrollTop = jQuery( window ).scrollTop(); tdEvents.window_pageYOffset = window.pageYOffset; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run affix menu event */ tdAffix.td_events_scroll( tdEvents.scroll_window_scrollTop ); //main menu tdSmartSidebar.td_events_scroll( tdEvents.scroll_window_scrollTop ); //smart sidebar scroll // call real tdCustomEvents scroll tdCustomEvents._callback_scroll(); }); jQuery( window ).resize(function() { tdEvents.resize_event_slow_run = true; tdEvents.resize_event_medium_run = true; tdEvents.window_innerHeight = window.innerHeight; tdEvents.window_innerWidth = window.innerWidth; //var w = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0); //w = jQuery(document).width(); //console.log(w); // call real tdCustomEvents resize tdCustomEvents._callback_resize(); }); //medium resolution timer for rest? setInterval(function() { // it must run before any others tdViewport.detectChanges(); //scroll event if ( tdEvents.scroll_event_medium_run ) { tdEvents.scroll_event_medium_run = false; //compute events for the infinite scroll tdInfiniteLoader.computeEvents(); // call lazy tdCustomEvents scroll tdCustomEvents._lazy_callback_scroll_100(); } if ( tdEvents.resize_event_medium_run ) { tdEvents.resize_event_medium_run = false; tdSmartSidebar.td_events_resize(); // call lazy tdCustomEvents resize tdCustomEvents._lazy_callback_resize_100(); } }, 100); //low resolution timer for rest? setInterval(function() { //scroll event if ( tdEvents.scroll_event_slow_run ) { tdEvents.scroll_event_slow_run = false; //back to top td_events_scroll_scroll_to_top( tdEvents.scroll_window_scrollTop ); //more articles box td_more_articles_box.td_events_scroll( tdEvents.scroll_window_scrollTop ); // call lazy tdCustomEvents scroll tdCustomEvents._lazy_callback_scroll_500(); } //resize event if ( tdEvents.resize_event_slow_run ) { tdEvents.resize_event_slow_run = false; tdAffix.compute_wrapper(); tdAffix.compute_top(); tdDetect.runIsPhoneScreen(); // call lazy tdCustomEvents resize tdCustomEvents._lazy_callback_resize_500(); } }, 500); } }; tdEvents.init(); })(); /** * updates the view counter thru ajax */ /* global jQuery:{} */ /* global td_ajax_url:string */ var tdAjaxCount = {}; (function(){ 'use strict'; tdAjaxCount = { //td_get_views_counts_ajax : function( page_type, array_ids ) { tdGetViewsCountsAjax : function( postType, arrayIds ) { //what function to call based on postType var pageTypeAction = 'td_ajax_get_views';//postType = page if ( 'post' === postType ) { pageTypeAction = 'td_ajax_update_views'; } jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: td_ajax_url, cache: true, data: { action: pageTypeAction, td_post_ids: arrayIds }, success: function( data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest ) { var tdAjaxPostCounts = jQuery.parseJSON( data );//get the return dara //check the return var to be object if ( tdAjaxPostCounts instanceof Object ) { //alert('value is Object!'); //iterate throw the object jQuery.each( tdAjaxPostCounts, function( idPost, value ) { //alert(id_post + ": " + value); //this is the count placeholder in witch we write the post count var currentPostCount = '.td-nr-views-' + idPost; jQuery( currentPostCount ).html( value ); //console.log(current_post_count + ': ' + value); }); } }, error: function( MLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown ) { //console.log(errorThrown); } }); } }; })(); /* td_video_playlist.js v1.1 */ /* global jQuery:{} */ /* global YT:{} */ /* global tdDetect:{} */ /* global $f:{} */ /* jshint -W069 */ /* jshint -W116 */ var tdYoutubePlayers = {}; var tdVimeoPlayers = {}; // @todo this ready hook function must be moved from here jQuery().ready(function() { 'use strict'; tdYoutubePlayers.init(); tdVimeoPlayers.init(); }); (function() { 'use strict'; // the youtube list players (the init() method should be called before using the list) tdYoutubePlayers = { // the part name of the player id (they will be ex 'player_youtube_1', 'player_youtube_1', 'player_youtube_2', ...) tdPlayerContainer: 'player_youtube', // the internal list players: [], // the initialization of the youtube list players init: function() { var jqWrapperPlaylistPlayerYoutube = jQuery( '.td_wrapper_playlist_player_youtube' ); for ( var i = 0; i < jqWrapperPlaylistPlayerYoutube.length; i++ ) { var jqPlayerWrapper = jQuery( jqWrapperPlaylistPlayerYoutube[ i ] ), youtubePlayer = tdYoutubePlayers.addPlayer( jqPlayerWrapper), playerId = youtubePlayer.tdPlayerContainer; jqPlayerWrapper.parent().find( '.td_youtube_control').data( 'player-id', playerId ); var videoYoutubeElements = jqPlayerWrapper.parent().find( '.td_click_video_youtube'); for ( var j = 0; j < videoYoutubeElements.length; j++ ) { jQuery( videoYoutubeElements[ j ] ).data( 'player-id', playerId ); if ( j + 1 < videoYoutubeElements.length) { jQuery( videoYoutubeElements[ j ] ).data( 'next-video-id', jQuery(videoYoutubeElements[ j + 1 ] ).data( 'video-id' ) ); } else { jQuery( videoYoutubeElements[ j ] ).data( 'next-video-id', jQuery(videoYoutubeElements[0]).data( 'video-id' ) ); } } if ( '1' == jqPlayerWrapper.data( 'autoplay' ) ) { youtubePlayer.autoplay = 1; } var firstVideo = jqPlayerWrapper.data( 'first-video' ); if ( '' !== firstVideo ) { youtubePlayer.tdPlaylistIdYoutubeVideoRunning = firstVideo; youtubePlayer.playVideo( firstVideo ); } } //click on a youtube movie jQuery( '.td_click_video_youtube' ).click(function(){ var videoId = jQuery( this ).data( 'video-id' ), playerId = jQuery( this ).data( 'player-id' ); if ( undefined !== playerId && '' !== playerId && undefined !== videoId && '' !== videoId ) { tdYoutubePlayers.operatePlayer( playerId, 'play', videoId ); } }); //click on youtube play control jQuery( '.td_youtube_control' ).click(function(){ var playerId = jQuery( this ).data( 'player-id' ); if ( undefined !== playerId && '' !== playerId ) { if ( jQuery( this ).hasClass( 'td-sp-video-play' ) ){ tdYoutubePlayers.operatePlayer( playerId, 'play' ); } else { tdYoutubePlayers.operatePlayer( playerId, 'pause' ); } } }); }, addPlayer: function( jqPlayerWrapper ) { var containerId = tdYoutubePlayers.tdPlayerContainer + '_' + tdYoutubePlayers.players.length, tdPlayer = tdYoutubePlayers.createPlayer( containerId, jqPlayerWrapper ); tdYoutubePlayers.players.push( tdPlayer ); return tdPlayer; }, operatePlayer: function( playerId, option, videoId ) { for ( var i = 0; i < tdYoutubePlayers.players.length; i++ ) { if (tdYoutubePlayers.players[i].tdPlayerContainer == playerId ) { var youtubePlayer = tdYoutubePlayers.players[ i ]; // This status is necessary just for mobile youtubePlayer.playStatus(); if ( 'play' === option ) { youtubePlayer.autoplay = 1; if ( undefined === videoId ) { youtubePlayer.playerPlay(); } else { youtubePlayer.playVideo(videoId); } } else if ( 'pause' == option ) { tdYoutubePlayers.players[i].playerPause(); } break; } } }, // create and return the youtube player object createPlayer: function( containerId, jqPlayerWrapper ) { var youtubePlayer = { tdYtPlayer: '', tdPlayerContainer: containerId, autoplay: 0, tdPlaylistIdYoutubeVideoRunning: '', jqTDWrapperVideoPlaylist: jqPlayerWrapper.closest( '.td_wrapper_video_playlist' ), jqPlayerWrapper: jqPlayerWrapper, jqControlPlayer: '', _videoId: '', playVideo: function( videoId ) { youtubePlayer._videoId = videoId; if ( 'undefined' === typeof( YT ) || 'undefined' === typeof( YT.Player ) ) { window.onYouTubePlayerAPIReady = function () { for ( var i = 0; i < tdYoutubePlayers.players.length; i++ ) { tdYoutubePlayers.players[ i ].loadPlayer( ); } }; jQuery.getScript('https://www.youtube.com/player_api').done(function( script, textStatus ) { //alert(textStatus); }); } else { youtubePlayer.loadPlayer( videoId ); } }, loadPlayer: function (videoId) { var videoIdToPlay = youtubePlayer._videoId; if ( undefined !== videoId ) { videoIdToPlay = videoId; } if ( undefined === videoIdToPlay ) { return; } //container is here in case we need to add multiple players on page youtubePlayer.tdPlaylistIdYoutubeVideoRunning = videoIdToPlay; var current_video_name = window.td_youtube_list_ids['td_' + youtubePlayer.tdPlaylistIdYoutubeVideoRunning]['title'], current_video_time = window.td_youtube_list_ids['td_' + youtubePlayer.tdPlaylistIdYoutubeVideoRunning]['time']; //remove focus from all videos from playlist youtubePlayer.jqTDWrapperVideoPlaylist.find( '.td_click_video_youtube' ).removeClass( 'td_video_currently_playing' ); //add focus class on current playing video youtubePlayer.jqTDWrapperVideoPlaylist.find( '.td_' + videoIdToPlay ).addClass( 'td_video_currently_playing' ); //ading the current video playing title and time to the control area youtubePlayer.jqTDWrapperVideoPlaylist.find( '.td_current_video_play_title_youtube' ).html( current_video_name ); youtubePlayer.jqTDWrapperVideoPlaylist.find( '.td_current_video_play_time_youtube' ).html( current_video_time ); youtubePlayer.jqPlayerWrapper.html('
'); youtubePlayer.jqControlPlayer = youtubePlayer.jqTDWrapperVideoPlaylist.find( '.td_youtube_control' ); youtubePlayer.tdYtPlayer = new YT.Player(youtubePlayer.tdPlayerContainer, {//window.myPlayer = new YT.Player(container, { playerVars: { //modestbranding: 1, //rel: 0, //showinfo: 0, autoplay: youtubePlayer.autoplay }, height: '100%', width: '100%', videoId: videoIdToPlay, events: { 'onStateChange': youtubePlayer.onPlayerStateChange } }); }, onPlayerStateChange: function (event) { if (event.data === YT.PlayerState.PLAYING) { //add pause to playlist control youtubePlayer.pauseStatus(); } else if (event.data === YT.PlayerState.ENDED) { youtubePlayer.playStatus(); //if a video has ended then make auto play = 1; This is the case when the user set autoplay = 0 but start watching videos youtubePlayer.autoplay = 1; //get the next video var nextVideoId = '', tdVideoCurrentlyPlaying = youtubePlayer.jqTDWrapperVideoPlaylist.find( '.td_video_currently_playing' ); if ( tdVideoCurrentlyPlaying.length ) { var nextSibling = jQuery( tdVideoCurrentlyPlaying ).next( '.td_click_video_youtube' ); if ( nextSibling.length ) { nextVideoId = jQuery( nextSibling ).data( 'video-id' ); } //else { // var firstSibling = jQuery(tdVideoCurrentlyPlaying).siblings( '.td_click_video_youtube:first' ); // if ( firstSibling.length ) { // nextVideoId = jQuery( firstSibling ).data( 'video-id' ); // } //} } if ('' !== nextVideoId) { youtubePlayer.playVideo(nextVideoId); } } else if (YT.PlayerState.PAUSED) { //add play to playlist control youtubePlayer.playStatus(); } }, //tdPlaylistYoutubeStopVideo: function () { // youtubePlayer.tdYtPlayer.stopVideo(); //}, playerPlay: function () { youtubePlayer.tdYtPlayer.playVideo(); }, playerPause: function () { youtubePlayer.tdYtPlayer.pauseVideo(); }, playStatus: function() { youtubePlayer.jqControlPlayer.removeClass( 'td-sp-video-pause' ).addClass( 'td-sp-video-play' ); }, pauseStatus: function() { youtubePlayer.jqControlPlayer.removeClass( 'td-sp-video-play' ).addClass( 'td-sp-video-pause' ); } }; return youtubePlayer; } }; // the vimeo list players (to use it, the init() method should be called) // !Important. Usually, because of froogaloop implementation, there couldn't be multiple vimeo players running all at once on page. tdVimeoPlayers = { // the part name of the player id (they will be ex 'player_vimeo_0', 'player_vimeo_1', 'player_vimeo_2', ...) tdPlayerContainer: 'player_vimeo', // the internal list players: [], // Set to true at the first autoplayed player created // It's used to avoid the autoplay setting of the next players (multiple players can't have autoplay = 1 ) existingAutoplay: false, // init the vimeo list players init: function() { var jqTDWrapperPlaylistPlayerVimeo = jQuery( '.td_wrapper_playlist_player_vimeo' ); for ( var i = 0; i < jqTDWrapperPlaylistPlayerVimeo.length; i++ ) { var vimeoPlayer = tdVimeoPlayers.addPlayer( jQuery(jqTDWrapperPlaylistPlayerVimeo[i]) ); if ( 0 !== vimeoPlayer.autoplay ) { tdVimeoPlayers.existingAutoplay = true; } } //click on a vimeo jQuery( '.td_click_video_vimeo' ).click(function(){ var videoId = jQuery( this ).data( 'video-id' ), playerId = jQuery( this ).data( 'player-id' ); if ( undefined !== playerId && '' !== playerId && undefined !== videoId && '' !== videoId ) { tdVimeoPlayers.operatePlayer( playerId, 'play', videoId ); } }); //click on vimeo play control jQuery( '.td_vimeo_control' ).click(function(){ var playerId = jQuery( this ).data( 'player-id' ); if ( undefined !== playerId && '' !== playerId ) { if ( jQuery( this ).hasClass( 'td-sp-video-play' ) ){ tdVimeoPlayers.operatePlayer( playerId, 'play' ); } else { tdVimeoPlayers.operatePlayer( playerId, 'pause' ); } } }); }, // create and add player to the vimeo list players addPlayer: function( jqPlayerWrapper ) { var playerId = tdVimeoPlayers.tdPlayerContainer + '_' + tdVimeoPlayers.players.length, vimeoPlayer = tdVimeoPlayers.createPlayer( playerId, jqPlayerWrapper ); jqPlayerWrapper.parent().find( '.td_vimeo_control').data( 'player-id', playerId ); var vimeoVideoElements = jqPlayerWrapper.parent().find( '.td_click_video_vimeo'); for ( var j = 0; j < vimeoVideoElements.length; j++ ) { jQuery( vimeoVideoElements[ j ] ).data( 'player-id', playerId ); if ( j + 1 < vimeoVideoElements.length ) { jQuery( vimeoVideoElements[ j ] ).data( 'next-video-id', jQuery( vimeoVideoElements[ j + 1 ] ).data( 'video-id' ) ); } else { jQuery( vimeoVideoElements[ j ] ).data( 'next-video-id', jQuery( vimeoVideoElements[ 0 ] ).data( 'video-id' ) ); } } if ( '1' == jqPlayerWrapper.data( 'autoplay' ) ) { vimeoPlayer.autoplay = 1; } var firstVideo = jqPlayerWrapper.data( 'first-video' ); if ( undefined !== firstVideo && '' !== firstVideo ) { vimeoPlayer.createPlayer( firstVideo ); } tdVimeoPlayers.players.push( vimeoPlayer ); return vimeoPlayer; }, // play or pause a video or the current (first) video operatePlayer: function( playerId, option, videoId ) { for ( var i = 0; i < tdVimeoPlayers.players.length; i++ ) { if ( tdVimeoPlayers.players[ i ].playerId == playerId ) { var vimeoPlayer = tdVimeoPlayers.players[ i ]; if ( 'play' === option ) { vimeoPlayer.autoplay = 1; if ( undefined !== videoId ) { // the existing autoplay is reset to allow autoplay when we have videoId (a video from the playlist was clicked) tdVimeoPlayers.existingAutoplay = false; vimeoPlayer.createPlayer( videoId ); } else { vimeoPlayer.playerPlay(); } } else if ( 'pause' === option ) { vimeoPlayer.playerPause(); } break; } } }, // create and return the vimeo player object createPlayer: function( playerId, jqPlayerWrapper ) { var vimeoPlayer = { playerId: playerId, // the jq td playlist wrapper ( the player and the playlist) jqTDWrapperVideoPlaylist: jqPlayerWrapper.closest( '.td_wrapper_video_playlist' ), // the jq player wrapper jqPlayerWrapper: jqPlayerWrapper, currentVideoPlaying : '', // not used for the moment player: '',//a copy of the vimeo player : needed when playing or pausing the vimeo pleyer from the playlist control // main control button of the player jqControlPlayer: '', autoplay: 0,//autoplay createPlayer: function ( videoId ) { if ( '' !== videoId ) { this.currentVideoPlaying = videoId; var autoplay = '', current_video_name = window.td_vimeo_list_ids['td_' + videoId]['title'], current_video_time = window.td_vimeo_list_ids['td_' + videoId]['time']; //remove focus from all videos from playlist vimeoPlayer.jqTDWrapperVideoPlaylist.find( '.td_click_video_vimeo' ).removeClass( 'td_video_currently_playing' ); //add focus class on current playing video vimeoPlayer.jqTDWrapperVideoPlaylist.find( '.td_' + videoId ).addClass( 'td_video_currently_playing' ); //ading the current video playing title and time to the control area vimeoPlayer.jqTDWrapperVideoPlaylist.find( '.td_current_video_play_title_vimeo' ).html( current_video_name ); vimeoPlayer.jqTDWrapperVideoPlaylist.find( '.td_current_video_play_time_vimeo' ).html( current_video_time ); vimeoPlayer.jqControlPlayer = vimeoPlayer.jqTDWrapperVideoPlaylist.find( '.td_vimeo_control' ); //check autoplay if ( !tdVimeoPlayers.existingAutoplay && 0 !== vimeoPlayer.autoplay ) { autoplay = '&autoplay=1'; if ( tdDetect.isMobileDevice ) { vimeoPlayer.playStatus(); } else { vimeoPlayer.pauseStatus(); } } else { vimeoPlayer.playStatus(); } vimeoPlayer.jqPlayerWrapper.html( '' ); vimeoPlayer.createVimeoObjectPlayer( jQuery ); } }, createVimeoObjectPlayer : function( $ ) { var player = '', iframe = $( '#' + vimeoPlayer.playerId ); if ( iframe.length ) { player = $f( iframe[0] ); //a copy of the vimeo player : needed when playing or pausing the vimeo pleyer from the playlist control vimeoPlayer.player = player; // When the player is ready, add listeners for pause, finish, and playProgress player.addEvent( 'ready', function() { player.addEvent( 'play', function( data ) { vimeoPlayer.pauseStatus(); vimeoPlayer.autoplay = 1; }); player.addEvent( 'pause', function( data ) { vimeoPlayer.playStatus(); }); player.addEvent( 'finish', function( data ) { var nextVideoId = '', tdVideoCurrentlyPlaying = vimeoPlayer.jqTDWrapperVideoPlaylist.find( '.td_video_currently_playing' ); if ( tdVideoCurrentlyPlaying.length ) { var nextSibling = jQuery( tdVideoCurrentlyPlaying ).next( '.td_click_video_vimeo' ); if ( nextSibling.length ) { nextVideoId = jQuery( nextSibling ).data( 'video-id' ); } } if ( '' !== nextVideoId ) { vimeoPlayer.createPlayer( nextVideoId ); if ( tdDetect.isMobileDevice ) { vimeoPlayer.playStatus(); } else { vimeoPlayer.pauseStatus(); } } else { vimeoPlayer.playStatus(); } }); }); } }, // play the current video playerPlay: function () { vimeoPlayer.autoplay = 1; vimeoPlayer.player.api( 'play' ); }, // pause the current video playerPause: function () { vimeoPlayer.player.api( 'pause' ); }, // change status to 'play' playStatus: function() { vimeoPlayer.jqControlPlayer.removeClass( 'td-sp-video-pause' ).addClass( 'td-sp-video-play' ); }, // change status to 'pause' pauseStatus: function() { vimeoPlayer.jqControlPlayer.removeClass( 'td-sp-video-play' ).addClass( 'td-sp-video-pause' ); } }; return vimeoPlayer; } }; })(); /* td_slide.js */ "use strict"; //call function to resize the smartlist on ready (for safary) jQuery(window).load(function() { td_resize_smartlist_sliders_and_update(); }); //call function to resize the smartlist on ready jQuery().ready(function() { td_resize_smartlist_sliders_and_update(); }); //function to resize the height of the smartlist slide function td_resize_smartlist_slides(args) { var slide_displayd = args.currentSlideNumber; //console.log(args.sliderObject[0]); //console.log(args.data.obj[0]); var current_slider = jQuery(args.data.obj[0]).attr("id"); if(!tdDetect.isIe8) { jQuery("#" + current_slider).css("overflow", "none"); jQuery("#" + current_slider + " .td-item").css("overflow", "visible"); } var setHeight = 0; setHeight = jQuery("#" + current_slider + "_item_" + slide_displayd).outerHeight(true); jQuery("#" + current_slider + ", #" + current_slider + " .td-slider").css({ height: setHeight }); } //function to resize and update the height of the smartlist slide function td_resize_smartlist_sliders_and_update() { jQuery(document).find('.td-smart-list-slider').each(function() { var current_slider = jQuery(this).attr("id"); if(!tdDetect.isIe8) { jQuery("#" + current_slider).css("overflow", "none"); jQuery("#" + current_slider + " .td-item").css("overflow", "visible"); } var setHeight = 0; setHeight = jQuery("#" + current_slider + "_item_" + td_history.get_current_page("slide")).outerHeight(true); jQuery("#" + current_slider + ", #" + current_slider + " .td-slider").css({ height: setHeight }); if(tdDetect.isAndroid) { setTimeout(function () { jQuery("#" + current_slider).iosSlider("update"); }, 2000); } }); } //function to resize the height of the normal slide function td_resize_normal_slide(args) { var slide_displayd = 0;//args.currentSlideNumber; var current_slider = jQuery(args.data.obj[0]).attr("id"); //get window width var window_wight = td_get_document_width(); if (!tdDetect.isIe8) { jQuery("#" + current_slider).css("overflow", "none"); jQuery("#" + current_slider + " .td-item").css("overflow", "visible"); } var setHeight = 0; var slide_outer_width = jQuery("#" + current_slider + "_item_" + slide_displayd).outerWidth(true); //only for android, width of the screen to start changing the height of the slide var max_wight_resize = 780; if(tdDetect.isAndroid) { max_wight_resize = 1000; } if (window_wight < max_wight_resize && !tdDetect.isIpad) {//problem because we cannot get an accurate page width if(slide_outer_width > 300) { setHeight = slide_outer_width * 0.5; } else { setHeight = slide_outer_width; } //console.log(window_wight); jQuery("#" + current_slider + ", #" + current_slider + " .td-slider, #" + current_slider + " .td-slider .td-module-thumb").css({ height: setHeight }); } } //function to resize and update the height of the slide for normal sliders function td_resize_normal_slide_and_update(args) { //console.log('resize 2'); var slide_displayd = 0;//args.currentSlideNumber; var current_slider = jQuery(args.data.obj[0]).attr("id"); //get window width var window_wight = td_get_document_width(); if(!tdDetect.isIe8) { jQuery("#" + current_slider).css("overflow", "none"); jQuery("#" + current_slider + " .td-item").css("overflow", "visible"); } var setHeight = 0; var slide_outer_width = jQuery("#" + current_slider + "_item_" + slide_displayd).outerWidth(true); //only for android, width of the screen to start changing the height of the slide var max_wight_resize = 780; if(tdDetect.isAndroid) { max_wight_resize = 1000; } if (window_wight < max_wight_resize && !tdDetect.isIpad) {//problem because we cannot get an accurate page width if(slide_outer_width > 300) { setHeight = slide_outer_width * 0.5; } else { setHeight = slide_outer_width; } //console.log(window_wight); jQuery("#" + current_slider + ", #" + current_slider + " .td-slider, #" + current_slider + " .td-slider .td-module-thumb").css({ height: setHeight }); setTimeout(function () { jQuery("#" + current_slider).iosSlider("update"); }, 2000); } } /** * Created by tagdiv on 16.02.2015. */ /* global tdViewport:{} */ /* global jQuery:{} */ var tdPullDown = {}; ( function(){ 'use strict'; tdPullDown = { // - keeps internally the current interval index // - it's set at init() _view_port_interval_index : tdViewport.INTERVAL_INITIAL_INDEX, // this flag mark that the tdPullDown.items must be reinitialized at the changing view port size reinitialize_items_at_change_view_port: false, // - the list of items items: [], // - the item represents a pair of lists (a horizontal and a vertical one) // - to be initialized, every property with 'IT MUST BE SPECIFIED' is mandatory item: function item() { // OPTIONAL - here we store the block Unique ID. This enables us to delete the item via this id @see tdPullDown.deleteItem this.blockUid = ''; // - the jquery object of the horizontal list. // IT MUST BE SPECIFIED. this.horizontal_jquery_obj = ''; // - the jquery object of the vertical list. // IT MUST BE SPECIFIED this.vertical_jquery_obj = ''; // - the jquery container object. // - it contains the horizontal and the vertical jquery objects // IT MUST BE SPECIFIED. this.container_jquery_obj = ''; // - the css class of an horizontal element. // IT MUST BE SPECIFIED this.horizontal_element_css_class = ''; // the minimum no. of elements to be shown by the horizontal list // - IT CAN BE SPECIFIED this.minimum_elements = 2; // - the array of jquery elements whose widths must be excluded from the width of the container object // IT CAN BE SPECIFIED this.excluded_jquery_elements = []; // - the extra space of the horizontal jquery object occupied by the excluded jquery elements // - it's not initialized with 0 because widths of the elements can not be integer values // - now, it's set to 1px this._horizontal_extra_space = 1; // - the array of objects from the horizontal list this._horizontal_elements = []; // - the array of objects from the vertical list this._vertical_elements = []; // - the jquery object of the first ul container in the vertical list // - it is calculated as the first 'ul' of the vertical jquery object this._vertical_ul_jquery_obj = ''; // - the outer width of the vertical top header (ex.'More') // - it's used to calculate if the last vertical element has enough space in the horizontal list, // without considering the vertical top header width this._vertical_jquery_obj_outer_width = 0; // flag used to mark the initialization item this._is_initialized = false; }, /** * - function used to init the tdPullDown object * - it must be called before any item adding * - it initializes the _view_port_interval_index * - the items list is initialized */ init: function() { tdPullDown._view_port_interval_index = tdViewport.getCurrentIntervalIndex(); tdPullDown.items = []; }, /** * - add an item to the item list and initialize it * * @param item The item to be added and initialized */ add_item: function( item ) { // check to see if the item is ok if (item.vertical_jquery_obj.length !== 1) { throw 'item.vertical_jquery_obj is more or less than one: ' + item.vertical_jquery_obj.length; } if (item.horizontal_jquery_obj.length !== 1) { throw 'item.horizontal_jquery_obj is more or less than one: ' + item.horizontal_jquery_obj.length; } if (item.container_jquery_obj.length !== 1) { throw 'item.container_jquery_obj is more or less than one: ' + item.container_jquery_obj.length; } if (item.horizontal_element_css_class === '') { throw 'item.horizontal_element_css_class is empty'; } // the item is added in the item list tdPullDown.items.push( item ); // the item is initialized only once when it is added tdPullDown._initialize_item( item ); // the item is ready to be computed tdPullDown._compute_item( item ); }, /** * Deletes an item base on blockUid. Note that blockUid is optional (this library is also used outside of blocks)! * Make sure that you add blockUid to items that you expect to be deleted * @param blockUid */ deleteItem: function(blockUid) { for (var cnt = 0; cnt < tdPullDown.items.length; cnt++) { if (tdPullDown.items[cnt].blockUid === blockUid) { tdPullDown.items.splice(cnt, 1); // remove the item from the "array" return true; } } return false; }, /** * - internal utility function used to initialize an item * - an item must be initialized only once * - every element having a specified css class is added in the horizontal list * * @param item {tdPullDown.item} The item to be initialized * @private */ _initialize_item: function( item ) { // an item must be initialized only once if ( true === item._is_initialized ) { return; } //// the mandatory item properties are verified // @20/4/2016 - i've moved all the checks to add_item -ra //if ( ( '' === item.horizontal_jquery_obj ) || // ( '' === item.vertical_jquery_obj ) || // ( '' === item.container_jquery_obj ) || // ( '' === item.horizontal_element_css_class ) ) { // // tdPullDown.log( 'Item can\' be initialized. It doesn\'t have all the mandatory properties' ); // return; //} // the jquery object of the first ul container in the vertical list is initialized item._vertical_ul_jquery_obj = item.vertical_jquery_obj.find( 'ul:first' ); if ( 0 === item._vertical_ul_jquery_obj.length ) { tdPullDown.log( 'Item can\' be initialized. The vertical list doesn\'t have an \'ul\' container' ); return; } // the elements of the horizontal jquery object, having a specified css class var elements = item.horizontal_jquery_obj.find( '.' + item.horizontal_element_css_class ); var local_jquery_element = null; var local_object = null; // for each element an object is added in the horizontal list elements.each( function ( index, element ) { local_jquery_element = jQuery( element ); // @todo here we need a css class local_jquery_element.css( '-webkit-transition', 'opacity 0.2s' ); local_jquery_element.css( '-moz-transition', 'opacity 0.2s' ); local_jquery_element.css( '-o-transition', 'opacity 0.2s' ); local_jquery_element.css( 'transition', 'opacity 0.2s' ); local_jquery_element.css( 'opacity', '1' ); // the cached object used to keep the jquery object and its outerWidth local_object = { // the jquery element jquery_object: local_jquery_element, // the outer width including border calculated_width: local_jquery_element.outerWidth( true ) }; // the horizontal list is populated item._horizontal_elements.push( local_object ); }); // the outer width of the vertical top header (ex.'More') is initialized item._vertical_jquery_obj_outer_width = item.vertical_jquery_obj.outerWidth( true ); // by default, the vertical jquery object is hidden, being shown when at least one element is moved in it item.vertical_jquery_obj.css( 'display', 'none' ); // the the extra space occupied by the horizontal jquery object is calculated var horizontal_jquery_obj_padding_left = item.horizontal_jquery_obj.css( 'padding-left' ); if ( ( undefined !== horizontal_jquery_obj_padding_left ) && ( '' !== horizontal_jquery_obj_padding_left ) ) { item._horizontal_extra_space += parseInt( horizontal_jquery_obj_padding_left.replace( 'px', '' ) ); } var horizontal_jquery_obj_padding_right = item.horizontal_jquery_obj.css( 'padding-right' ); if ( ( undefined !== horizontal_jquery_obj_padding_right ) && ( '' !== horizontal_jquery_obj_padding_right ) ) { item._horizontal_extra_space += parseInt( horizontal_jquery_obj_padding_right.replace( 'px', '' ) ); } var horizontal_jquery_obj_margin_left = item.horizontal_jquery_obj.css( 'margin-left' ); if ( ( undefined !== horizontal_jquery_obj_margin_left ) && ( '' !== horizontal_jquery_obj_margin_left ) ) { item._horizontal_extra_space += parseInt( horizontal_jquery_obj_margin_left.replace( 'px', '' ) ); } var horizontal_jquery_obj_margin_right = item.horizontal_jquery_obj.css( 'margin-right' ); if ( ( undefined !== horizontal_jquery_obj_margin_right ) && ( '' !== horizontal_jquery_obj_margin_right ) ) { item._horizontal_extra_space += parseInt( horizontal_jquery_obj_margin_right.replace( 'px', '' ) ); } var horizontal_jquery_obj_border_left = item.horizontal_jquery_obj.css( 'border-left' ); if ( ( undefined !== horizontal_jquery_obj_border_left ) && ( '' !== horizontal_jquery_obj_border_left ) ) { item._horizontal_extra_space += parseInt( horizontal_jquery_obj_border_left.replace( 'px', '' ) ); } var horizontal_jquery_obj_border_right = item.horizontal_jquery_obj.css( 'border-right' ); if ( ( undefined !== horizontal_jquery_obj_border_right ) && ( '' !== horizontal_jquery_obj_border_right ) ) { item._horizontal_extra_space += parseInt( horizontal_jquery_obj_border_right.replace( 'px', '' ) ); } // the item is marked as initialized, being ready to be computed item._is_initialized = true; }, /** * - internal utility function used to summarize width of the horizontal elements * * @param item {tdPullDown.item} The item whose horizontal list is processed * @returns {number} * @private */ _get_horizontal_elements_width: function( item ) { var sum_width = 0; for ( var i = item._horizontal_elements.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { sum_width += item._horizontal_elements[ i ].calculated_width; } return sum_width; }, /** * - internal utility function used to reinitialize all items at the view resolution changing */ _reinitialize_all_items: function() { for ( var i = tdPullDown.items.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { tdPullDown._reinitialize_item( tdPullDown.items[ i ] ); } }, /** * - internal utility function used to reinitialize an item at the view resolution changing * * @param item The item being reinitialized */ _reinitialize_item: function( item ) { // a not initialized item can't be reinitialized if ( false === item._is_initialized ) { return; } // the flag is marked, so any further operation on this item is stopped item._is_initialized = false; // the html elements of the vertical list are all moved into the horizontal jquery object item.horizontal_jquery_obj.html( item.horizontal_jquery_obj.html() + item._vertical_ul_jquery_obj.html() ); // the html content of the vertical list is cleared item._vertical_ul_jquery_obj.html( '' ); // the horizontal list is empty initialized item._horizontal_elements = []; // the vertical list is empty initialized item._vertical_elements = []; // the extra space is initialized item._horizontal_extra_space = 1; // the item is ready to be initialized again tdPullDown._initialize_item( item ); }, /** * - an internal function used to move elements from the horizontal to the vertical list and vice versa, in according with * the space for horizontal elements. * - it's called every time at the viewport resize, when the space for horizontal elements is modified * * @param item - the item being computed * @private */ _compute_item: function( item ) { // the item must be initialized first if ( false === item._is_initialized ) { return; } // the horizontal header margin is set 0 and the horizontal space is computing without its margin // @see tdPullDown._prepare_horizontal_header tdPullDown._prepare_horizontal_header( item, true ); // - the space where horizontal elements lie // - it is the container width minus any extra horizontal space var space_for_horizontal_elements = 0; // the object container width var container_jquery_width = item.container_jquery_obj.css( 'width' ); if ( ( undefined !== container_jquery_width ) && ( '' !== container_jquery_width ) ) { // the space for new horizontal elements is initialized by the container width space_for_horizontal_elements = container_jquery_width.replace( 'px', '' ); // then this space is reduced by the widths of the excluded elements for ( var i = item.excluded_jquery_elements.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { space_for_horizontal_elements -= item.excluded_jquery_elements[ i ].contents().outerWidth( true ); } } // if the vertical list is empty, the space for horizontal elements does not contain the width of the vertical head list if ( item._vertical_elements.length > 0 ) { space_for_horizontal_elements -= item._vertical_jquery_obj_outer_width; } // the space occupied by the horizontal elements is removed space_for_horizontal_elements -= tdPullDown._get_horizontal_elements_width( item ); // the horizontal extra space is used to add an extra gap when the width of one element or a js math computation does a not integer value space_for_horizontal_elements -= item._horizontal_extra_space; // the current element being moved between the lists var local_current_element; // if there's not enough space for the horizontal elements, then the last of them are moved to the vertical list while ( space_for_horizontal_elements < 0 ) { // if there's specified a minimum number of horizontal elements, this must be considered if ( ( item.minimum_elements !== 0 ) && ( item._horizontal_elements.length <= item.minimum_elements ) ) { // all elements are moved to the vertical list tdPullDown._make_all_elements_vertical( item ); // the horizontal header margin is set before return tdPullDown._prepare_horizontal_header( item ); // the following checks are not more eligible to do return; } else { // If the vertical list does not contain any elements yet, // the space for horizontal elements is minimized by the vertical top header width if ( 0 === item._vertical_elements.length ) { space_for_horizontal_elements -= item._vertical_jquery_obj_outer_width; } local_current_element = tdPullDown._make_element_vertical( item ); space_for_horizontal_elements += local_current_element.calculated_width; } } // This is the case when there's specified a no. of minimum horizontal elements and the horizontal list is empty. // If the following conditions are accomplished the horizontal list is refilled with elements from the vertical list // // - if there's specified a no. of minimum horizontal elements // - if there is no horizontal elements // - if there are vertical elements // - if there's enough horizontal space for the first vertical element if ( ( 0 !== item.minimum_elements ) && ( 0 === item._horizontal_elements.length ) && ( item._vertical_elements.length > 0 ) && ( space_for_horizontal_elements >= item._vertical_elements[ 0 ].calculated_width ) ) { // the necessary space needed for the minimum no. of horizontal elements var local_necessary_space = 0; for ( var j = 0; ( j < item.minimum_elements ) && ( j < item._vertical_elements.length ); j++ ) { local_necessary_space += item._vertical_elements[ j ].calculated_width; } // the necessary space really occupied by the minimum no. of horizontal elements var local_space = 0; var local_minimum_elements = item.minimum_elements; while ( ( local_minimum_elements > 0 ) && ( item._vertical_elements.length > 0 ) && ( space_for_horizontal_elements >= local_necessary_space ) ) { local_current_element = tdPullDown._make_element_horizontal( item ); if ( null !== local_current_element ) { local_space += local_current_element.calculated_width; local_minimum_elements--; } else { // the horizontal header margin is set before return tdPullDown._prepare_horizontal_header( item ); return; } } space_for_horizontal_elements -= local_space; } // It's the case when there isn't specified a no. of minimum horizontal elements or it is specified and the // horizontal list is not empty, and in the same time there's enough horizontal space for more elements while ( ( ( item._horizontal_elements.length > 0 ) || ( 0 === item._horizontal_elements.length && 0 === item.minimum_elements ) ) && ( item._vertical_elements.length > 0 ) && ( space_for_horizontal_elements >= item._vertical_elements[ 0 ].calculated_width ) ) { local_current_element = tdPullDown._make_element_horizontal( item ); if ( null !== local_current_element ) { space_for_horizontal_elements -= local_current_element.calculated_width; } else { // the horizontal header margin is set before return tdPullDown._prepare_horizontal_header( item ); return; } } // if the vertical list contains just one element, the horizontal space for it must be calculated without considering the vertical top header width (ex.'More') if ( ( 1 === item._vertical_elements.length ) && ( space_for_horizontal_elements + item._vertical_jquery_obj_outer_width >= item._vertical_elements[ 0 ].calculated_width ) ) { tdPullDown._make_element_horizontal( item ); } // the horizontal header margin is set before return tdPullDown._prepare_horizontal_header( item ); }, /** * - add margin to the element with '.block-title' css class, to keep the vertical_jquery_obj not overlapping over it when * there are no horizontal elements and it is too wide [more strings in name] * @param item tdPullDown.item * @param clear_margin boolean True to just clear margin, or false to check the horizontal elements length and then set the margin * @private */ _prepare_horizontal_header: function _prepare_horizontal_header( item, clear_margin ) { var block_title_jquery_obj = item.horizontal_jquery_obj.parent().siblings( '.block-title:first' ); if ( 1 === block_title_jquery_obj.length ) { var content_element = block_title_jquery_obj.find( 'span:first' ); if ( 1 === content_element.length ) { if ( 'undefined' !== typeof( clear_margin ) && true === clear_margin ) { content_element.css( 'margin-right', 0 ); } else { if ( 0 === item._horizontal_elements.length ) { content_element.css( 'margin-right', item._vertical_jquery_obj_outer_width + 'px' ); } else { content_element.css( 'margin-right', 0 ); } } } } }, /** * - function used to compute all items in the item list * * @private */ _compute_all_items: function() { for ( var i = tdPullDown.items.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { // a type check is done for every item in the item list if ( tdPullDown.items[ i ].constructor === tdPullDown.item ) { tdPullDown._compute_item( tdPullDown.items[ i ] ); } } }, /** * - function used to move one element from the vertical list to the horizontal one * - the function returns the element that has been moved, otherwise null * - the last element moving hides the vertical top header * * @param item - the item whose element is moved * @returns {T} - the moved element * @private */ _make_element_horizontal: function( item ) { // the item must be initialized and the vertical list must contain at least an element if ( false === item._is_initialized || 0 === item._vertical_elements.length ) { return null; } // the first element of the vertical list is shifted var local_element = item._vertical_elements.shift(); // the vertical list is shown when there's at least one vertical element if ( 0 === item._vertical_elements.length ) { item.vertical_jquery_obj.css( 'display', 'none' ); } // the element is added on the last position in the horizontal list item._horizontal_elements.push( local_element ); local_element.jquery_object.css( 'opacity', '0' ); // the DOM is changing local_element.jquery_object.detach().appendTo( item.horizontal_jquery_obj ); setTimeout( function() { local_element.jquery_object.css( 'opacity', '1' ); }, 50); //tdPullDown.log('horizontal'); return local_element; }, /** * - function used to move one element from the horizontal list to the vertical one * - the function returns the element that has been moved, otherwise null * - the first element moving shows the vertical top header * * @param item - the item whose element is moved * @returns {T} - the moved element * @private */ _make_element_vertical: function( item ) { // the item must be initialized and the horizontal list must contain at least an element if ( false === item._is_initialized || 0 === item._horizontal_elements.length ) { return null; } // the last element of the horizontal list is popped out var local_element = item._horizontal_elements.pop(); // the vertical list is hidden when there are no vertical elements if ( 0 === item._vertical_elements.length ) { item.vertical_jquery_obj.css( 'display', '' ); } //the element is added on the first position into the vertical list item._vertical_elements.unshift( local_element ); // the DOM is changed local_element.jquery_object.detach().prependTo( item._vertical_ul_jquery_obj ); //tdPullDown.log('vertical'); return local_element; }, /** * - function used to move all elements to the vertical list * - it's used when the minimum horizontal elements is greater than 0 * * @param item - the item whose elements are moved * @private */ _make_all_elements_vertical: function( item ) { while ( item._horizontal_elements.length > 0 ) { tdPullDown._make_element_vertical( item ); } }, /** * - function necessary to be called when the window is being resized */ td_events_resize: function() { if ( 0 === tdPullDown.items.length ) { return; } if ( true === tdPullDown.reinitialize_items_at_change_view_port && tdPullDown._view_port_interval_index !== tdViewport.getCurrentIntervalIndex() ) { tdPullDown._reinitialize_all_items(); } tdPullDown._compute_all_items(); }, log: function log( msg ) { //console.log(msg); } }; tdPullDown.init(); })(); /** * Created by tagdiv on 16.02.2015. */ /* global jQuery: {} */ /* global tdEvents: {} */ var tdAnimationScroll = {}; (function() { 'use strict'; tdAnimationScroll = { // the bunch of tdAnimationScroll items items: [], // the current request animation frame id rAFIndex: 0, // flag used to not call 'requestAnimationFrame' when it's steel running animation_running: false, item: function item() { // the computed percent value of the jquery object in the viewport // - 0 when the top of object enters into the viewport // - 100 when the bottom of the object goes outside of the viewport this.percent_value = 0; // the animation callback function this.animation_callback = null; // the jquery object of the tdAnimationScroll.item this.jqueryObj = ''; // optional - a jquery object that wraps the current item. Used in callback this.wrapper_jquery_obj = undefined; // a jquery span obj added dynamically added at the top of jqueryObj this.top_marker_jquery_obj = ''; // the full outer height of the item this.full_height = 0; // the offset top of the top_marker_jquery_obj this.offset_top = ''; // the offset top of the top_marker_jquery_obj and the full_height this.offset_bottom_top = ''; // the properties registered with the item this.properties = {}; // the computed properties that probably will be applied by animation callback function over the jquery object this.computed_item_properties = {}; // flag made 'true' for items having at least one computed property this.redraw = false; // top is out of screen this.top_is_out = false; // flag used to mark the initialization item this._is_initialized = false; // flag used to stop an item to be computed this.computation_stopped = false; /** * - when a new item property is added, it's added as a real property in the item.properties object. * - if it's already added, the settings of the property are appended * - the settings for an item property must be added in order of the percents * - the percent intervals must not be overloaded (ex. 10-30 and 20-40) * - it doesn't matter how many settings are added to an item property * - after an adding the space of percentage is full, that means after adding * ex: add_item_property('opacity', 10, 30, 0, 1, easing) * * item.properties.opacity.settings : * [ * [0, 10, 0, 0, ''] * [10, 30, 0, 1, easing] - property added * [30, 100, 1, 1, ''] * ] * * ex: add_item_property('opacity', 40, 50, 1, 0) * * item.properties.opacity.settings : * [ * [0, 10, 0, 0, ''] * [10, 30, 0, 1, easing] - property added * [30, 40, 1, 1, ''] * [40, 50, 1, 0, easing] - property added * [50, 100, 0, 0, ''] * ] * * - callable jQuery easing functions: * swing * easeInQuad * easeOutQuad * easeInOutQuad * easeInCubic * easeOutCubic * easeInOutCubic * easeInQuart * easeOutQuart * easeInOutQuart * easeInQuint * easeOutQuint * easeInOutQuint * easeInSine * easeOutSine * easeInOutSine * easeInExpo * easeOutExpo * easeInOutExpo * easeInCirc * easeOutCirc * easeInOutCirc * easeInElastic * easeOutElastic * easeInOutElastic * easeInBack * easeOutBack * easeInOutBack * easeInBounce * easeOutBounce * easeInOutBounce * * @param name string * @param start_percent numeric * @param end_percent numeric * @param start_value numeric * @param end_value numeric * @param easing string [optional] */ this.add_item_property = function add_item_property(name, start_percent, end_percent, start_value, end_value, easing) { if (start_percent >= end_percent) { return; } if (undefined === this.properties[name]) { this.properties[name] = { computed_value: '', settings: [] }; if (0 !== start_percent) { this.properties[name].settings[this.properties[name].settings.length] = { start_percent: 0, end_percent: start_percent, start_value: start_value, end_value: start_value, easing: '' }; } this.properties[name].settings[this.properties[name].settings.length] = { start_percent: start_percent, end_percent: end_percent, start_value: start_value, end_value: end_value, easing: easing }; this.properties[name].settings[this.properties[name].settings.length] = { start_percent: end_percent, end_percent: 100, start_value: end_value, end_value: end_value, easing: '' }; } else { var last_setting = this.properties[name].settings[this.properties[name].settings.length - 1]; if (last_setting.start_percent !== start_percent) { this.properties[name].settings[this.properties[name].settings.length - 1] = { start_percent: last_setting.start_percent, end_percent: start_percent, start_value: last_setting.end_value, end_value: last_setting.end_value, easing: '' }; this.properties[name].settings[this.properties[name].settings.length] = { start_percent: start_percent, end_percent: end_percent, start_value: start_value, end_value: end_value, easing: easing }; } else { this.properties[name].settings[this.properties[name].settings.length - 1] = { start_percent: start_percent, end_percent: end_percent, start_value: start_value, end_value: end_value, easing: easing }; } if (100 !== end_percent) { this.properties[name].settings[this.properties[name].settings.length] = { start_percent: end_percent, end_percent: 100, start_value: end_value, end_value: end_value, easing: '' }; } } }; /** * remove an item property * * @param name {String} The name of the property * @returns {boolean} */ this.remove_item_property = function remove_item_property(name) { if (undefined === this.properties[name]) { return false; } delete this.properties[name]; return true; }; }, /** * - function used to init the tdAnimationScroll object * - it must be called before adding any item * - the _view_port_interval_index flag is initialized * - the items list is empty initialized */ init: function init() { tdAnimationScroll.items = []; }, /** * - used to add an item to the item list and initialize it * * @param item The item to be added and initialized */ add_item: function add_item(item) { if (item.constructor !== tdAnimationScroll.item) { return; } // the item is added in the item list tdAnimationScroll.items.push(item); // the item is initialized only once when it is added tdAnimationScroll._initialize_item(item); // for efficiently rendering all items are computed at once, so do not compute item individually }, /** * - used to initialize an item * - an item must be initialized only once * * @param item * @private */ _initialize_item: function _initialize_item(item) { // an item must be initialized only once if (true === item._is_initialized) { return; } // the item full height is computed if (undefined === item.wrapper_jquery_obj) { item.full_height = item.jqueryObj.outerHeight(true); } else { item.full_height = item.wrapper_jquery_obj.height(); } if (0 === item.full_height) { return; } var new_jquery_obj_reference = jQuery('
'); new_jquery_obj_reference.insertBefore(item.jqueryObj); item.top_marker_jquery_obj = new_jquery_obj_reference; item.offset_top = item.top_marker_jquery_obj.offset().top; //console.log("initializare " + tdAnimationScroll.items.length + " : " + item.top_marker_jquery_obj.offset().top); item.offset_bottom_top = item.offset_top + item.full_height; item.top_is_out = tdEvents.window_pageYOffset > item.offset_top; // the item is marked as initialized, being ready to be computed // for efficiently rendering all items are computed at once item._is_initialized = true; // maybe it's better to try a request animation frame after every initialization, for computing the already added items //tdAnimationScroll.compute_all_items(); }, /** * - used to reinitialize all items at the view resolution changing * * @param recompute_height boolean True if it's necessary to recompute the item's height [when view port changes] */ reinitialize_all_items: function reinitialize_all_items(recompute_height) { for (var i = tdAnimationScroll.items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { tdAnimationScroll.reinitialize_item(tdAnimationScroll.items[i], recompute_height); } }, /** * - used to reinitialize an item at the view resolution changing * * @param item tdAnimationScroll.item * @param recompute_height boolean True if it's necessary to recompute the item height [when view port changes] * @private */ reinitialize_item: function reinitialize_item(item, recompute_height) { // a not initialized item can't be reinitialized if (false === item._is_initialized) { return; } // prevent the following item computing, till the reinitialization is finished item._is_initialized = false; item.offset_top = item.top_marker_jquery_obj.offset().top; //console.log("reinitializare " + tdAnimationScroll.items.length + " : " + item.top_marker_jquery_obj.offset().top); if (true === recompute_height) { if (undefined === item.wrapper_jquery_obj) { item.full_height = item.jqueryObj.outerHeight(true); } else { item.full_height = item.wrapper_jquery_obj.height(); } if (0 === item.full_height) { return; } } item.offset_bottom_top = item.offset_top + item.full_height; item._is_initialized = true; }, /** * - used for computing item properties * * @param item The item whose properties are computed * @private */ _compute_item_properties: function _compute_item_properties(item) { var computed_properties = {}, current_item_property; for (var property in item.properties) { if (true === item.properties.hasOwnProperty(property)) { current_item_property = item.properties[property]; var current_setting, new_computed_value, local_computed_value, easing_step, easing_computed_value, easing_division_interval = 1000; for (var i = 0; i < current_item_property.settings.length; i++) { current_setting = current_item_property.settings[i]; // the check is done using this form [...) of the interval or the last position 100% if ((current_setting.start_percent <= item.percent_value && item.percent_value < current_setting.end_percent) || (item.percent_value === current_setting.end_percent && 100 === item.percent_value)) { if (current_setting.start_value === current_setting.end_value) { new_computed_value = current_setting.start_value; } else { // local computed value can have a positive value or a negative value, it depends of the difference end_value - start_value // for a linear easing function, the new computed value is the start_value + local_computed_value // if start_value < end_value, the variable local_computed_value is positive // if start_value > end_value, the variable local_computed_value is negative local_computed_value = (item.percent_value - current_setting.start_percent) / (current_setting.end_percent - current_setting.start_percent) * (current_setting.end_value - current_setting.start_value); // if there's specified an easing function, it's applied over the computed_value if ((undefined === current_setting.easing) || ('' === current_setting.easing)) { // linear easing function new_computed_value = current_setting.start_value + local_computed_value; } else { // specifying an easing function easing_step = Math.abs(current_setting.start_value - current_setting.end_value) / easing_division_interval; if (current_setting.start_value < current_setting.end_value) { easing_computed_value = current_setting.start_value + jQuery.easing[current_setting.easing]( null, local_computed_value, 0, easing_step, current_setting.end_value - current_setting.start_value) * easing_division_interval; } else { easing_computed_value = current_setting.start_value - jQuery.easing[current_setting.easing]( null, -local_computed_value, 0, easing_step, current_setting.start_value - current_setting.end_value) * easing_division_interval; } new_computed_value = easing_computed_value; //console.log(current_setting.easing + ' : ' + easing_step + ' ~ ' + easing_computed_value + ' ~ ' + (current_setting.start_value + computed_value) + ' & ' + current_setting.start_value + ' $ ' + current_setting.end_value); } } // if the existing computed value is different, the new computed value is cached if (current_item_property.computed_value !== new_computed_value) { current_item_property.computed_value = new_computed_value; computed_properties[property] = new_computed_value; // the item is marked that it has at least one property that need to be redraw // the animation callback functions are called just for the marked items item.redraw = true; } break; } } } } // a plain javascript object is added if there is no computed property item.computed_item_properties = computed_properties; }, /** * - used for computing item * - the item properties are computed only when the item is in the view port and it is moving * * @param item The tdAnimationScroll.item to be computed */ compute_item: function compute_item(item) { //console.clear(); // the item must be initialized first if (false === item._is_initialized) { return; } var percent_display_value = 0; if (tdEvents.window_pageYOffset + tdEvents.window_innerHeight >= item.offset_top) { if (tdEvents.window_pageYOffset > item.offset_bottom_top) { percent_display_value = 100; } else { percent_display_value = (tdEvents.window_pageYOffset + tdEvents.window_innerHeight - item.offset_top) * 100 / (tdEvents.window_innerHeight + item.full_height); } } //console.log(window.pageYOffset + ' : ' + item.offset_top + ' : ' + item.offset_bottom_top); if (item.percent_value !== percent_display_value) { item.percent_value = percent_display_value; tdAnimationScroll._compute_item_properties(item); } item.top_is_out = tdEvents.window_pageYOffset > item.offset_top; //console.log(percent_display_value); }, /** * - used to request an animation frame for computing all items * - the flag animation_running is set to false by the last requestAnimationFrame callback (the last animation call), * so a new call to requestAnimationFrame can be done */ compute_all_items: function compute_all_items() { //tdAnimationScroll.animate(); if (false === tdAnimationScroll.animation_running) { tdAnimationScroll.rAFIndex = window.requestAnimationFrame( tdAnimationScroll._animate_all_items ); } tdAnimationScroll.animation_running = true; }, /** * - used to call the existing callback animate functions * * @private */ _animate_all_items: function _animate_all_items() { //var start_time = Date.now(); for (var i = 0; i < tdAnimationScroll.items.length; i++) { if ( false === tdAnimationScroll.items[i].computation_stopped) { tdAnimationScroll.compute_item(tdAnimationScroll.items[i]); } } for (var j = 0; j < tdAnimationScroll.items.length; j++) { if (true === tdAnimationScroll.items[j].redraw) { tdAnimationScroll.items[j].animation_callback(); } } tdAnimationScroll.animation_running = false; //var end_time = Date.now(); // //var debug_table = jQuery("#debug_table"); //debug_table.html((end_time - start_time) + ' ms'); }, /** @todo we'll see if it's necessary to make reinitialization just at the view port changing. Now, it's not * - necessary to be called when the window is being resized */ td_events_resize: function td_events_resize() { if (0 === tdAnimationScroll.items.length) { return; } // this will be applied if it depends just by view port changing //if (tdAnimationScroll._changed_view_port_width()) { // tdAnimationScroll.reinitialize_all_items(); //} tdAnimationScroll.reinitialize_all_items(false); tdAnimationScroll.compute_all_items(); }, log: function log(msg) { //console.log(msg); } }; tdAnimationScroll.init(); })(); /** * Created by tagdiv on 23.02.2015. */ var tdBackstr = {}; (function(){ 'use strict'; tdBackstr = { items: [], item: function() { // OPTIONAL - here we store the block Unique ID. This enables us to delete the item via this id @see tdBackstr.deleteItem this.blockUid = ''; // check if is necessary to apply modification (css) this.previous_value = 0; // the image aspect ratio this.image_aspect_rate = 0; // the wrapper jquery object this.wrapper_image_jquery_obj = ''; // the image jquery object this.image_jquery_obj = ''; }, /** * * @param item */ add_item: function( item ) { if ( item.constructor !== tdBackstr.item ) { return; } //if ((item.image_jquery_obj.complete) // // // this is a case when the image is still not loaded but the height() and width() return both 24px // // @todo it must be modified. It's used because for backstretch are usually used large images // && ((item.image_jquery_obj.height() != 24) && (item.image_jquery_obj.width() != 24)) //) if ( item.image_jquery_obj.get( 0 ).complete ) { tdBackstr._load_item_image( item ); } else { item.image_jquery_obj.on( 'load', function() { tdBackstr._load_item_image( item ); }); //var currentTimeStart = Date.now(); // //var loaded_image_jquery_ojb = false; // //item.image_jquery_obj.on('load', function() { // // loaded_image_jquery_ojb = true; // // // tdBackstr._load_item_image(item); // console.log('backstr tarziu ' + item.image_jquery_obj.height() + ' > timp : ' + (Date.now() - currentTimeStart)); //}); // // //var indexInterval = setInterval(function() { // if (loaded_image_jquery_ojb) { // clearInterval(indexInterval); // console.log('imagine incarcata ' + item.image_jquery_obj.height() + ' > timp : ' + (Date.now() - currentTimeStart)); // } //}, 0); } }, deleteItem: function( blockUid ) { for (var i = 0; i < tdBackstr.items.length; i++) { if ( tdBackstr.items[ i ].blockUid === blockUid ) { tdBackstr.items.splice(i, 1); // remove the item from the "array" return true; } } return false; }, _load_item_image: function( item ) { item.image_aspect_rate = item.image_jquery_obj.width() / item.image_jquery_obj.height(); tdBackstr.items.push( item ); tdBackstr._compute_item( item ); item.image_jquery_obj.css( 'opacity', '1' ); }, /** * * @param item * @private */ _compute_item: function( item ) { // the wrapper aspect ratio can vary, so it's recomputed at computing item var wrapper_aspect_rate = item.wrapper_image_jquery_obj.width() / item.wrapper_image_jquery_obj.height(); var current_value = 0; if ( wrapper_aspect_rate < item.image_aspect_rate ) { current_value = 1; if ( item.previous_value !== current_value ) { item.image_jquery_obj.removeClass( 'td-stretch-width' ); item.image_jquery_obj.addClass( 'td-stretch-height' ); item.previous_value = current_value; } } else { current_value = 2; if ( item.previous_value !== current_value ) { item.image_jquery_obj.removeClass( 'td-stretch-height' ); item.image_jquery_obj.addClass( 'td-stretch-width' ); item.previous_value = current_value; } } }, /** * * @private */ _compute_all_items: function() { for ( var i = 0; i < tdBackstr.items.length; i++ ) { tdBackstr._compute_item( tdBackstr.items[ i ] ); } }, td_events_resize: function() { if ( 0 === tdBackstr.items.length ) { return; } tdBackstr._compute_all_items(); }, log: function( msg ) { window.console.log( msg ); } }; })(); /** * Created by tagdiv on 11.03.2015. */ /** * abstract: * - check all items in page, sort them using one of a sorted methods and add them in the items array * - at every scroll the items are verified if they are in view port or above * - every item in view port is added into the _items_in_view_port array and they are ready for animation * - items above view port are animated all at once * - items in view port are animated at crescendo intervals [interval / remaining items] * - there's a max and a min interval * - td_block ajax request response use a sort method and add founded items into view port array or into items array */ /* global jQuery:false */ /* global tdDetect:false */ /* global tdEvents:{} */ var tdAnimationStack = {}; ( function() { "use strict"; tdAnimationStack = { /* Important: 1. The first animation step is produced by the the body selector @see animation-stack.less 2. The second animation step can be applied by the animation_css_class1 3. The final (the main) animation step is applied by the animation_css_class2 */ // - flag css class used by the non 'type0' animation effect // - flag used just to look for not yet computed item // - it's set by ready_init (on ready) // - all dom components that need to be animated will be marked with this css class in ready_init // - it can be used for a precomputed style, but carefully, because it's applied at ready_init (on ready) _animation_css_class1: '', // - flag css class used by the non 'type0' animation effect // - flag css class used to animate custom // - this css class applies the final animation _animation_css_class2: '', // - the default animation effect 'type0' is applied if the global window.td_animation_stack_effect is the empty string // - it's used for consistency of animation effects presented into the animation-stack.less [all types have a name (...type...)] _animation_default_effect: 'type0', // - tdAnimationStack runs just only when this flag is true // - it's done true by the init function activated: false, // flag checked by the major animation operations _ready_for_initialization: true, // interval used by ready_init to check tdAnimationStack state _ready_init_timeout: undefined, // max time[ms] interval waiting for first tdAnimationStack.init call max_waiting_for_init: 3000, // the specific selectors are used to look for new elements inside of the specific sections _specific_selectors: '', // the general selectors are used to look for elements over extend areas in DOM _general_selectors: '', /** * - wait for tdAnimationStack.init() for max_waiting_for_init time * - if time is elapsed, the animation is canceled * - the ready_init is canceled by a fast tdAnimationStack.init call */ ready_init: function() { // - special case for IE8 and IE9 (and if Visual Composer image carousel exists) // Important! The Visual Compose images carousel has hidden elements (images) that does not allow for computing the real position of the other DOM elements in the viewport // - the animation is forced removed and the altered css body is cleaned if ( tdDetect.isIe8 || tdDetect.isIe9 || ( jQuery( '.vc_images_carousel' ).length > 0 ) ) { tdAnimationStack._ready_for_initialization = false; if ( undefined !== window.td_animation_stack_effect ) { if ( '' === window.td_animation_stack_effect ) { window.td_animation_stack_effect = tdAnimationStack._animation_default_effect; } jQuery( 'body' ).removeClass( 'td-animation-stack-' + window.td_animation_stack_effect ); } return; } if ( undefined === window.tds_animation_stack || undefined === window.td_animation_stack_effect ) { // lock any further operation using the _ready_for_initialization flag tdAnimationStack._ready_for_initialization = false; } else { // the tdAnimationStack._specific_selectors is set by the global variable window.td_animation_stack_specific_selectors if ( undefined !== window.td_animation_stack_specific_selectors ) { tdAnimationStack._specific_selectors = window.td_animation_stack_specific_selectors; } // if the global variable window.td_animation_stack_effect has the empty string value, the 'full fade' (type0) effect is prepared to be applied if ( '' === window.td_animation_stack_effect ) { window.td_animation_stack_effect = tdAnimationStack._animation_default_effect; } tdAnimationStack._animation_css_class1 = 'td-animation-stack-' + window.td_animation_stack_effect + '-1'; tdAnimationStack._animation_css_class2 = 'td-animation-stack-' + window.td_animation_stack_effect + '-2'; // - the tdAnimationStack._general_selectors is set by the global variable window.td_animation_stack_general_selectors if ( undefined !== window.td_animation_stack_general_selectors ) { tdAnimationStack._general_selectors = window.td_animation_stack_general_selectors; } // the tdAnimationStack._animation_css_class1 css class is applied for all elements need to be animated later jQuery( tdAnimationStack._general_selectors ).addClass( tdAnimationStack._animation_css_class1 ); // - timeout used by the ready_init function, to cut down tdAnimationStack.init calling at loading page, when the call comes too late // - if tdAnimationStack.init comes earlier, it does a clearTimeout call over the tdAnimationStack._ready_init_timeout variable tdAnimationStack._ready_init_timeout = setTimeout( function() { // if tdAnimationStack is activated, do nothing if ( true === tdAnimationStack.activated ) { return; } // lock any further operation using the _ready_for_initialization flag tdAnimationStack._ready_for_initialization = false; // remove the loading animation css class effect from the body // this class is applied from the theme settings if ( undefined !== window.td_animation_stack_effect ) { jQuery( 'body' ).removeClass( 'td-animation-stack-' + window.td_animation_stack_effect ); } }, tdAnimationStack.max_waiting_for_init ); } }, // flag marks items where they are _ITEM_TO_VIEW_PORT: { ITEM_ABOVE_VIEW_PORT: 0, ITEM_IN_VIEW_PORT: 1, ITEM_UNDER_VIEW_PORT: 2 }, // predefined sorting methods SORTED_METHOD: { sort_left_to_right: function sort_left_to_right( item1, item2 ) { if ( item1.offset_top > item2.offset_top ) { return 1; } else if ( item1.offset_top < item2.offset_top ) { return -1; } else if ( item1._order > item2._order ) { return 1; } else if ( item1._order < item2._order ) { return -1; } return 0; }, sort_right_to_left: function sort_right_to_left( item1, item2 ) { if ( item1.offset_top > item2.offset_top ) { return 1; } else if ( item1.offset_top < item2.offset_top ) { return -1; } else if ( item1._order > item2._order ) { return -1; } else if ( item1._order < item2._order ) { return 1; } return -1; } }, // keeps the DOM reading order, used in the sorting methods _order: 0, // interval divided to animate items // ex. interval 100 and 2 items => one item at 100 / 2 and one item at 100 / 1, but not lower than min_interval and not higher than max_interval interval: 70, // min interval of a set timer min_interval: 17, // max interval of a set timer max_interval: 40, // keep current setInterval _current_interval: undefined, // items in view port are moved here _items_in_view_port: [], // items above the view port are moved here _items_above_view_port: [], // all items that will be processed items: [], /** * - tdAnimationStack.item */ item: function() { // offset from the top of the item, to the top // it's set at the initialization item this.offset_top = undefined; // offset from the bottom of the item, to the top // it's set at the initialization item this.offset_bottom_to_top = undefined; // jquery object reference // it's set before the initialization of the item this.jqueryObj = undefined; // the reading order from DOM // it's set at the initialization item this._order = undefined; }, /** * - initialize a tdAnimationStack.item and add it in tdAnimationStack.items * @param item tdAnimationStack.item */ //add_item: function add_item(item) { // // if (item.constructor != tdAnimationStack.item) { // return; // } // // tdAnimationStack.items.push(item); //}, /** * - initialize the offset top of the tdAnimationStack.item parameter * @param item tdAnimationStack.item * @private */ _initialize_item: function( item ) { item._order = tdAnimationStack._order++; item.offset_top = item.jqueryObj.offset().top; //item.offset_relative = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(item.jqueryObj.offset().top, 2) + Math.pow(item.jqueryObj.offset().left, 2)); item.offset_bottom_to_top = item.offset_top + item.jqueryObj.height(); //item.jqueryObj.parent().prepend('
' + item.offset_top + '
'); }, /** * - dynamically search for new elements to create new tdAnimationStack.item * - the items are added in the tdAnimationStack._items_in_view_port, that means they are ready to be animated, * or in the tdAnimationStack.items to be computed later (checked if they are in the view port and animated) * @param selector {string} - jQuery selector * @param sort_type {tdAnimationStack.SORTED_METHOD} - a preferred tdAnimationStack.SORTED_METHOD * @param in_view_port {boolean} - add an item in the tdAnimationStack._items_in_view_port or in the tdAnimationStack.items */ check_for_new_items: function( selector, sort_type, in_view_port ) { // tdAnimationStack must be activated and not stopped for initialization by the ready_init checker if ( ( false === tdAnimationStack.activated ) || ( false === tdAnimationStack._ready_for_initialization ) ) { return; } if ( undefined === selector ) { selector = ''; } // the local stack of searched items var local_stack = []; //if (window.td_animation_stack_effect === 'type0') { // // for every founded element there's an instantiated tdAnimationStack.item, then initialized and added to the local stack // var founded_elements = jQuery(selector + ', .post').find(tdAnimationStack._specific_selectors).filter(function() { // return jQuery(this).css('opacity') === '0'; // }); // //} else { jQuery( tdAnimationStack._general_selectors).not( '.' + tdAnimationStack._animation_css_class2 ).addClass( tdAnimationStack._animation_css_class1 ); // for every founded element there's an instantiated tdAnimationStack.item, then initialized and added to the local stack var founded_elements = jQuery( selector + ', .post' ).find( tdAnimationStack._specific_selectors ).filter( function() { return jQuery( this ).hasClass( tdAnimationStack._animation_css_class1 ); }); //} founded_elements.each( function( index, element ) { var item_animation_stack = new tdAnimationStack.item(); item_animation_stack.jqueryObj = jQuery( element ); tdAnimationStack.log( index ); tdAnimationStack._initialize_item( item_animation_stack ); local_stack.push( item_animation_stack ); }); // new scope having its own timer used for checking not yet loaded images ( function(){ var images_loaded = true; for ( var i = 0; i < local_stack.length; i++ ) { // for every image element the 'complete' property is checked // "If the image is finished loading, the complete property returns true" // when tdAnimationStack.init is called on load, as normally, it calls tdAnimationStack.check_for_new_items and all these element has 'complete' property true // when tdAnimationStack.check_for_new_items is called by block's ajax response, the next timer is used to wait for all elements being loaded if ( false === founded_elements[ i ].complete ) { images_loaded = false; break; } } // if there's at least one element not loaded, a timer is started to wait for if ( false === images_loaded ) { var date = new Date(); var start_time = date.getTime(); tdAnimationStack.log( 'TIMER - started' ); // the timer is started var interval_check_loading_image = setInterval( function() { // if there's too much time waiting for image loading, they are made visible var date = new Date(); var i = 0; if ( ( date.getTime() - start_time ) > tdAnimationStack.max_waiting_for_init ) { clearInterval( interval_check_loading_image ); for ( i = 0; i < local_stack.length; i++ ) { //if (window.td_animation_stack_effect === 'type0') { // local_stack[i].jqueryObj.css('opacity', 1); //} else { local_stack[ i ].jqueryObj.removeClass( tdAnimationStack._animation_css_class1 ); local_stack[ i ].jqueryObj.addClass( tdAnimationStack._animation_css_class2 ); //} } return; } // at every interval step, the element's 'complete' property is checked again images_loaded = true; for ( i = 0; i < local_stack.length; i++ ) { if ( false === founded_elements[ i ].complete ) { images_loaded = false; break; } } if ( true === images_loaded ) { clearInterval( interval_check_loading_image ); tdAnimationStack.log( 'TIMER - stopped' ); tdAnimationStack._precompute_items( local_stack, sort_type, in_view_port ); tdAnimationStack.compute_items(); } }, 100); } else { tdAnimationStack._precompute_items( local_stack, sort_type, in_view_port ); tdAnimationStack.compute_items(); } })(); tdAnimationStack.log( 'checked for new items finished' ); }, /** * - _precompute_items sorts and adds items in the tdAnimationStack.items array or even in the * tdAnimationStack._items_in_view_port array * - this function is necessary because at scroll just the tdAnimationStack.compute_items function is called * * @param stack_items {[]} founded items * @param sort_type {function} sorting method * @param in_view_port {boolean} add in view port to be already computed, or in the general items array * @private */ _precompute_items: function( stack_items, sort_type, in_view_port ) { stack_items.sort( sort_type ); if ( true === in_view_port ) { while ( stack_items.length > 0 ) { tdAnimationStack.log( 'add item 1 : ' + stack_items.length ); tdAnimationStack._items_in_view_port.push( stack_items.shift() ); } } else { while (stack_items.length > 0) { tdAnimationStack.log( 'add item 2 : ' + stack_items.length ); tdAnimationStack.items.push( stack_items.shift() ); } } }, /** * - IT'S CALLED ON PAGE LOAD [actually in tdLastInit.js] * - the general init function * - the items are added to the tdAnimationStack.items using check_for_new_items method, and then computed * - the arrays are cleared to be prepared for a reinitialization */ init: function() { if ( undefined === window.tds_animation_stack ) { return; } // tdAnimationStack must not be already stopped for initialization by a pre_init checker if ( false === tdAnimationStack._ready_for_initialization ) { return; } // clear the _ready_init_timeout, to stop it doing more checking clearTimeout( tdAnimationStack._ready_init_timeout ); // the tdAnimationStack is activated tdAnimationStack.activated = true; tdAnimationStack.check_for_new_items( '.td-animation-stack', tdAnimationStack.SORTED_METHOD.sort_left_to_right, false ); }, /** * - the arrays are cleared to be prepared for a reinitialization * - the init call is done */ reinit: function() { // tdAnimationStack must not be already stopped for initialization by a pre_init checker if ( false === tdAnimationStack._ready_for_initialization ) { return; } tdAnimationStack.items = []; tdAnimationStack._items_in_view_port = []; tdAnimationStack._items_above_view_port = []; tdAnimationStack.init(); }, /** * - compute all items */ compute_items: function() { // tdAnimationStack must be activated and not stopped for initialization by the ready_init checker if ( ( false === tdAnimationStack.activated ) || ( false === tdAnimationStack._ready_for_initialization ) ) { return; } // the tdAnimationStack.items are processed tdAnimationStack._separate_items(); // the items above the port view are animated while ( tdAnimationStack._items_above_view_port.length > 0 ) { tdAnimationStack.log( 'animation - above the view port' ); var item_above_view_port = tdAnimationStack._items_above_view_port.shift(); //if (window.td_animation_stack_effect === 'type0') { // item_above_view_port.jqueryObj.css('opacity', 1); //} else { item_above_view_port.jqueryObj.removeClass( tdAnimationStack._animation_css_class1 ); item_above_view_port.jqueryObj.addClass( tdAnimationStack._animation_css_class2 ); //} } // the items in the port view are prepared to be animated if ( tdAnimationStack._items_in_view_port.length > 0 ) { // clear any opened interval by a previous compute_items call clearInterval( tdAnimationStack._current_interval ); var current_animation_item = tdAnimationStack._get_item_from_view_port(); //if (window.td_animation_stack_effect === 'type0') { // current_animation_item.jqueryObj.css('opacity', 1); //} else { current_animation_item.jqueryObj.removeClass( tdAnimationStack._animation_css_class1 ); current_animation_item.jqueryObj.addClass( tdAnimationStack._animation_css_class2 ); // } if ( tdAnimationStack._items_in_view_port.length > 0 ) { tdAnimationStack.log( 'start animation timer' ); tdAnimationStack._to_timer( tdAnimationStack._get_right_interval( tdAnimationStack.interval * ( 1 / tdAnimationStack._items_in_view_port.length ) ) ); } } }, /** * - timer function initially called by a tdAnimationStack.compute_items function, and then it's auto called * - it calls a setInterval using the interval parameter * @param interval {int} - interval ms */ _to_timer: function( interval ) { tdAnimationStack._current_interval = setInterval( function () { if ( tdAnimationStack._items_in_view_port.length > 0 ) { var current_animation_item = tdAnimationStack._get_item_from_view_port(); tdAnimationStack.log( 'animation at interval: ' + interval ); //if (window.td_animation_stack_effect === 'type0') { // current_animation_item.jqueryObj.css('opacity', 1); //} else { current_animation_item.jqueryObj.removeClass( tdAnimationStack._animation_css_class1 ); current_animation_item.jqueryObj.addClass( tdAnimationStack._animation_css_class2 ); //} clearInterval( tdAnimationStack._current_interval ); if ( tdAnimationStack._items_in_view_port.length > 0 ) { tdAnimationStack._to_timer( tdAnimationStack._get_right_interval( tdAnimationStack.interval * ( 1 / tdAnimationStack._items_in_view_port.length ) ) ); } } }, interval ); }, /** * - get an item from the tdAnimationStack._items_in_view_port array * @returns {tdAnimationStack.item} * @private */ _get_item_from_view_port: function() { return tdAnimationStack._items_in_view_port.shift(); }, /** * - get the interval considering tdAnimationStack.min_interval and tdAnimationStack.max_interval * @param interval {int} - the checked interval value * @returns {int} - the result interval value * @private */ _get_right_interval: function( interval ) { if ( interval < tdAnimationStack.min_interval ) { return tdAnimationStack.min_interval; } else if ( interval > tdAnimationStack.max_interval ) { return tdAnimationStack.max_interval; } return interval; }, /** * - check where the item is to the view port * @param item {tdAnimationStack.item} * @returns {number} _ITEM_TO_VIEW_PORT value * @private */ _item_to_view_port: function( item ) { tdAnimationStack.log( 'position item relative to the view port >> ' + tdEvents.window_pageYOffset + tdEvents.window_innerHeight + ' : ' + item.offset_top ); if ( tdEvents.window_pageYOffset + tdEvents.window_innerHeight < item.offset_top ) { return tdAnimationStack._ITEM_TO_VIEW_PORT.ITEM_UNDER_VIEW_PORT; } else if ( ( tdEvents.window_pageYOffset + tdEvents.window_innerHeight >= item.offset_top ) && ( tdEvents.window_pageYOffset <= item.offset_bottom_to_top ) ) { return tdAnimationStack._ITEM_TO_VIEW_PORT.ITEM_IN_VIEW_PORT; } return tdAnimationStack._ITEM_TO_VIEW_PORT.ITEM_ABOVE_VIEW_PORT; }, /** * - check the sorted tdAnimationStack.items and move them into the _items_above_view_port array or into the _items_in_view_port * - the remaining items are kept by the tdAnimationStack.items for next processing * @private */ _separate_items: function() { if ( 0 === tdAnimationStack.items.length ) { return; } while ( tdAnimationStack.items.length > 0 ) { var item_to_view_port = tdAnimationStack._item_to_view_port( tdAnimationStack.items[ 0 ] ); switch ( item_to_view_port ) { case tdAnimationStack._ITEM_TO_VIEW_PORT.ITEM_ABOVE_VIEW_PORT : tdAnimationStack._items_above_view_port.push( tdAnimationStack.items.shift() ); break; case tdAnimationStack._ITEM_TO_VIEW_PORT.ITEM_IN_VIEW_PORT : tdAnimationStack._items_in_view_port.push( tdAnimationStack.items.shift() ); break; case tdAnimationStack._ITEM_TO_VIEW_PORT.ITEM_UNDER_VIEW_PORT : tdAnimationStack.log( 'after separation items >> above: ' + tdAnimationStack._items_above_view_port.length + ' in: ' + tdAnimationStack._items_in_view_port.length + ' under: ' + tdAnimationStack.items.length ); return; } } }, /** * - scroll event usually called by tdCustomEvents */ td_events_scroll: function() { tdAnimationStack.compute_items(); }, /** * - resize event usually called by tdCustomEvents */ td_events_resize: function() { // clear an existing interval clearInterval( tdAnimationStack._current_interval ); // reinitialize tdAnimationStack searching in page for not already animated items [which were already repositioned by resize] tdAnimationStack.reinit(); }, log: function( msg ) { //console.log(msg); } }; })(); /* global jQuery:{} */ /* global tdSmartSidebar:{} */ /* global tdUtil:{} */ /* global tdDetect:{} */ /* global tdPullDown:{} */ /* global tdAnimationScroll:{} */ /* global tdAnimationStack:{} */ /* global tdEvents:{} */ /* global tdAffix:{} */ "use strict"; /** * affix menu */ tdAffix.init({ menu_selector: '.td-header-main-menu', menu_wrap_selector: '.td-header-menu-wrap', tds_snap_menu: tdUtil.getBackendVar('tds_snap_menu'), tds_snap_menu_logo: tdUtil.getBackendVar('tds_logo_on_sticky'), menu_affix_height: 48, // value must be set because it can't be computed at runtime because at the time of tdAffix.init() we can have no affixed menu on page menu_affix_height_on_mobile: 53 }); /** * sidebar init */ if (tdUtil.getBackendVar('tds_smart_sidebar') == 'enabled' && tdDetect.isIos === false) { jQuery(window).load(function() { // find the rows and the sidebars objects and add them to the magic sidebar object array jQuery('.td-ss-row').each(function () { //@todo check to see if the sidebar + content is pressent var td_smart_sidebar_item = new tdSmartSidebar.item(); // td_smart_sidebar_item.sidebar_jquery_obj = jQuery(this).children('.td-pb-span4').children('.wpb_wrapper'); // td_smart_sidebar_item.content_jquery_obj = jQuery(this).children('.td-pb-span8').children('.wpb_wrapper'); td_smart_sidebar_item.sidebar_jquery_obj = jQuery(this).children('.td-pb-span4').find('.wpb_wrapper:first'); td_smart_sidebar_item.content_jquery_obj = jQuery(this).children('.td-pb-span8').find('.wpb_wrapper:first'); tdSmartSidebar.add_item(td_smart_sidebar_item); }); // check the page to see if we have smart sidebar classes (.td-ss-main-content and .td-ss-main-sidebar) if (jQuery('.td-ss-main-content').length > 0 && jQuery('.td-ss-main-sidebar').length > 0) { var td_smart_sidebar_item = new tdSmartSidebar.item(); td_smart_sidebar_item.sidebar_jquery_obj = jQuery('.td-ss-main-sidebar'); td_smart_sidebar_item.content_jquery_obj = jQuery('.td-ss-main-content'); tdSmartSidebar.add_item(td_smart_sidebar_item); } tdSmartSidebar.td_events_resize(); }); } // array keeping the tdAnimationScroll.item items used for backstretch var td_backstretch_items = []; jQuery(window).ready(function() { /** * pulldown lists * */ jQuery('.td-category-siblings').each(function (index, element) { var jquery_object_container = jQuery(element); var horizontal_jquery_obj = jquery_object_container.find('.td-category:first'); var vertical_jquery_obj = jquery_object_container.find('.td-subcat-dropdown:first'); if (horizontal_jquery_obj.length == 1 && vertical_jquery_obj.length == 1) { var pulldown_item_obj = new tdPullDown.item(); pulldown_item_obj.horizontal_jquery_obj = horizontal_jquery_obj; pulldown_item_obj.vertical_jquery_obj = vertical_jquery_obj; pulldown_item_obj.horizontal_element_css_class = 'entry-category'; pulldown_item_obj.container_jquery_obj = horizontal_jquery_obj.parents('.td-category-siblings:first'); tdPullDown.add_item(pulldown_item_obj); } }); /** * parallax effect */ jQuery('.td-backstretch').each(function (index, element) { if (!jQuery(element).hasClass('not-parallax')) { var item = new tdAnimationScroll.item(); item.jqueryObj = jQuery(element); item.wrapper_jquery_obj = item.jqueryObj.parent(); // - ideal translation is when the top of wrapper_jquery_obj is at the top of the view port, the jquery_obj image // is also already translated at the top of the view port // - the start_value should be item.wrapper_jquery_obj.offset().top + how much the jquery_obj was translated tdAnimationScroll.add_item(item); // we keep the tdAnimationScroll.item to change operation settings when the viewport is changing td_backstretch_items.push(item); td_compute_backstretch_item(item); } }); jQuery('.td-parallax-header').each(function (index, element) { var item = new tdAnimationScroll.item(); item.jqueryObj = jQuery(element); item.add_item_property('move_y', 40, 100, 0, 100, ''); item.add_item_property('opacity', 40, 80, 1, 0, ''); item.animation_callback = function () { var move_y_property = parseFloat(item.computed_item_properties['move_y']).toFixed(); var opacity_property = parseFloat(item.computed_item_properties['opacity']); item.jqueryObj.css({ '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(0px,' + move_y_property + 'px, 0px)', 'transform': 'translate3d(0px,' + move_y_property + 'px, 0px)' }); item.jqueryObj.css('transform', 'translate3d(0px,' + move_y_property + 'px, 0px)'); item.jqueryObj.css('opacity', opacity_property); item.redraw = false; } tdAnimationScroll.add_item(item); }); // compute all animation scroll items to be well positioned initially tdAnimationScroll.compute_all_items(); // load animation stack tdAnimationStack.ready_init(); }); //@todo the meaning of the following section is eligible to be moved to booster /** * Function used to register the 'move_y' property for every td_animations_scroll.item item of the td_backstretch_items array. * It scales the object image and translate it. At first it is translated so its bottom is at the bottom of the viewport, * but considering the backstretch css classes applied * * @param item tdAnimationScroll.item */ function td_compute_backstretch_item(item) { // Important! The following variables must be computed after add_item calling function, because they need item.full_height, item.offset_top, etc // percent when the object is in initial position // Important! It doesn't matter if the document is scrolled var initial_percent = (tdEvents.window_innerHeight - item.offset_top) * 100 / (tdEvents.window_innerHeight + item.full_height); // IMPORTANT! We suppose the item.offset_top is positive // the value used to compute the scale_factor // Important! It can be any value var scale_seed = item.offset_top / 2; // - the start_value is half of the scale_seed, so the object [image] is translated as its bottom is at the bottom of its view // - when scale_seed is zero (the object [image] is initially at the top of the viewport), the start_value is also zero var start_value = - scale_seed / 2; // DO NOT DELETE THE NEXT CODE LINES. The right value would be the next, but the divide operation does not have 100% accuracy, so we increase the interval // and so we are sure the object is not translated more than needed when is at the top of the window // // Important! The following case is when the object [image] is not initially at the top of the viewport. We mean that item.offset_top is positive value. // // When the top of the view is at the top of the window, the object [image] must be already translated at the top of the window. // //var end_value = ((100 - initial_percent) * scale_seed) / (intermediary_top_percent - initial_percent);; // //or actually // //var end_value = ((100 - initial_percent) * (item.offset_top / 2)) / (intermediary_top_percent - initial_percent);; if (start_value == 0) { // we choose to translate a quarter of the item height if its start_value is zero (the object [image] is initially at the top of the viewport) var end_value = item.full_height / 6; } else { // percent when the object has its top at the top of the window var intermediary_top_percent = (tdEvents.window_innerHeight) * 100 / (tdEvents.window_innerHeight + item.full_height); var end_value = ((100 - initial_percent) * (scale_seed / 1.2)) / (intermediary_top_percent - initial_percent); } // fix for firefox. It rounds up and loose 1 pixel start_value += 0.5; // if there already exists a 'move_y' property, it is removed item.remove_item_property('move_y'); item.add_item_property('move_y', initial_percent, 100, start_value, end_value, ''); var scale_factor = parseFloat(1 + Math.abs(scale_seed) / item.full_height).toFixed(2); // if there's already registered an 'animation_callback' function, it is removed delete item.animation_callback; item.animation_callback = function () { var property_value = parseFloat(item.computed_item_properties['move_y']).toFixed(); item.jqueryObj.css({ 'left': '50%', '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(-50%,' + property_value + 'px, 0px) scale(' + scale_factor + ',' + scale_factor + ')', 'transform': 'translate3d(-50%,' + property_value + 'px, 0px) scale(' + scale_factor + ',' + scale_factor + ')' }); item.redraw = false; } } /** * Created by ra on 8/12/2015. */ /* global jQuery:false */ /* global tdInfiniteLoader:false */ /* global tdAnimationStack:{} */ /* global tdSmartSidebar:false */ /* global tdLoadingBox:{} */ /* global tds_theme_color_site_wide:string */ /* global td_ajax_url:false */ /** * tdAjaxLoop.init() is called from: @see includes/wp_booster/td_page_generator::render_infinite_pagination */ var tdAjaxLoop = {}; (function () { 'use strict'; tdAjaxLoop = { loopState: { 'sidebarPosition': '', 'moduleId': 1, 'currentPage': 1, 'max_num_pages': 0, 'atts' : {}, 'ajax_pagination_infinite_stop' : 0, 'server_reply_html_data': '' }, /** * tdAjaxLoop.init() is called from: @see includes/wp_booster/td_page_generator::render_infinite_pagination * only when needed */ init: function () { jQuery('.td-ajax-loop-infinite').each( function() { // create a new infinite loader item var tdInfiniteLoaderItem = new tdInfiniteLoader.item(); tdInfiniteLoaderItem.jqueryObj = jQuery(this); tdInfiniteLoaderItem.uid = 'tdAjaxLoop'; /** * the callback when the bottom of the element is visible on screen and we need to do something - like load another page * - the callback does not fire again until tdInfiniteLoader.enable_is_visible_callback is called @see tdInfiniteLoader.js:95 */ tdInfiniteLoaderItem.isVisibleCallback = function () { // the is_visible callback is called when we have to pull new content up because the element is visible if ( 0 !== tdAjaxLoop.loopState.ajax_pagination_infinite_stop && tdAjaxLoop.loopState.currentPage >= tdAjaxLoop.loopState.ajax_pagination_infinite_stop && tdAjaxLoop.loopState.currentPage + 1 < tdAjaxLoop.loopState.max_num_pages // do we have a next page? ) { // stop the callback and show the load more button jQuery('.td-load-more-infinite-wrap') .css('display', 'block') .css('visibility', 'visible') ; } else { // load up the next page tdAjaxLoop.infiniteNextPage(false); } }; tdInfiniteLoader.addItem(tdInfiniteLoaderItem); }); // click on load more - the button should not be visible only when the ajax_pagination_infinite_stop limit is reached jQuery('.td-load-more-infinite-wrap').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); jQuery('.td-load-more-infinite-wrap').css('visibility', 'hidden'); tdAjaxLoop.infiniteNextPage(true); }); }, infiniteNextPage: function (isLoadMoreButton) { // prepare the request object tdAjaxLoop.loopState.currentPage++ ; tdAjaxLoop.loopState.server_reply_html_data = ''; // check here to avoid making an unnecessary ajax request when using infinite loading without button if ( tdAjaxLoop.loopState.currentPage > tdAjaxLoop.loopState.max_num_pages ) { //console.log('END' + tdAjaxLoop.loopState.currentPage + ' max: ' + tdAjaxLoop.loopState.max_num_pages); return; } jQuery('.td-ss-main-content').append('
'); tdLoadingBox.init(tds_theme_color_site_wide, 45); //init the loading box setTimeout(function () { jQuery('.td-loader-gif') .removeClass('td-loader-animation-start') .addClass('td-loader-animation-mid'); }, 50); var requestData = { action: 'td_ajax_loop', loopState: tdAjaxLoop.loopState }; //console.log('request:'); //console.log(tdAjaxLoop.loopState); jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: td_ajax_url, cache:true, data: requestData, success: function(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) { tdAjaxLoop._processAjaxRequest(data, isLoadMoreButton); }, error: function(MLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { //console.log(errorThrown); } }); }, _processAjaxRequest: function (data, isLoadMoreButton) { // stop the loader jQuery('.td-loader-gif').remove(); tdLoadingBox.stop(); var dataObj = jQuery.parseJSON(data); // empty reply - stop everything if ( '' === dataObj.server_reply_html_data ) { jQuery('.td-load-more-infinite-wrap').css('visibility', 'hidden'); return; } /** * @var {tdAjaxLoop.loopState} */ jQuery('.td-ajax-loop-infinite').before(dataObj.server_reply_html_data); //console.log('reply:'); //console.log(dataObj); if ( parseInt( dataObj.currentPage ) >= parseInt(dataObj.max_num_pages) ) { jQuery('.td-load-more-infinite-wrap').css('visibility', 'hidden'); } else { if ( true === isLoadMoreButton ) { jQuery('.td-load-more-infinite-wrap').css('visibility', 'visible'); } } setTimeout( function () { tdAnimationStack.check_for_new_items('.td-main-content' + ' .td-animation-stack', tdAnimationStack.SORTED_METHOD.sort_left_to_right, true); //tdSmartSidebar.compute(); }, 200); // on load more button, we don't have to compute the infinite loader event if ( true === isLoadMoreButton ) { return; } setTimeout( function() { //refresh waypoints for infinit scroll tdInfiniteLoader tdInfiniteLoader.computeTopDistances(); tdInfiniteLoader.enable_is_visible_callback('tdAjaxLoop'); //tdSmartSidebar.compute(); }, 500); setTimeout( function() { tdInfiniteLoader.computeTopDistances(); }, 1000); setTimeout( function() { tdInfiniteLoader.computeTopDistances(); }, 1500); } }; })(); /** * Created by ra on 9/30/2015. */ /* tdWeather.js v1.0 */ /* global jQuery:false */ /* global tdDetect:false */ /* global tdUtil:false */ /* global alert:false */ /* global tdLocalCache:false */ var tdWeather = {}; ( function(){ "use strict"; tdWeather = { // used to translate the OWM code to icon _icons: { // day '01d' : 'clear-sky-d', '02d' : 'few-clouds-d', '03d' : 'scattered-clouds-d', '04d' : 'broken-clouds-d', '09d' : 'shower-rain-d', // ploaie hardcore '10d' : 'rain-d', // ploaie light '11d' : 'thunderstorm-d', '13d' : 'snow-d', '50d' : 'mist-d', //night: '01n' : 'clear-sky-n', '02n' : 'few-clouds-n', '03n' : 'scattered-clouds-n', '04n' : 'broken-clouds-n', '09n' : 'shower-rain-n', // ploaie hardcore '10n' : 'rain-n', // ploaie light '11n' : 'thunderstorm-n', '13n' : 'snow-n', '50n' : 'mist-n' }, _currentRequestInProgress: false, // prevent multiple parallel requests _currentItem: '', // current weather object, it is set on click and after we modify it, it will be displayed // latitude and longitude position, used in callback hell _currentLatitude: 0, _currentLongitude: 0, _currentPositionCacheKey: '', _currentLocationCacheKey: '', //location _currentLocation: '', // all the weather items items: [], /** an item is json encoded from this in PHP: @see td_weather::$weather_data */ // location set filed open _is_location_open: false, /** * Init the class, we hook the click event */ init: function () { // weather location button click jQuery('.td-icons-location').click(function() { if (tdWeather._currentRequestInProgress === true) { return; } tdWeather._currentRequestInProgress = true; // get the block id tdWeather._currentItem = tdWeather._getItemByBlockID(jQuery(this).data('block-uid')); // get the position + callback var timeoutVal = 10 * 1000 * 1000; if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( tdWeather._updateLocationCallback, tdWeather._displayLocationApiError, {enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout: timeoutVal, maximumAge: 600000}); } tdWeather._currentRequestInProgress = false; }); jQuery('.td-weather-now').click(function(){ if (tdWeather._currentRequestInProgress === true) { return; } tdWeather._currentRequestInProgress = true; // get the block id tdWeather._currentItem = tdWeather._getItemByBlockID(jQuery(this).data('block-uid')); if (tdWeather._currentItem.current_unit === 1) { tdWeather._currentItem.current_unit = 0; } else { tdWeather._currentItem.current_unit = 1; } tdWeather._renderCurrentItem(); }); /** * set manual location * */ jQuery('.td-manual-location-form').submit( function(event){ event.preventDefault(); if (tdWeather._currentRequestInProgress === true) { return; } tdWeather._currentRequestInProgress = true; tdWeather._currentItem = tdWeather._getItemByBlockID(jQuery(this).data('block-uid')); //console.debug(this); tdWeather._currentLocation = jQuery('input#' + jQuery(this).data('block-uid')).val(); tdWeather._updateLocationCallback2(tdWeather._currentLocation); tdWeather._currentRequestInProgress = false; tdWeather._hide_manual_location_form(); }); jQuery(document).click(function(ev) { if ( tdWeather._is_location_open === true && jQuery(ev.target).hasClass('td-location-set-input') !== true && jQuery(ev.target).hasClass('td-location-set-button') !== true ) { tdWeather._hide_manual_location_form(); } }); }, /** * adds a new weather item * item.block_uid is REQUIERED, based on that id, we delete the item from the array *as of 27.4.2016 the id is not used * @param item object - an item is json encoded from this in PHP: @see td_weather::$weather_data */ addItem: function (item) { tdWeather.items.push(item); }, /// // For now it's not needed because td_weater.php does not add js if it detects td-composer // ** // * Deletes an item base on blockUid. // * Make sure that you add block_uid to items that you expect to be deleted // * @param blockUid // */ //deleteItem: function(blockUid) { // for (var cnt = 0; cnt < tdWeather.items.length; cnt++) { // if (tdWeather.items[cnt].block_uid === blockUid) { // tdWeather.items.splice(cnt, 1); // remove the item from the "array" // return true; // } // } // return false; //}, /** * 1. LOCATION api - position callback * @param position * @private */ _updateLocationCallback: function(position) { tdWeather._currentLatitude = position.coords.latitude; tdWeather._currentLongitude = position.coords.longitude; tdWeather._currentPositionCacheKey = position.coords.latitude + '_' + position.coords.longitude; // update the cache key for current position // check the cache first and avoid doing the same ajax request again if (tdLocalCache.exist(tdWeather._currentPositionCacheKey + '_today')) { tdWeather._owmGetTodayDataCallback(tdLocalCache.get(tdWeather._currentPositionCacheKey + '_today')); } else { var weather = 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lat=' + tdWeather._currentLatitude + '&lon=' + tdWeather._currentLongitude + '&units=metric&lang=' + tdWeather._currentItem.api_language + '&appid=' + tdWeather._currentItem.api_key; jQuery.ajax({ dataType: "jsonp", url: weather, success: tdWeather._owmGetTodayDataCallback, cache: true }); } //alert(position.coords.latitude + ' ' + position.coords.longitude); }, /** * 2. AJAX callback for today forecast, this also makes a call to ajax 5 days forecast * @param data - OWM api response - NOTICE: We don't check anything if it's correct :) * @private */ _owmGetTodayDataCallback: function (data) { // save the data to localCache tdLocalCache.set(tdWeather._currentPositionCacheKey + '_today', data); // prepare the tdWeather._currentItem object, notice that tdWeather._currentItem is a reference to an object stored in tdWeather.items tdWeather._currentItem.api_location = data.name; tdWeather._currentItem.today_clouds = tdUtil.round(data.clouds.all); tdWeather._currentItem.today_humidity = tdUtil.round(data.main.humidity); tdWeather._currentItem.today_icon = tdWeather._icons[data.weather[0].icon]; tdWeather._currentItem.today_icon_text = data.weather[0].description; tdWeather._currentItem.today_max[0] = tdUtil.round(data.main.temp_max, 1); //celsius tdWeather._currentItem.today_max[1] = tdWeather._celsiusToFahrenheit(data.main.temp_max); //imperial tdWeather._currentItem.today_min[0] = tdUtil.round(data.main.temp_min, 1); //celsius tdWeather._currentItem.today_min[1] = tdWeather._celsiusToFahrenheit(data.main.temp_min); //imperial tdWeather._currentItem.today_temp[0] = tdUtil.round(data.main.temp, 1); //celsius tdWeather._currentItem.today_temp[1] = tdWeather._celsiusToFahrenheit(data.main.temp); //imperial tdWeather._currentItem.today_wind_speed[0] = tdUtil.round(data.wind.speed, 1); //metric tdWeather._currentItem.today_wind_speed[1] = tdWeather._kmphToMph(data.wind.speed); //imperial //console.log(tdWeather._currentItem); //console.log(data); // check the cache first and avoid doing the same ajax request again if (tdLocalCache.exist(tdWeather._currentPositionCacheKey)) { tdWeather._owmGetFiveDaysData(tdLocalCache.get(tdWeather._currentPositionCacheKey)); } else { var weather = 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast/daily?lat=' + tdWeather._currentLatitude + '&lon=' + tdWeather._currentLongitude + '&units=metric&lang=' + tdWeather._currentItem.api_language + '&appid=' + tdWeather._currentItem.api_key; //console.log('forecast: ' + weather); jQuery.ajax({ dataType: "jsonp", url: weather, success: tdWeather._owmGetFiveDaysData, cache:true }); } }, /** * 3. AJAX callback for the 5 days forecast * @param data - OWM api response NOTICE: We don't check anything if it's correct :) * @private */ _owmGetFiveDaysData: function (data) { // save the data to localCache tdLocalCache.set(tdWeather._currentPositionCacheKey, data); // process the data for (var item_index = 0; item_index < tdWeather._currentItem.forecast.length ; item_index++) { var current_forecast = tdWeather._currentItem.forecast[item_index]; current_forecast.day_temp[0] = tdUtil.round(data.list[current_forecast.owm_day_index].temp.day); //celsius current_forecast.day_temp[1] = tdWeather._celsiusToFahrenheit(current_forecast.day_temp[0]); //imperial } tdWeather._renderCurrentItem(); }, /** * 4. Here we render the global tdWeather._currentItem object to the screen. The object already contains all the needed information * about where and what we have to render. * @private */ _renderCurrentItem: function () { //console.log('.' + tdWeather._currentItem.block_uid + ' .td-weather-city'); var blockInner = jQuery('#' + tdWeather._currentItem.block_uid); var currentLatitude = tdWeather._currentLatitude; var currentLongitude = tdWeather._currentLongitude; var currentLocation = tdWeather._currentLocation; // city blockInner.find('.td-weather-city').html(tdWeather._currentItem.api_location); if (currentLocation === '' && ( currentLatitude === 0 && currentLongitude === 0)){ blockInner.find('.td-weather-city').html(tdWeather._currentItem.location); } // conditions blockInner.find('.td-weather-condition').html(tdWeather._currentItem.today_icon_text); // animation // we remove all the classes! including the animation ones var icon_el = blockInner.find('.td-w-today-icon'); icon_el.removeClass(); icon_el.addClass('td-w-today-icon'); icon_el.addClass(tdWeather._currentItem.today_icon); var currentTempUnit = tdWeather._currentItem.current_unit; var currentSpeedLabel = 'kmh'; var currentTempLabel = 'C'; // preapare the labels if (currentTempUnit === 1) { currentSpeedLabel = 'mph'; currentTempLabel = 'F'; } // main temp blockInner.find('.td-big-degrees').html(tdWeather._currentItem.today_temp[currentTempUnit]); // main temp units blockInner.find('.td-weather-unit').html(currentTempLabel); // high blockInner.find('.td-w-high-temp').html(tdWeather._currentItem.today_max[currentTempUnit]); // low blockInner.find('.td-w-low-temp').html(tdWeather._currentItem.today_min[currentTempUnit]); // humidity blockInner.find('.td-w-today-humidity').html(tdWeather._currentItem.today_humidity + '%'); // wind speed blockInner.find('.td-w-today-wind-speed').html(tdWeather._currentItem.today_wind_speed[currentTempUnit] + currentSpeedLabel); // clouds blockInner.find('.td-w-today-clouds').html(tdWeather._currentItem.today_clouds + '%'); // full list of items! - just the temperature for (var item_index = 0; item_index < tdWeather._currentItem.forecast.length ; item_index++) { blockInner.find('.td-degrees-' + item_index).html(tdWeather._currentItem.forecast[item_index].day_temp[currentTempUnit]); } tdWeather._currentRequestInProgress = false; // allow other requests to take place }, /** * gets a weather item based on block_uid * @param block_uid * @returns {*} * @private */ _getItemByBlockID: function (block_uid) { for (var item_index = 0; item_index < tdWeather.items.length; item_index++) { if (tdWeather.items[item_index].block_uid === block_uid) { return tdWeather.items[item_index]; } } return false; }, /** * Displays a friendly error when the location api fails * @param error - a location api error object? * @private */ _displayLocationApiError: function (error) { if (error.code === 1) { if (tdDetect.isAndroid) { //show manual location form tdWeather._show_manual_location_form(); //alert('Please enable your gps and reload the page.'); } else if (tdDetect.isIos) { alert("Please enable Location services for Safari Websites and reload the page. \n ---------------------- \nSettings > Privacy > Location Services"); return; } //alert("Permission denied. Enable GPS or Location services and reload the page"); //show manual location form tdWeather._show_manual_location_form(); } //show manual location form tdWeather._show_manual_location_form(); }, /** * C to F converter. It rounds on big F numbers because we don't have space on the UI. * @param celsiusDegrees * @returns {*} * @private */ _celsiusToFahrenheit: function (celsiusDegrees) { var f_degrees = celsiusDegrees * 9 / 5 + 32; var rounded_val = tdUtil.round(f_degrees, 1); if (rounded_val > 99.9) { // if the value is bigger than 100, round it return tdUtil.round(f_degrees); } return rounded_val; }, /** * converter for KMH -> MPH ex: 2.3 * @param $kmph * @returns {*} * @private */ _kmphToMph: function ($kmph) { return tdUtil.round($kmph * 0.621371192, 1); }, /** * ************************************************************************************************************* * set manual location for weather widget * ************************************************************************************************************* */ /** * shows the manual location form */ _show_manual_location_form: function (){ tdWeather._currentItem = tdWeather._getItemByBlockID(tdWeather._currentItem.block_uid); jQuery('#' + tdWeather._currentItem.block_uid).find('.td-weather-set-location').addClass( 'td-show-location' ); jQuery('.td-manual-location-form input').focus(); tdWeather._is_location_open = true; }, /** * hides the manual location form */ _hide_manual_location_form: function (){ jQuery('#' + tdWeather._currentItem.block_uid).find('.td-weather-set-location').removeClass('td-show-location'); tdWeather._is_location_open = false; }, /** * Location API - position callback 2 - used on chrome or other browsers that do not allow current position retrieving * @param location */ _updateLocationCallback2: function(location){ tdWeather._currentLocationCacheKey = location; // check the cache first and avoid doing the same ajax request again if (tdLocalCache.exist(tdWeather._currentLocationCacheKey + '_today')) { tdWeather._owmGetTodayDataCallback2(tdLocalCache.get(tdWeather._currentLocationCacheKey + '_today')); } else { //console.log('city weather api request!'); var weather = 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=' + encodeURIComponent(location) + '&lang=' + tdWeather._currentItem.api_language + '&units=metric&appid=' + tdWeather._currentItem.api_key; //console.log('city api request url: ' + weather); jQuery.ajax({ dataType: "jsonp", url: weather, success: tdWeather._owmGetTodayDataCallback2, cache: true }); } }, /** * AJAX callback for today forecast on manual city location api request * @param data - OWM api response * */ _owmGetTodayDataCallback2: function (data) { // save the data to localCache tdLocalCache.set(tdWeather._currentLocationCacheKey + '_today', data); // prepare the tdWeather._currentItem object, notice that tdWeather._currentItem is a reference to an object stored in tdWeather.items tdWeather._currentItem.api_location = data.name; tdWeather._currentItem.today_clouds = tdUtil.round(data.clouds.all); tdWeather._currentItem.today_humidity = tdUtil.round(data.main.humidity); tdWeather._currentItem.today_icon = tdWeather._icons[data.weather[0].icon]; tdWeather._currentItem.today_icon_text = data.weather[0].description; tdWeather._currentItem.today_max[0] = tdUtil.round(data.main.temp_max, 1); //celsius tdWeather._currentItem.today_max[1] = tdWeather._celsiusToFahrenheit(data.main.temp_max); //imperial tdWeather._currentItem.today_min[0] = tdUtil.round(data.main.temp_min, 1); //celsius tdWeather._currentItem.today_min[1] = tdWeather._celsiusToFahrenheit(data.main.temp_min); //imperial tdWeather._currentItem.today_temp[0] = tdUtil.round(data.main.temp, 1); //celsius tdWeather._currentItem.today_temp[1] = tdWeather._celsiusToFahrenheit(data.main.temp); //imperial tdWeather._currentItem.today_wind_speed[0] = tdUtil.round(data.wind.speed, 1); //metric tdWeather._currentItem.today_wind_speed[1] = tdWeather._kmphToMph(data.wind.speed); //imperial // check the cache first and avoid doing the same ajax request again if (tdLocalCache.exist(tdWeather._currentLocationCacheKey)) { tdWeather._owmGetFiveDaysData2(tdLocalCache.get(tdWeather._currentLocationCacheKey)); } else { //console.log('api forecast request!'); var weather = 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast/daily?q=' + tdWeather._currentItem.api_location + '&lang=' + tdWeather._currentItem.api_language + '&units=metric&cnt=7&appid=' + tdWeather._currentItem.api_key; //console.log('city forecast api request url: ' + weather); jQuery.ajax({ dataType: "jsonp", url: weather, success: tdWeather._owmGetFiveDaysData2, cache:true }); } }, /** * AJAX callback for 5 days forecast on manual city location api request * @param data - OWM api response * */ _owmGetFiveDaysData2: function (data) { // save the data to localCache tdLocalCache.set(tdWeather._currentLocationCacheKey, data); /** * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * go through the api data list and increment the counter when we find a past day or the same as today * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ var counter = 0; for (var list_item_index = 0; list_item_index < data.list.length ; list_item_index++) { var timestamp = data.list[list_item_index].dt; //console.log(timestamp); //the forecast day in a 'easy to read' format - for testing purposes var forecast_day_format = td_date_i18n('Y m d, H:i a, T', timestamp); //console.log(forecast_day_format); var today_date = td_date_i18n('Ymd'); var forecast_day = td_date_i18n('Ymd', timestamp); // compare today with the forecast date in the format 20150210, today must be smaller if (today_date >= forecast_day){ counter = counter + 1; } } /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * check the data and set the current forecast day index accordingly * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for (var item_index = 0; item_index < tdWeather._currentItem.forecast.length ; item_index++) { var current_forecast = tdWeather._currentItem.forecast[item_index]; //daca indexul ii pe 1 si trebuie trecut pe 2 if (item_index === 0 && counter > 1 && current_forecast.owm_day_index < 2){ var current_forecast_owm_day_index_update_status_2 = true; } //daca trebuie setat pe 2 actulizeaza indexul curent if (current_forecast_owm_day_index_update_status_2) { current_forecast.owm_day_index = current_forecast.owm_day_index + 1; } //daca e pe 2 si trebuie trecut pe 1 if (item_index === 0 && counter < 2 && current_forecast.owm_day_index > 1){ var current_forecast_owm_day_index_update_status_1 = true; } //daca trebuie setat pe 1 actulizeaza indexul curent if (current_forecast_owm_day_index_update_status_1) { current_forecast.owm_day_index = current_forecast.owm_day_index - 1; } current_forecast.day_temp[0] = tdUtil.round(data.list[current_forecast.owm_day_index].temp.day); //celsius current_forecast.day_temp[1] = tdWeather._celsiusToFahrenheit(current_forecast.day_temp[0]); //imperial } tdWeather._renderCurrentItem(); } }; // end tdWeather })(); tdWeather.init(); //init the class /* global jQuery:{} */ /* global tdUtil:{} */ /* global tdTrendingNow:{} */ jQuery( window ).load(function() { 'use strict'; jQuery( 'body' ).addClass( 'td-js-loaded' ); window.tdAnimationStack.init(); }); jQuery( window ).ready(function() { 'use strict'; /* - code used to allow external links from td_smart_list, when the Google Yoast "Track outbound click and downloads" is checked - internal links ("#with-hash") are allowed too - test the links on incognito, by default Google analytics by yoast ignores the Administrator and Editor users */ jQuery( '.td_smart_list_1 a, .td_smart_list_3 a').click(function( event ) { if ( event.target === event.currentTarget ) { var targetAttributeContent = jQuery( this ).attr( 'target' ); var donwloadAttributeIsSet = jQuery( this )[0].hasAttribute( 'download' ); var currentUrl = jQuery( this ).attr( 'href' ); //if target is _blank open the link in a new window if (donwloadAttributeIsSet) { //link contains download attribute - do nothing, let it download } else if (targetAttributeContent == '_blank') { event.preventDefault(); window.open(currentUrl); } else { //regular links if (( window.location.href !== currentUrl ) && tdUtil.isValidUrl(currentUrl)) { window.location.href = currentUrl; } } } }); //trending now jQuery('.td_block_trending_now').each(function(){ var item = new tdTrendingNow.item(), wrapper = jQuery(this).find('.td-trending-now-wrapper'), autoStart = wrapper.data('start'), iCont = 0; //block unique ID item.blockUid = jQuery(this).data('td-block-uid'); //set trendingNowAutostart if (autoStart !== 'manual') { item.trendingNowAutostart = autoStart; } //take the text from each post from current trending-now-wrapper jQuery('#' + item.blockUid + ' .td-trending-now-post').each(function() { //trending_list_posts[i_cont] = jQuery(this)[0].outerHTML; item.trendingNowPosts[iCont] = jQuery(this); //increment the counter iCont++; }); //add the item tdTrendingNow.addItem(item); }); jQuery('.td-trending-now-nav-left').on('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var blockUid = jQuery(this).data('block-id'); tdTrendingNow.itemPrev(blockUid); }); jQuery('.td-trending-now-nav-right').on('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var blockUid = jQuery(this).data('block-id'); tdTrendingNow.itemNext(blockUid); }); //trending now //tdTrendingNowObj.tdTrendingNow(); //call to trending now function to start auto scroll //tdTrendingNowObj.tdTrendingNowAutoStart(); }); /** * Created by tagdiv on 29.09.2015. */ /* global jQuery:{} */ var tdAnimationSprite = {}; (function(){ 'use strict'; tdAnimationSprite = { items: [], // flag used to not call requestAnimationFrame until the previous requestAnimationFrame callback runs isInRequestAnimation: false, // The item that needs animation item: function item() { // here we store the block Unique ID. This enables us to delete the item via this id @see tdPullDown.deleteItem this.blockUid = ''; // boolean - an item must be initialized only once this._isInitialized = false; // boolean - an item can be paused and restarted this.paused = false; // boolean - the animation automatically starts at the computing item this.automatStart = true; // object - css properties that will be changed (key - value; ex: 'color' : '#00FFCC') this.properties = []; // boolean - flag used by the requestAnimationFrame callback to know which items have properties to apply this.readyToAnimate = false; // the index of the current frame this.nextFrame = 1; // number - the current interval id set for the animation this.interval = undefined; // the jquery obj whose background will be animated this.jqueryObj = undefined; // the css class selector of the jqueryObj this.animationSpriteClass = undefined; // string - default direction for parsing the sprite img this._currentDirection = 'right'; // number - the executed loops this._executedLoops = 0; // string - css background position this._prop_background_position = undefined; // The followings will be set from the class selector // int - number of frames (it must be greater than 1 to allow animation) this.frames = undefined; // the width(px) of a frame this.frameWidth = undefined; // int - the interval time (ms) the animation runs this.velocity = undefined; // boolean - to the right and vice versa this.reverse = undefined; // number - number of loops to animate this.loops = undefined; // Function actually compute the params for animation, prepare the params for next animation and calls t // he requestAnimationFrame with a callback function to animate all items ready for animation this.animate = function() { this._prop_background_position = ( -1 * this.nextFrame * this.frameWidth ) + 'px 0'; this.readyToAnimate = true; // The nextFrame value is computed for next frame if ( true === this.reverse) { if ( 'right' === this._currentDirection ) { if ( this.nextFrame === this.frames - 1 ) { this._currentDirection = 'left'; this.nextFrame--; } else { this.nextFrame++; } } else if ( 'left' === this._currentDirection ) { if ( 0 === this.nextFrame ) { this._currentDirection = 'right'; this.nextFrame++; this._executedLoops++; if ( ( 0 !== this.loops ) && ( this._executedLoops === this.loops ) ) { clearInterval( this.interval ); } } else { this.nextFrame--; } } } else { if ( this.nextFrame === this.frames - 1 ) { this._executedLoops++; // complete tour ( once to the right ), so we stop if ( ( 0 !== this.loops ) && ( this._executedLoops === this.loops ) ) { clearInterval( this.interval ); } this.nextFrame = 0; } else { this.nextFrame++; } } //this.jqueryObj.css('background-position', horizontalPosition + 'px 0'); // Any calls to requestAnimationFrame are stopped. Anyway, the settings of the current item are ready, // so the callback will consider it. if ( false === tdAnimationSprite.isInRequestAnimation ) { tdAnimationSprite.isInRequestAnimation = true; window.requestAnimationFrame( tdAnimationSprite.animateAllItems ); } }; }, /** * The css class selector must be some like this 'td_animation_sprite-10-50-500-0-1-1' * It must start with 'td_animation_sprite' * Fields order: * - number of frames * - width of a frame * - velocity in ms * - loops (number) : reload the animation cycle at infinity or specify the number of loops * - reverse (0 or 1) : the loop include, or not, the reverse path * - automatstart (0 or 1) : the item animation starts, or not, automatically * * @param item * @private */ _initializeItem: function( item ) { if ( ( true === item._isInitialized ) ) { return; } // get all strings containing 'td_animation_sprite' var regex = /(td_animation_sprite\S*)/gi; // resultMatch is an array of matches, or null if there's no matching var resultMatch = item.jqueryObj.attr( 'class' ).match( regex ); if ( null !== resultMatch ) { item.offsetTop = item.jqueryObj.offset().top; item.offsetBottomToTop = item.offsetTop + item.jqueryObj.height(); // the last matching is considered, because new css classes that matches, can be added before recomputing an item item.animationSpriteClass = resultMatch[ resultMatch.length - 1 ]; var sceneParams = item.animationSpriteClass.split( '-' ); if ( 7 === sceneParams.length ) { item.frames = parseInt( sceneParams[1] ); item.frameWidth = parseInt( sceneParams[2] ); item.velocity = parseInt( sceneParams[3] ); item.loops = parseInt( sceneParams[4] ); if ( 1 === parseInt( sceneParams[5] ) ) { item.reverse = true; } else { item.reverse = false; } if ( 1 === parseInt( sceneParams[6] ) ) { item.automatStart = true; } else { item.automatStart = false; } item._isInitialized = true; } } }, addItem: function( item ) { if ( item.constructor === tdAnimationSprite.item ) { tdAnimationSprite.items.push( item ); tdAnimationSprite._initializeItem( item ); if ( true === item.automatStart ) { tdAnimationSprite.computeItem( item ); } } }, /** * Deletes an item base on blockUid. * Make sure that you add blockUid to items that you expect to be deleted * @param blockUid */ deleteItem: function(blockUid) { for (var cnt = 0; cnt < tdAnimationSprite.items.length; cnt++) { if (tdAnimationSprite.items[cnt].blockUid === blockUid) { tdAnimationSprite.items.splice(cnt, 1); // remove the item from the "array" return true; } } return false; }, computeItem: function( item ) { // set interval just for frames greater than 1 if ( item.frames > 1 ) { // Check the item interval to not be set if ( undefined !== item.interval ) { return; } item.interval = setInterval(function(){ if ( false === item.paused ) { item.animate(); } }, item.velocity ); } }, // At recomputing, an item will check again its last css class selector and it is reinitialized. So, if a new // css class selector is added, it will use it. This way the animation can be modified recomputeItem: function( item ) { // stop any animation clearInterval( item.interval ); // reset the item interval item.interval = undefined; // reset the _isInitialized flag item._isInitialized = false; // reinitialize item tdAnimationSprite._initializeItem( item ); // compute the item again tdAnimationSprite.computeItem( item ); }, // Clear the interval set for an item. stopItem: function( item ) { if ( ( item.constructor === tdAnimationSprite.item ) && ( true === item._isInitialized ) ) { clearInterval( item.interval ); // reset the item interval item.interval = undefined; } }, // Start animation of a paused item startItem: function( item ) { if ( ( item.constructor === tdAnimationSprite.item ) && ( true === item._isInitialized ) ) { item.paused = false; } }, // Pause animation of an item pauseItem: function( item ) { if ( ( item.constructor === tdAnimationSprite.item ) && ( true === item._isInitialized ) ) { item.paused = true; } }, computeAllItems: function() { for ( var i = 0; i < tdAnimationSprite.items.length; i++ ) { tdAnimationSprite.computeItem( tdAnimationSprite.items[i] ); } }, recomputeAllItems: function() { for ( var i = 0; i < tdAnimationSprite.items.length; i++ ) { tdAnimationSprite.recomputeItem( tdAnimationSprite.items[i] ); } }, stopAllItems: function() { for ( var i = 0; i < tdAnimationSprite.items.length; i++ ) { tdAnimationSprite.stopItem( tdAnimationSprite.items[i] ); } }, pauseAllItems: function() { for ( var i = 0; i < tdAnimationSprite.items.length; i++ ) { tdAnimationSprite.pauseItem( tdAnimationSprite.items[i] ); } }, startAllItems: function() { for ( var i = 0; i < tdAnimationSprite.items.length; i++ ) { tdAnimationSprite.startItem( tdAnimationSprite.items[i] ); } }, // The requestAnimationFrame callback function. // The 'background-position' is set and then the 'readyToAnimate' flag is set to false animateAllItems: function() { var currentItem; for ( var i = 0; i < tdAnimationSprite.items.length; i++ ) { currentItem = tdAnimationSprite.items[i]; if ( true === currentItem.readyToAnimate ) { currentItem.jqueryObj.css( 'background-position', currentItem._prop_background_position ); currentItem.readyToAnimate = false; } } tdAnimationSprite.isInRequestAnimation = false; } }; /*
@note - we should have used the data- html attribute here! a - number of frames b - width(px) of a frame c - velocity d - loops number (0 for infinity) e - loop include reverse f - animation start automatically */ var tdAnimationSpriteElements = jQuery( 'span[class^="td_animation_sprite"]' ); for ( var i = 0; i < tdAnimationSpriteElements.length; i++ ) { var tdAnimationSpriteItem = new tdAnimationSprite.item(); tdAnimationSpriteItem.jqueryObj = jQuery( tdAnimationSpriteElements[i] ); tdAnimationSpriteItem.blockUid = tdAnimationSpriteItem.jqueryObj.data('td-block-uid'); // the block uid is used on the front end editor when we want to delete this item via it's blockuid tdAnimationSprite.addItem( tdAnimationSpriteItem ); } })(); function td_date_i18n(format, timestamp) { // http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net // + original by: Carlos R. L. Rodrigues (http://www.jsfromhell.com) // + parts by: Peter-Paul Koch (http://www.quirksmode.org/js/beat.html) // + improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net) // + improved by: MeEtc (http://yass.meetcweb.com) // + improved by: Brad Touesnard // + improved by: Tim Wiel // + improved by: Bryan Elliott // + improved by: David Randall // + input by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // + bugfixed by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net) // + improved by: Theriault // + derived from: gettimeofday // + input by: majak // + bugfixed by: majak // + bugfixed by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net) // + input by: Alex // + bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // + improved by: Theriault // + improved by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // + improved by: Theriault // + improved by: Thomas Beaucourt (http://www.webapp.fr) // + improved by: JT // + improved by: Theriault // + improved by: Rafał Kukawski (http://blog.kukawski.pl) // + bugfixed by: omid (http://phpjs.org/functions/380:380#comment_137122) // + input by: Martin // + input by: Alex Wilson // + input by: Haravikk // + improved by: Theriault // + bugfixed by: Chris (http://www.devotis.nl/) // + improved by: Jari Pennanen (https://github.com/ciantic/) - date_i18n from WordPress // % note 1: Uses global: php_js to store the default timezone // % note 2: Although the function potentially allows timezone info (see notes), it currently does not set // % note 2: per a timezone specified by date_default_timezone_set(). Implementers might use // % note 2: this.php_js.currentTimezoneOffset and this.php_js.currentTimezoneDST set by that function // % note 2: in order to adjust the dates in this function (or our other date functions!) accordingly // * example 1: date('H:m:s \\m \\i\\s \\m\\o\\n\\t\\h', 1062402400); // * returns 1: '09:09:40 m is month' // * example 2: date('F j, Y, g:i a', 1062462400); // * returns 2: 'September 2, 2003, 2:26 am' // * example 3: date('Y W o', 1062462400); // * returns 3: '2003 36 2003' // * example 4: x = date('Y m d', (new Date()).getTime()/1000); // * example 4: (x+'').length == 10 // 2009 01 09 // * returns 4: true // * example 5: date('W', 1104534000); // * returns 5: '53' // * example 6: date('B t', 1104534000); // * returns 6: '999 31' // * example 7: date('W U', 1293750000.82); // 2010-12-31 // * returns 7: '52 1293750000' // * example 8: date('W', 1293836400); // 2011-01-01 // * returns 8: '52' // * example 9: date('W Y-m-d', 1293974054); // 2011-01-02 // * returns 9: '52 2011-01-02' var that = this, jsdate, f, // Keep this here (works, but for code commented-out // below for file size reasons) //, tal= [], // trailing backslash -> (dropped) // a backslash followed by any character (including backslash) -> the character // empty string -> empty string formatChr = /\\?(.?)/gi, formatChrCb = function (t, s) { return f[t] ? f[t]() : s; }, _pad = function (n, c) { n = String(n); while (n.length < c) { n = '0' + n; } return n; }; f = { // Day d: function () { // Day of month w/leading 0; 01..31 return _pad(f.j(), 2); }, D: function () { // Shorthand day name; Mon...Sun return tdDateNamesI18n.day_names_short[f.w()]; }, j: function () { // Day of month; 1..31 return jsdate.getDate(); }, l: function () { // Full day name; Monday...Sunday return tdDateNamesI18n.day_names[f.w()]; }, N: function () { // ISO-8601 day of week; 1[Mon]..7[Sun] return f.w() || 7; }, S: function(){ // Ordinal suffix for day of month; st, nd, rd, th var j = f.j(), i = j%10; if (i <= 3 && parseInt((j%100)/10, 10) == 1) { i = 0; } return ['st', 'nd', 'rd'][i - 1] || 'th'; }, w: function () { // Day of week; 0[Sun]..6[Sat] return jsdate.getDay(); }, z: function () { // Day of year; 0..365 var a = new Date(f.Y(), f.n() - 1, f.j()), b = new Date(f.Y(), 0, 1); return Math.round((a - b) / 864e5); }, // Week W: function () { // ISO-8601 week number var a = new Date(f.Y(), f.n() - 1, f.j() - f.N() + 3), b = new Date(a.getFullYear(), 0, 4); return _pad(1 + Math.round((a - b) / 864e5 / 7), 2); }, // Month F: function () { // Full month name; January...December return tdDateNamesI18n.month_names[f.n() - 1]; }, m: function () { // Month w/leading 0; 01...12 return _pad(f.n(), 2); }, M: function () { // Shorthand month name; Jan...Dec return tdDateNamesI18n.month_names_short[f.n() - 1]; }, n: function () { // Month; 1...12 return jsdate.getMonth() + 1; }, t: function () { // Days in month; 28...31 return (new Date(f.Y(), f.n(), 0)).getDate(); }, // Year L: function () { // Is leap year?; 0 or 1 var j = f.Y(); return j % 4 === 0 & j % 100 !== 0 | j % 400 === 0; }, o: function () { // ISO-8601 year var n = f.n(), W = f.W(), Y = f.Y(); return Y + (n === 12 && W < 9 ? 1 : n === 1 && W > 9 ? -1 : 0); }, Y: function () { // Full year; e.g. 1980...2010 return jsdate.getFullYear(); }, y: function () { // Last two digits of year; 00...99 return f.Y().toString().slice(-2); }, // Time a: function () { // am or pm return jsdate.getHours() > 11 ? "pm" : "am"; }, A: function () { // AM or PM return f.a().toUpperCase(); }, B: function () { // Swatch Internet time; 000..999 var H = jsdate.getUTCHours() * 36e2, // Hours i = jsdate.getUTCMinutes() * 60, // Minutes s = jsdate.getUTCSeconds(); // Seconds return _pad(Math.floor((H + i + s + 36e2) / 86.4) % 1e3, 3); }, g: function () { // 12-Hours; 1..12 return f.G() % 12 || 12; }, G: function () { // 24-Hours; 0..23 return jsdate.getHours(); }, h: function () { // 12-Hours w/leading 0; 01..12 return _pad(f.g(), 2); }, H: function () { // 24-Hours w/leading 0; 00..23 return _pad(f.G(), 2); }, i: function () { // Minutes w/leading 0; 00..59 return _pad(jsdate.getMinutes(), 2); }, s: function () { // Seconds w/leading 0; 00..59 return _pad(jsdate.getSeconds(), 2); }, u: function () { // Microseconds; 000000-999000 return _pad(jsdate.getMilliseconds() * 1000, 6); }, // Timezone e: function () { // Timezone identifier; e.g. Atlantic/Azores, ... // The following works, but requires inclusion of the very large // timezone_abbreviations_list() function. /* return that.date_default_timezone_get(); */ //throw 'Not supported (see source code of date() for timezone on how to add support)'; console.log('Not supported (see source code of date() for timezone on how to add support)'); }, I: function () { // DST observed?; 0 or 1 // Compares Jan 1 minus Jan 1 UTC to Jul 1 minus Jul 1 UTC. // If they are not equal, then DST is observed. var a = new Date(f.Y(), 0), // Jan 1 c = Date.UTC(f.Y(), 0), // Jan 1 UTC b = new Date(f.Y(), 6), // Jul 1 d = Date.UTC(f.Y(), 6); // Jul 1 UTC return ((a - c) !== (b - d)) ? 1 : 0; }, O: function () { // Difference to GMT in hour format; e.g. +0200 var tzo = jsdate.getTimezoneOffset(), a = Math.abs(tzo); return (tzo > 0 ? "-" : "+") + _pad(Math.floor(a / 60) * 100 + a % 60, 4); }, P: function () { // Difference to GMT w/colon; e.g. +02:00 var O = f.O(); return (O.substr(0, 3) + ":" + O.substr(3, 2)); }, T: function () { // Timezone abbreviation; e.g. EST, MDT, ... // The following works, but requires inclusion of the very // large timezone_abbreviations_list() function. /* var abbr = '', i = 0, os = 0, default = 0; if (!tal.length) { tal = that.timezone_abbreviations_list(); } if (that.php_js && that.php_js.default_timezone) { default = that.php_js.default_timezone; for (abbr in tal) { for (i=0; i < tal[abbr].length; i++) { if (tal[abbr][i].timezone_id === default) { return abbr.toUpperCase(); } } } } for (abbr in tal) { for (i = 0; i < tal[abbr].length; i++) { os = -jsdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60; if (tal[abbr][i].offset === os) { return abbr.toUpperCase(); } } } */ return 'UTC'; }, Z: function () { // Timezone offset in seconds (-43200...50400) return -jsdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60; }, // Full Date/Time c: function () { // ISO-8601 date. return 'Y-m-d\\TH:i:sP'.replace(formatChr, formatChrCb); }, r: function () { // RFC 2822 return 'D, d M Y H:i:s O'.replace(formatChr, formatChrCb); }, U: function () { // Seconds since UNIX epoch return jsdate / 1000 | 0; } }; this.date = function (format, timestamp) { that = this; jsdate = (timestamp === undefined ? new Date() : // Not provided (timestamp instanceof Date) ? new Date(timestamp) : // JS Date() new Date(timestamp * 1000) // UNIX timestamp (auto-convert to int) ); return format.replace(formatChr, formatChrCb); }; return this.date(format, timestamp); }; // source --> http://www.worldcrimenews24.com/wp-includes/js/comment-reply.min.js?ver=6.1.7 /*! This file is auto-generated */ window.addComment=function(v){var I,C,h,E=v.document,b={commentReplyClass:"comment-reply-link",commentReplyTitleId:"reply-title",cancelReplyId:"cancel-comment-reply-link",commentFormId:"commentform",temporaryFormId:"wp-temp-form-div",parentIdFieldId:"comment_parent",postIdFieldId:"comment_post_ID"},e=v.MutationObserver||v.WebKitMutationObserver||v.MozMutationObserver,r="querySelector"in E&&"addEventListener"in v,n=!!E.documentElement.dataset;function t(){d(),e&&new e(o).observe(E.body,{childList:!0,subtree:!0})}function d(e){if(r&&(I=g(b.cancelReplyId),C=g(b.commentFormId),I)){I.addEventListener("touchstart",l),I.addEventListener("click",l);function t(e){if((e.metaKey||e.ctrlKey)&&13===e.keyCode)return C.removeEventListener("keydown",t),e.preventDefault(),C.submit.click(),!1}C&&C.addEventListener("keydown",t);for(var n,d=function(e){var t=b.commentReplyClass;e&&e.childNodes||(e=E);e=E.getElementsByClassName?e.getElementsByClassName(t):e.querySelectorAll("."+t);return e}(e),o=0,i=d.length;o